
Consumerism impact video

I'm posting a 20 minute educational video for the young and old, the conservative and the liberal. Whatever your station in life this direct and well done clip informs us about how everything from our self-image to our obsessive shopping habits needs to be examined in light of the bigger picture.

Please pass this on...


The Old man and the Whales

I saw this video on NBC Nightly News tonight.  Yea they do on occasion provide very heart lifting aricles.  I felt that this was germain to the Transformation process as this fisherman was communicating with our other sentient fellows on this planet and has been able to bring the awareness to the public.

Near Tear experience.



James Lovelock's View

An article I just received from the Guardian, about James Lovelock's (The Gaia Hypothesis) view of what's happening.

To see this story with its related links on the
site, go to

'Enjoy life while you can'
Climate science maverick James Lovelock believes catastrophe is

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"