Sacred Ayahuasca Journey
Here's my daily diary entry from a powerful sacred journey with Ayahuasca I experienced on the summer solstice with a number of good friends last year:
June 21: Wow!!! What an amazing sacred ayahuasca journey!!! Nine of us, including [several of] my dear friends ... were led by a wonderful couple ... through a powerful, heart-opening journey this evening. I had many, many powerful openings, experiences, and realizations. The overall theme for me was about the power of we. In the past on these journeys, I have left the physical realm and my Earth friends to soar to far, expanded realms and dimensions. This time, though I could easily have gone there again, I chose to largely stay with my wonderful friends both in the group and in my life on Earth. So much deep love and joy I felt between us all! Wow!!! Many thanks to you all!!!
It was such a powerful experience that the following day, I wrote down many of the amazing thoughts, experiences, and revelations from the journey. Here are some of the gems I wrote down from that experience, edited for clarity:
We started with some sacred ceremony. I called in my life intentions. Less than half an hour after drinking the magical brew, all of a sudden the medicine hit me and my whole body went limp as I broke into a cold sweat. From feeling great, yet still pretty normal just a moment before, I found myself suddenly presented with the pain and suffering of all humanity. Not only was I presented with it, I was asked to take it on and experience it!
The thought of taking on all human pain and suffering was overwhelming, and I almost threw up. I didn't know if I could or even if I wanted to do this. I then knew it was time to open to my deepest intention of what's best for all. Once I surrendered fully to what's best for all of us, I realized I did not need to personally experience all of this pain and suffering. I was willing to see it, but did not need to feel it. Once I made that choice, I no longer felt a need to throw up - or purge as they call it at ayahuasca ceremonies. In fact, I saw that I am already aware of all this, and I started feeling really great!
My body was completely slumped over on the floor during this opening experience. The ceremony leader struggled to get me into a sitting position as I faced my demons. I had not the least inclination to sit, but after he literally pulled me up and back into my backjack, I was fine staying there. Once I was alone back in my chair, I soon felt a pull to travel to far, expanded dimensions. Yet unlike previous sacred medicine journeys, I chose this time to stay on Earth with these good friends present in this physical reality with me.
I set my intentions to focus on connecting with my good friends in the circle and all in my life on Earth. Each time I started to travel away from this reality, I opened my eyes to come back into communion with this wonderful group. As I connected with everyone present, I felt all beings aligned consciously with All of Us move me and flow through me. I set an intention to frequently stop and feel all of these beings flowing through me and into our shared space. I opened to channeling their collective wisdom.
When dolphin and whale music later came on, I immediately felt their presence right there with their strong community consciousness. I felt clearly that I am a part of this great fluidity in which the communities of dolphins, whales, and many others flow. I have always known I was loved by all these beings - and my cuddly mom. I saw the dead dolphin on the beach in Bali before interpreting for President Bush, and it was me! I felt I came from the dolphins and was offered by my pod to leave the water and go up on dry land to bring the message of interconnectedness to humans.
A while later, I was thrilled to enter a place called the Sacred Temple of Me. And what an awesome, beautiful temple it was! Yet then I moved even deeper into awe as I expanded beyond the Sacred Temple of Me to enter a temple far more magnificent - the Sacred Temple of We. Both of these temples are extremely profound, yet the Sacred Temple of We is so much more splendid as it gloriously interconnects with all of the Sacred Temples of Me.
In the Sacred Temple of Me, self with a small "s" is given a voice to express it's frustration, rage, and other difficult emotions along with anything else that is there to be expressed. All parts of the self, the good, the bad, and the ugly, are deeply honored and welcomed there. Once small s self is fully expressed there, it then opens to connection with Self with a capital "S" and enters the Sacred Temple of We. In the Sacred Temple of We, the greater Self is integrally connected to all beings. In this most fabulous temple, I simply experienced on the deepest levels "We Are Here."
I saw on this powerful journey how we abandoned humans, and in so doing abandoned a part of ourselves. We once were a united group of grand beings having an incredible time exploring the mystical harmonies of the universe. As we left on these explorations, we allowed parts of ourselves to drop off and explore the worlds of chaos and separation. In our magical journeys, we then completely forgot about all the beings who left, yet who were once so a part of us. We forgot about these others who chose the path of separation as we dove ever deeper into bliss. These many forgotten others somehow chose to fall deep into pain, suffering, and even torture in their explorations. Yet we all allowed this to happen. We didn't even realize what we were doing to each other and to ourselves.
At some point as I was experiencing profound sadness over all of this, I began the beautiful, four-step practice of Ho oponopono for this entire situation: I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, and thank you. I felt fully my/our love for these lost beings. I felt my/our sorrow for allowing this to happen, and then asked for forgiveness. I gave deep gratitude to all of these beings who were willing to leave bliss and explore the huge challenges of separation for all of us.
I saw how at the deepest levels we are all creating this together in order to experience all possibilities of existence. By choosing to forget about these lost parts of ourselves, we allowed them to experience tremendous pain, hatred, anger, and suffering. They did it for all of us. I saw so clearly that it's time to invite those parts back, to invite reintegration of all parts of ourselves. There is no need to suffer now, as they have already done it for us. And they are we. And we have been and are them. Yet those who want may still go to those challenging places if they desire. We are all at choice.
I saw how negative judgment is a potent separator. Any of us can choose in any moment to live in judgment and separation, or to live in the paradise of loving connection with all around us. I reaffirmed my clear intention to choose to see the beauty and perfection in all beings and in all of us without denying or ignoring the suffering. When I can see beauty and divinity even amidst the chaos and suffering while holding a place of compassion, I experience paradise. I am living in heaven on Earth.
I saw so clearly how I can surrender to any experience, yet I get to choose how I interpret what happens. I can choose paradise right here and right now. I experienced how we are all part of the same divinely interconnected being looking at itself through our different eyes. We are each integral cells in the collective body of the All That Is.
I saw how the earth is now like a womb about to give birth. The planet is going through the difficult pains of a mother in labor, yet something glorious is just on the other side awaiting us. I invited us all to play a part in this sacred birthing process. We are all midwives to the process of creation that happens in every sacred moment of this eternal now. When we choose to be conscious of even these deep levels, we can't help but come together in greater harmony and integration, even as we honor and celebrate the uniqueness of each one of us.
At one point I recalled how because of my deep spirituality, a few friends have suggested that I get an Indian sounding name. In the past I had not at all been interested in this, as I have no desire to be any kind of guru. I like the name Fred specifically because it does not at all lend itself to the title of a guru or spiritual teacher. Guru Fred? You've got to be kidding! Yet on this journey, I found the perfect name if I had to chose a spiritual alternate to Fred. I feel in fact that it is my real name. My real spiritual name is We ;o)
At one point, a flowing, heavenly female spirit came and invited me to expanded realms as a reward for all my transformational work. I went along for a short while, yet before long I asked to come back. I really wanted to stay here with my friends. I already knew that heavenly place, as I had been there before on other journeys.
I saw how I am my intentions. I saw how the light is not so much in me as it is in my pure intentions. As a gift for my deep, pure intentions, I was very moved to be given the keys to the Akashic records. Yet then I was shown, too, that in reality, the only real keys to this library of all knowledge are a pure desire and intention for what's best for all. This pure intention naturally gives clear access to the core divinity of all beings and all knowledge.
I experienced the sacred tone of equality mentioned in the WingMakers material. I felt a desire for us all to sing together and tone into each other and with each other. Let's create tone pujas. Let us sing ourselves to paradise! Let us sing together an invitation to all to join in the ecstatic harmony of our deep interconnectedness.
Yet I felt no attachment to making this happen. I knew without doubt that eventually, we will all join in a dance of sacred harmonies in the perfect time and space. Maybe we all are already part of this dance, and it is simply up to us, and even up to me, to recognize this fully. Once I/we truly get this, we will be transformed. I got how it is my work to increasingly see and feel this perfection on ever deeper levels here and now.
I felt so much gratitude to all of my wonderful friends and to all of us for choosing to dance and play together in this grand cosmic unfolding. I decided that I wanted to find ways in my life to dance and sing more, even while honoring the work I do for its clear sacred intent. I felt how humor and fun are essential ingredients to transformation. I felt so much gratitude for my life, for our lives, and for all that is. I could so feel that on the deepest levels every one of us is always held in sacred embrace by the collective love of all of us.
What a rich, powerful journey! The incredibly expansive experiences and realizations continued to reverberate through my being for quite awhile. In fact they have become a part of who I am, even though on the more superficial levels I am still a ways from fully realizing that deeper level of interconnectedness. I know there is no rush. I have only to keep opening to all of the richness that is right here and right now, no matter what might be happening around me.
How blessed I am to have this awareness. I express deep gratitude to the powerful spirit of the Ayahuasca medicine for this incredible journey, and to the two guides and many others who made it possible. And how I would love to share all that I experienced, and in fact all that I am, with all around me and with all beings. I so want to share all the joy and blessings with which I am showered. I love my life, and I love all of us! Your sacred love flows into me. My sacred love flows out to you. Thanks for joining me on this most profound journey back home to all of us.
Thank you dearest brother We for sharing these insights from your medicine journey. Clearly the Bodhisattva energy is strong in you. I loved what you wrote about tone pujas and the dance of sacred harmonies. Thank you for your efforts to support all of us in remembering our eternal Sacred Connection to All That Is. I feel very blessed to be here with you now.
In gratitude, joy, and love,
Fred, I love your description of your journey. What you wrote here:
"When I can see beauty and divinity even amidst the chaos and suffering while holding a place of compassion, I experience paradise. I am living in heaven on Earth."
has especially great resonance for me....also this:
"I saw how I am my intentions. I saw how the light is not so much in me as it is in my pure intentions. As a gift for my deep, pure intentions, I was very moved to be given the keys to the Akashic records. Yet then I was shown, too, that in reality, the only real keys to this library of all knowledge are a pure desire and intention for what's best for all. This pure intention naturally gives clear access to the core divinity of all beings and all knowledge."
I too am grateful for the way the Ayahuasca Spirit illuminates our connections with each other and with our world. Thanks for the the beautiful detailed description you gave. It draws me into Aya space just reading it.
...moving and powerful, and I thank you. There were so many parts of what you wrote that resonated with me and also surpassed anything I've experienced. I've never had the chance to try ayahuasca, but some of what you wrote reminded me of an absolutely wonderful experience with LSD about 35 years ago which I've never forgotten. I understand now your earlier reference to the Temple of We, and as you led us through this, the procession of images and thoughts seemed nearly as deep and sublime to me as The Seven Valleys and The Four Valleys of Baha'u'llah, or as I think often in similes, perhaps if Khayyám had mentored Coleridge...
Wow Fred - Thank you for sharing this amazing experience and remembrance with us.
Yes, we are all part of each other and we have created this reality.
Great to have this team and to be able to understand and be understood.
Love you "we"
FAR OUT, FRED !!! Been wanting to experience that myself...what do you think about taking Ayahuasca ALONE, out in the open skies somewhere , at night... this was the way we did it in the 60's and 70's with mushrooms/peyote tea...and I probably could have learned something....but I just couldn't stop LAUGHING !!!Had a sore face for days after !!!Ha ! Ha !
Brother We,
What an exquisite journey out of the 3rd D. I was so lifted by what you wrote and especially when you said, "I experienced the sacred tone of equality mentioned in the WingMakers material. I felt a desire for us all to sing together and tone into each other and with each other. Let's create tone pujas. Let us sing ourselves to paradise! Let us sing together an invitation to all to join in the ecstatic harmony of our deep interconnectedness." I immediately wanted to get a drum and start toning and moving into the rhythm of Creation in the perfect harmony of All That Is. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Namaste aur Pyar
I believe that we can connect with and bring through our multi-dimensional selves with clear intentions and pure tones. Lets play with that together, again, soon. Thanks for so transparently sharing your journey with us, Fred. You, the one you are, is a blessing to me and to all of us.
Thank you for all the wonderful comments. I feel a little vulnerable sharing about a journey like this, yet I love and trust this community to respect my choices on my sacred journey through life.
Dave, if you've never experience Ayahuasca, I wouldn't recommend doing it alone, unless it's a small dose. This was my third journey with ayahuasca, and each time I've been very happy to have a guide available. I have done other mind altering substances alone and found it to be very profound.
And a big yes to toning together. Maybe we can add toning to the breathing of sacred love. Seven TT members will be gathering tomorrow in the San Francisco area tomorrow to breathe and tone together, as it is the first of the month. I invite you to join us energetically. Thanks for sharing in my deep inspirations. Together, we are rockin' this beautiful planet!
With sacred love flowing,
Your comments are so descriptive and profound. One day I hope to make the same journey.
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Hey Nada Cat, you make me laugh!!! I love the way you weave your words so wonderfully without censoring yourself. Like you, I find it very hard to describe my experiences on sacred medicines using words. On the deepest journeys, however, I usually try to write anyway, as no matter how inadequate the words are, rereading what I wrote is almost always inspiring.
Of the most profound journeys I have taken into expanded realms, about half were assisted by mind-altering substances and half were not. Two of the most amazing experiences were full-blown kundalini rising experiences without any drug assist. I'll have to write about those unbelievable rich journeys here sometime.
Have you ever tried salvia divinorum? It's know as the ego dissolver. I had an incredibly rich and amazing journey with this teacher a couple years ago. I and others have found that with salvia, all sense of identity fades into a oneness of being. If you are interested, the best website for exploring this sacred medicine is http://www.sagewisdom.org. Please be aware, however, that this great teacher demands caution and deep respect.
Thanks for being the wild and passionate explore that you are, Nada Cat! It's so great having you here to share your wisdom and stir things up. May we all find ways to play with passion even as we powerfully transform out lives and world. Meowwww!!!!!!
With sacred love and laughter flowing,
Jade and Fred, your stories are both amazing and wonderful. Jade, I really identify with some of your experiences. As an artist, I know the life - no matter what kind of art drives you - and as someone with persistent legal problems from years ago that won't go away (until I come up with a boatload of money - yeah, that'll happen), I feel you, too. You can't get into the country; I can't get out LOL! So I am like the standing stones I've discovered - invisible although in plain sight. I also have absolutely no talent for creating cash flow. I realize I must have chosen a life of poverty. I've spent what seems like millions of hours trying to discover when and how that happened. Oh, well. Like you I am grateful for an amazing (to me) and wonderful life!
Fred, your story has such elements of wonder, synchronicity and even comedy! I find it both amazing and amusing - and hopeful - that someone with your outlook and accomplishments - someone with a "rock-star aura" - could have had a place in the Bush government! You've inspired me on many levels. Sometimes I even find myself asking: What Would Fred Do? Then when I've decided what that might be, I ask myself, And what will Dave do? I'm amazed, delighted, and also humbled to find myself in the company of such great folks as the members of this dazzling bunch!
Does that mean I'm dazzling too? What an incredible thought.
Yes you are, Dazzling Dave!!! And thank you so much for not just thinking what would Fred do. The most important question is what on the deepest level does Dazzling Dave feel moved to do. One the deepest levels every one of us is dazzling and divine. May we find ever more ways to allow those depths to shine through us. Thanks for being a part of our dazzling team!
With sacred love and dazzlement flowing,
Hey Fred,
I hadn't read this before....how cool!
Thanks for sharing your experience...could be helpful.........Nada just laughs at me and says "you'll see"......Lol....
We recently started looking into the Acacia plants here in australia...... turns out that Australia has it's own "ayahuasca"....certain members of the Acacia species, known as Wattle's and the cause of most of the hayfever people get here, have DMT.
I have read stuff where the aboriginals here used a plant to enter into the dreamtime............their whole culture is built on and around the dreamtime..... I'm guessin they had some pretty "good medicine"..;)...will let you know if we find anything interesting...Lol..
With love,
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It is so good to see this 01/08 forum post come up again!!!! A large part of my initial experience while reading it is a strong sense of envy/longing blended emotion for the magic that comes of such a wonderful and wonderfully guided opportunity/experience! I am reminded of the movie Altered States and the intent seeking of the main character.
As I was coming to the end of the forum post I was imagining my own experience might very well be the face to face meeting of my demons, a moment of strong fright and desire for flight, and then I see the apparently most intense/strongest demon go from fierce intensity in countenance to expressing a wonderfully liberated smile bringing much relief to my long-held misunderstanding of my Self, that which the demon represented, the liberating message to myself being denied and run from. And then to wholy accept, laugh with and embrace the once-thought-of-as-frightening so called "demon", and in that moment the demon becomes the gracious and wide open doorway to the reality and experience I had been sleeping through for so long.
If I ever get a chance to be part of one of these ceremonies I intently look forward to the clearing it would surely bring!!! Thank you so much for your story Fred that becomes such strong and real hope for so many who read about such experiences, for if we are truly One, and we know we are, than the mere reading of your personal experience becomes, to varying degrees, Our new experience along with you, individually and collectively.
The sentence, "Thank you for sharing!", becomes so much less trivial when truly understood and embraced!!!!
Hey, while I'm here, I have a question for you and anyone that might have any pertinent info concerning a woman's vision I heard about from a close friend. She claims she never dreams (which probably means she is not getting enough REM sleep, or maybe a bit removed from herself, conscious from subconscious transition), but on this recent particular occasion she had a very vivid vision of a golden alligator, and my friends wife, being a retired literature professor and published poet, instantly began projecting her own learned thoughts upon this poor woman, as per her head and not her heart, for if she had been operating from her heart instead of her knowledge-enriched head, she would have simply asked this dear woman, "So what did you think about all of this and how did it make you feel at the time?", and then, after letting the one who actually experienced this magnificent vision describe in her own words what it was to her personally/intuitively at the time, then everyone else could go into projecting their views and discussing it with her.
My immediate impression of the story was sadness and sense of loss for the stifled and somewhat derailed opportunity to hear more of this woman's visceral experience while it was fresh in her head, unencumbered by the views of others. Did the golden alligator say anything to you? Was the golden alligator standing or prostrate? Was it glowing or just golden colored? How did the experience make you feel? What is the one strong and lasting thought you are left with from the whole experience? Instead, my friend's darling wife Nance turned it immediately into something relating to the vagina as per something she is familiar with in literature relating to this.
Can anyone comment on this from what they know in literature, cultural history, religion, personal experience, etc.???
Love/Light, Chris
Hey Fairy,
Thank you, some good advice there.....as for the plant kingdom does not suffer fools lightly....hmmmm...Lol.......my coyote says...lucky I'm foolish from the heart...it all works out in the end.....and you get a laugh along the way!...Lol...
But yeah seriously....Nada is reasonably well versed on all this...mind you, I cooked my Aya on my own and she won't let me take it anywhere near her....?......she knows what she is doing.........I think...?.Lol....
With the Acacia, yeah so many have so much stuff in them, we are searching for a clean one with only DMT......aguna, i think it was, looked pretty good, small shrub with 2.4% DMT in the leaves....and nothing else from what I have read so far....
So yeah, thanks Fairy, we are being careful but coyote see coyote do.........Lol..
With love,
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Hey Sis,
You are so nice!....I just want to hug you!........Lol...
I am what I am and I am cool with that...Lol....
First and foremost I trust in the spirit of the plant.....and in my connection to such things....
My guides are cool with this.......
Yes many things in life can present us with risks....some of these can be reduced and or avoided by being well prepared and Nada really is very familiar, and trained, with this stuff, lots of other stuff as well ;)...Lol.... .......Nada is also fully aware of my activities......
I have already gotten into trouble for saying I was just going to start trying different Acacia's...Lol...mind you.....I still probabaly will, sooner or later, there will be one I get curious about for some "strange" reason....but until then...LOl.......
If I'm gonna do something really dumb.....rest assured Nada will have no problem telling me!.....such things tend to be quite direct if you remember......Lol..... but from what I can see we have more species than have been fully tested, or that have the results of such tests available......I think the Aboriginals will have the best knowledge .....but that won't be empirical....or easy to find.......
Nada is right into Aya and you can't get it here easily, or legally.......it's been concerning her and then she had a "moment" with a tree and it was an Acacia.....Nature/Life what ever talks to us all, I have not forced anything.....just goin where I am goin and I feel totally safe....sure famous last words but isn't there some manifestation thingy me jig that says something like we will get what we focus on, we will get what we fear.....
Am I fool hardy at times?,...yep!..thats how a Coyote works...and a Coyote will never see his own foolishness until he is ready to laugh at it, and thats usually not to long after it blew up in his face, 2 or 3, maybe 4 times.....Lol......he loses but he lives, thats the "deal"...he's no ordinary dog......
I never got around to trying it in Thailand.....it was there, I had even payed for it...Lol.....but it just didn't work out that way......took 3 months to get what I have here.....it got through customs........it is very illegal......was labelled they just didn't know what it was..didn't look at it properly....my only defence would have been....I bought it on Ebay!....Lol........I payed to get it heat treated.......and eventually it came.......I cooked it 2 or 3..?....weeks ago...it's in the cupboard......when the time is right....hmmmm......it's a long weekend here...but a really good one...(A) it's for a horse race!....and (B) it's on tuesday!...so most companies, including the one I work for, and basically most of Victoria, take the Monday out of annual leave......so it's a 4 day weekend.......I'm hopin for an open day Sunday............I just see somethings as having there time.. ....this may not happen now...?......I dunno, but it's lookin likely to me...Lol........I don't force my path, I go where I end up....Lol.....and I'm still here...I do worry people though at times.....my poor mum....Lol..........there is a saying in Australia.......very old, as old can be here......."she'll be right mate"........but thank you Fairy....
With Love,
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Dear Chris,
I have been having dreams where what I would call power animals have started coming to me in my dreams. Cougar,Buffallo,Bear ,White wolves. I take this to mean I have more support,guidence. May be that this will be the case for her......and to remind her that she does dream.
Dear Elizabeth and Jeremy,
I have concerns reguarding this type of journey. I am old enough to have lived through the Summer of Love......somewhere between Berkeley and Carmel(as Simon and Garfunkel sung about) I was young,and beyond pot had no interest. Most of my smartest friends did LSD. They are all still smart......but I also saw many who did not survive.I do not want to add fear to your experience. I just feel that a human nearby to protect your body is a good idea. My father was on the city councel in Ashland (around the summer of love) he was cool,and very helpful to other members when someone dosed the coffee with LSD. He helped guide them,as he figured out what was up.
We are not always ready for the experience that we seek. I read Fred's experience as a great personal experience...not as an experience he recommends for others. I care.
Hi Mary!
I am inspired by your dreams of late! You know, we should probably have a specific forum for just posting dreams. I remember Doris (Peacemkr) telling me to write down all my dreams. I have not been following through on that great advice. David Wilcock sure does it well, with wonderful results.
The last power dream I had the other night (that I remember anyway) was seeing a UFO that was unmistakeably real, and I was weeping with joy that all of this was finally out in the open where it so obviously belongs. We should already be in a very active ongoing cooperative relationship with those from other worlds and more advanced and higher evolved densities. I believe wholeheartedly that we already are, at least from their vantage point, but I want to experience a more Conscious reciprocity that is so darn fundamental to a more blossomed and liberated existence.
My heart aches daily for the moment we finally break through the gravitational pull of our collective myopic lack of imagination and just plain get on with it, as it was always meant to be and already is in so many other places in this universe and many others, a neverending and ever-ascending learning experience based wholeheartedly in Love and Light, in an Infinitely unassailable Safe Place that is Unity/Creator...
Love/Light Light/Love, Chris
Thanks for bumping this, I had not read it, and thank you Fred for sharing, very powerful! Much more positive then my out-of-body experience ended up being, I guess it is really really important to be very aware and connecting with all one's life intentions and the core of who we are :) LOVE!
Dear Chris,
I have also had a dream with a giant mothership sitting still above Ashland....a smaller ship flies in and stops under this ship. I see it all and start walking home cause they are here. NO ONE ELSE SEES THEM. It is not in fright,but preparation that I head home. This was a couple months ago that I had this dream.......but like these animal dreams unusual to my usual dreamscape. I do not know just what they mean,but that they are important.
Love(and Sweet Dreams) Mary
Thanks for all of your wonderful comments. I find dreams to be very powerful for exploring the unconscious and expanded realms. And by the way, we do have a dreams forum on the forum page, so please feel free to share your experiences there, as I have.
Regarding sacred medicines, I only explore with them if it is in a very clear, sacred container. I always communicate with the essence of the medicine and with my own guides asking them to help me explore in whatever way is best for me and for all beings.
I've had a number of incredibly powerful, deeply inspiring experiences with these medicines. I've also had many experiences like this without sacred medicine. I find both to be extremely valuable, though as Elizabeth mentioned, I recommend using caution and great respect with these substances. Whether or not you choose to use them, I wish you many wonderful, powerful journeys into the expanded realms.
With lots of love and warm wishes,
Dear Fred and Jeremy,
I am sorry for inserting my 2 cents in your conversation.
Mary, I didn't read your comments as judgments at all. I definitely agree that we should exercise caution in using mind-altering substances. I only use them if all present join in setting a clear, strong sacred container and agree to call in the energy of what's best for all beings. Thanks for caring. With much love and gratitude, Fred
Dear Fred,
You are so open and have such experiences to share! I am still figuring out how to be here,part of the TT....not just lurking around. Jeremy is a smart fellow and capable of doing whatever he sets his mind to. I intend not to offend.
Mary, I can't remember ever having been offended by you in any way. Your intention feels very clean and pure. Thanks for spreading so much love and caring in our portal. With lots of love and gratitude, Fred
Dear Fred,
I am touched by your kind words.
YouTube - Alex Grey on Ayahuasca
and then more interesting elaboration on the subject in a Coast to Coast interview with Graham Hancock - here is the first segment, one of 12 - ten minute segments most likely.
YouTube - Shamanism Aliens & Ayahuasca : Graham Hancock Pt.1
Thanks for that, Chris. I particularly liked the one with Alex Gray. His journey had some similarities to my own. Much love and joy to you and have a rich Thanksgiving day, Fred
I think I got a contact high from his perfect visceral description, and really loved the more humbling part of that particular journey when he was puking, but could not move his body for a spell. I had just watched Altered States again recently too, so the whole subject has me aching for a more recent experience akin to yours and Alex's, one that would probably scare the bahJesus out of me and cleanse me of some residual nonsense that may be blocking a much fuller potential experience. I am pretty sure, one way or another, induced or otherwise, such an experience is currently on the menu...
What I really like about the Graham Hancock interview is his description of the South American Shamans. They move, generation after generation, through a focused path of experiential knowledge of the 3rd world, where we in the West go to schools and colleges to learn alot of fixed academic stuff we will ultimately have to unlearn to relocate our path of return. It is very likely that these Shamans are to be the proper teachers of the very near future in a world aching to find its way home.....
Love/Light, Chris
Hi Jez, I'm glad you found the writings of my journey useful. Nada is right - you'll see. I advise, however, that you treat these kind of things with extreme respect. I will not do sacred medicine journeys unless there is a clear sacred container present and all involved call in spiritual guidance and guidance from the plant spirits towards whatever is best for all. The one time I did not do this, I had a very powerful lesson which ended me up in a hospital emergency room. I was fine, but I resolved never to treat these things lightly again. You take care and I wish you profound and revealing journeys.
With much love and warm wishes,
Yes, Chris, ayahuasca is not for the light of heart. This sacred teacher almost always challenges those who choose to work with it in a big way. This is what causes many people to vomit when they take it, and why I've never heard of anyone getting addicted. Yet if you treat it with respect and invite guidance towards what's best, ayahuasca can be quite amazing at lifting the veils and helping us to see deeper into the depths of our own being and better understand the universe in which we live.
I very much agree that the South American shamans may have knowledge much deeper and more integrated than the best of our western scientists. When you travel to expanded dimensions, you begin to realize the rather superficial nature of the third dimension which our scientists are so focused on. You develop a stronger desire to focus more on the deeper things in life. Thanks for your openness, curiosity, and courage in wanting to explore these realms. I trust that whatever experience is best for you will find its way to you.
With lots of love and warm wishes,
I thought I'd resurrect this old post of mine as it touches on both the beautiful ho'oponopono process and the shift from me to we. I welcome any comments.
With much love and warm wishes,
There are many ways to go on this type of journey hallucinogens are just one . Fred I commented on the creating your own reality blog that you posted check it out . Have you ever heard of Graham Hancock an English chap . He explains how Ayahuasca helped him in his life journey. Did you see the blue reptilian lady that all of the natives talk about .
Ilove you all , Eric
Yes, Eric. I've actually met Graham Hancock and had a great conversation with him after a talk he gave at a friend's house. He is a most fascinating man with courage to go where few others dare. I did not meet the blue reptilian lady on any of my six or so ayahuasca journeys, but have experienced the deep interconnectedness of us all in most amazing and blissful ways. Thanks for your thoughts.
With much love and warm wishes,
jk there. i have read a few of his books as well and like his approach. curious about his newest adventures/findings...
i haven't met the blue lady either. i believe she is the same mentioned in peter moon's montauk book of the living and on its cover. i'm planning an aya journey around the spring equinox, so maybe i'll look for her then... suggestions for contact?
i've never (directly) met any supernatural beings or individualized spirits in my many psychedelic experiences either. definitely been connected to the earth and all of its life and being, but not in an anthropomorphisized way... and have seen visions of scenarios but never with a face-to-face meeting...
would be interesting to find oneself in that liminal space with another personality or definitive being!
my experience of ayahuasca was an interesting one because it was under the church of daime and involved much ritual of chanting in portugese and catholic dogma. still had some amazing visions. a friend formerly involved with the church and from brazil is now facilitating experiences in a more indigenous way. http://www.ancientvoicesproject.org is the website and his is the pachamama church. marcio dias is his name, so if any of you out on the west coast or traveling about catch wind of one of their ceremonies, i would highly recommend (vouch for) him as a sensitive and aware individual. i will be attending a ceremony near boulder at the spring equinox, if any of you are in the neighborhood and want to share!
Then you know about the reptilian lady Graham talked about her as well in an interview on either project camelot or Joe Rogan I cannot remember which . The natives in South America evryone Graham talked to about the ayausca journey down there said they seen her not just a few but all . Do you know who I am refering to then .
Fred you got to meet him , how awesome is that I am reading fingerprint of the gods right now . You are an amazing person Fred all the good you do . I am grateful to be a part of your life and I am almost sure you feel the same way about all of us . Thank you again for being a wonderful human being .
I love you all , Eric
Thanks for your warm words, Eric. I love the conversations going on here. And I feel incredibly blessed for you guys and for all I've been given in my life. Have a beautiful day.
With much love and warm wishes,
Next time I go south I will stop and meet up with you . I would love to meet you in person, you are not to far from me . Last time my sister came to visit my family she flew into Berkeley . I know my wife and kids would love you . Another thing , if you ever come North I would love to take into an old growth Oregon Redwood Forest very sacred indeed . You know where I am right on the ocean in Brookings , OR . Beautiful Country a lot different than where I grew up back in the midwest IL.

What beautiful photos, Eric! You are blessed to live among such magical places. And yes, I'd love to get together. Please let me know any time you have plans to be in the Berkeley area, and I will do the same if I'm headed up your way. Take care and enjoy!
With much love and warm wishes,
I loved the story of your sacred journey, Fred; it sounds like a journey I would like to take with my husband and a guide one day.
I was wondering if you could clarify what you mean by needing to have a 'clear sacred container' on your journeys.
I agree that it is very important to treat such journeys with spiritual preparation, respect, and clear intention. After that, a surrender to the experience and accepting that whatever happens is exactly what is needed.
So far my journeys have been few and short; I've traveled light and stuck to the more peaceful trails. I would like to take deeper journeys into more scenic territory, but I think it's one of those things where intuition will guide me to know when it's the right time.
Peace and light, Trish
That's a very good and important question, Trish. Whenever I do sacred medicines, I consciously bless and call in the spirit of the medicine. I also call in all of my spirit guides and the guides of any others present, asking them to help in whatever way they can so that this journey best supports my growth and expansion and allows me to better serve all of us. Once I've done this, I feel a clear sacred container has been set.
I also recommend going in with a clearly stated intention about what you want to explore on the journey. This can help to give a focus in the expanded realms. Take care and I wish you all the very best in any future journeys upon which you might embark.
With sacred love and warm wishes,
I thought for sure you were going to mention fasting! haha! You know,,,the purging! I liken the stories I've heard about the purge to the first stages of drinking pscylocybin tea. Eating mushrooms doesn't compare to slow brewing a tea from fresh picked pscylocybins. I would rateit much closer to thee planck scale! I only fasted for a day,,as a youngster, when I could actually find them,,,but it madea huge difference. Back then, I only thought of lessening the purge,but in fact,,,food has so much effect on our thinking, and mindset,,,one can go into the "trip" in a much higher state of clarity by fasting for a couple of days first. Anyone who has fasted beyond the stages of anguish that come with hunger knows what I mean. Once you pass all those barriers,,,(the brain relaying the cells calling for their daily fix), a great state of mind ensues,calm,,thoughtful,observant....I would add it to the great advice you gave above!L,,,T
Yes, Todd. I very much agree that fasting for at least several hours and especially for a day or more can greatly enhance an ayahuasca journey, or other journeys for that matter. Thanks so much for the reminder.
Much love,