
The energy fields we radiate

Who you are is an individuated consciousness temporarily housed within a physical body in this three-dimensional, five-sensory world. Yet your consciousness is also a fragment of the great mystery which underlies all existence. You are a unique and indispensable manifestation of the greater collective consciousness of which we are all a part. When we together embrace the limitless nature of our consciousness and the infinite possibilities contained therein, miracles cannot help but unfold.

FDR Speech at the Commonwealth Club

The following is FDR's speech at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco on September 23rd, 1932.  Reading it helped me to really see just how far we have gotten away from the greatness of America concerning the selfless ideal of working and growing business, economy and government for the good of the people, of the commonwealth.  Donald Trump branded the phrase, Make America Great Again.  He should read what FDR said and have himself a personal epiphany for his sake and the sake of us all, the commonwealth, the people.  (and so should Hillary, and every self-serving politician who has lost

Julian Assange missing, possibly abducted or dead

It only just came home to me -- and to internet news people like Alex Jones -- that this has probably happened.  I'm surprised how deeply it has affected me -- because of the respect I have for Assange and people like him (Snowden, Manning, Ellsberg, Edmonds, to name a few...)  We owe them a lot.  Let's hope he's hiding out somewhere.  As you will see, the facts are anything but clear.

Here are some links:

Elections Day Musings

For me, it’s all about connection. It’s all about feeling the energetic interconnectedness with everyone I meet, with all around me, and with All That Is. I know that once upon a time, we all came from the same divine source. In our deepest depths, we all carry a fragment or a spark of that original divine source within us. It’s in every one of us. And in this current unfolding of the ever present sacred now, we are all expressions of that same divine source exploring itself through us. 

Finding Hope in the Midst of Despair in These Wild and Crazy Times

Awesome short essay by Clarissa Pinkole Estes. With lyrical poetic language, she paints a picture of these deeply troubling times, yet call us to remember that we were made just for these times. Read and be inspired!!!

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"