
New subscribe feature

Hey beautiful peoples!

We finally added a "subscribe" button so that you will be notified if someone comments on a post you are interested in. You'll find the button immediately below every post and above the comments to that post. Take care and I hope you are finding meaningful ways to surf the waves of these intense times.

With much love and warm wishes,


Shariff Abdullah and the Commonway Institute are at the end of their 64 day Campaign for Awakening Humanity and a "one world for all" movement.

There's a Zoom chat scheduled for Saturday morning at 10am Pacific time, if anyone wants to join. I'll be there.

Check out the website if you do.

The veils and scales, they are a'fallin!

Hello From Vietnam

Hello all,


It's wonderful to see some familiar faces (or names as it may be.)  I'm doing fantastic.  I have been shorting the markets pretty heavily and teaching online.  I've adhered to social distancing other than a few grocery store runs for almost 3 weeks now.


I created some new boundaries with my family, which were very important and necessary.  I now feel more free than any point in my life.  My online job is going well and paying great.  Vietnam is not only very affordable, but they are also handing this crisis very well.


The fear must cease; part one

I'm not a certified Herbalist or an M.D. but there is much sense in these articles and suggestions regarding non traditional treatment or prevention. Please inform yourself, use discretion or get professional advice but most of all-DONT GIVE IN TO FEAR.  Eat well, sleep well, play, laugh, pray, meditate, BE well. In Spirit you are already healthy, healed and whole. BE THAT.               love kristyne

Asking for a friend

Is this group dead?  


What is going on?  The world is literally on fire right now and nobody has anything to say.  This is a little weird to me.  Anbody else?


Hi all!


I am currently in Vietnam, but am planning to take a trip to India soon to find a monastery to study at for a while.  I was wondering if anyone knows anywhere to start.  I don't have much of a plan at the moment.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Some Different Theories

I am going to talk about eternity briefly in a different way than you are probably used to.  Most people usually think of eternity as a large amount of time. Usually it consists of many, many years.  My idea of eternity is a little different than most.

    My version of eternity does not consist of lots of years or minutes or even seconds.  In fast in my eternity, there is no such thing as time. I know this concept may be difficult to wrap your head around.  I call this No-Time.

Flashing Stars

So, I have been seeing something in the sky lately and can't find anything about it on the internet or from anyone I talk to.  Actually, I haven't brought it up to many people and the ones I do think I'm crazy.  So here goes...


At night I've been spending a lot of time with the stars lately and they have been flashing at me.  I don't know how to word it, but there have been kind of flashes like from a camera almost happening several times a night coming from the sky.


The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"