News Article

What are the Odds?

When are people going to wake up and see the writing on the wall?  We have to ask ourselves what would ISIS have to gain by targeting a building full of disabled people?  If we look at this incident from the perspective of gun control, it makes a lot more sense.  ~ Noa

EPA is no longer monitoring Beta radiation - citing interferance from cell phone towers

This story has me feeling very bad - like what's coming up would be a nuclear meltdown that "unfortunately" the EPA couldn't monitor.

If cell phone towers are giving off that much radiation we are in big trouble.


Looking for Transformation

I do so hope that there is an army of people out there right now, when it feels like it's the darkest hour before the dawn, each doing it's small part to move the sun one more inch toward arising and flooding the earth with abundance, happiness, justice, peace and truth.

I know Cunthia McKinney is definitely one of those people.

Holistic Practitioners endangered?

Just came across this article which speaks of alternative medicine physicians poisoned at a conference and several murdered in the U.S. in recent months, mostly in Florida and the southern states.  First I heard of it and thought I'd pass it on.  Seems a serious situation that is getting little airtime.  Go to to read the entire article.

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"