
The Trump Trance

Donald Trump. What does that name do to you? I see so many people immediately go into a trance when they hear this name. They are so passionately either for or against him. The same is true for many with Hillary Clinton. Do you realize how the whole country is being put into an us vs. them trance? Is that what we really want? What if politics is largely a charade to keep us distracted from the real work of finding love and meaningful connection with everyone in our lives?

Let's talk sex!

Hey awesome friends,

I've always known that once the PEERS websites felt complete, I wanted to start a new series of websites focused on what I believe to be the biggest wound on the planet - the sexual wound. The first website, Let's Talk Sex, is finally almost ready to launch. Yea!!!

changes proposed that limit our freedoms and potentially harm us all

Please take some time to look into this, it involves involuntary vaccines, potential confinement during travel to and from the U.S. etc.  We should all be watchful and writing to the powers that be regarding how unacceptable the following 'rules' are to each of us.

When you are triggered...

"When someone triggers you, they have a point. It's not about the story being accurate or not. Let every trigger trigger you into expansion. Don't stay stuck thinking of the other person and whether or not they were right; look into why you are triggered, and remember that whatever lack-belief made you feel disempowered can always be transmuted into freedom and empowerment if you are only willing." ~~ Bentinho Massaro

Beyond the temple of me

On a profound journey, I once was thrilled to enter a place called the Sacred Temple of Me. And what an awesome, beautiful temple it was! Yet then I moved even deeper into awe as I expanded beyond the Sacred Temple of Me to enter a temple far more magnificent - the Sacred Temple of We. Both of these temples are extremely profound, yet the Sacred Temple of We is so much more splendid, as it gloriously interconnects with all of the Sacred Temples of Me.

Temple of me and we

Awesome New Energy Sources Provide Hope for Bright Future. Will They See the Light?

In the late 1880's, trade journals in the electrical sciences were predicting "free electricity" in the near future. Incredible discoveries about the nature of electricity were becoming commonplace. Within 20 years, there would be automobiles, airplanes, movies, recorded music, telephones, radio, and practical cameras.

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"