News Article

Death of 'Caveman' ends an era in Idaho

Having known homeless people myself, I'm always wary of politicians claims to wipeout homelessness and poverty. They clearly don't understand that for many it is a life choice. They definitely don't understand that poverty is an attitude, not a lifestyle. I've known "middle class" people who work 2 jobs, sacrifice a decent relationship with their children, and are ashamed or worried about the looks of their car or home. These people would never be classified as impoverished by the politicians.

Revlations of an Elite Family Insider - Uplifting!

I will admit before posting this that I haven't fully read the Law of One series yet. Not even the first book. To me it seems to take a long time to digest, and requires some nice slow reading. That being said, after reading this post at the attached link I feel a need to go back to it. This posting was supposedly by someone who is from an "elite bloodline," but it reads (especially in the later parts) like the law of one almost. Thats what I felt at least.

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