Angel Numbers

Hello my friends, no family

 As happens often for us we may sit at our computers wishing to share a bit of who we really are, yet not sure of the best way to explain ourselves, well tonight is one of those times. If you did not know I love music/lyrics of all genres. I just happened to be listening to these guys this evening and this song hit me, so I looked up "YouTube" as you do, and kind of liked the video. It was lay back as I was, sort of like come into my home (which I wish it was easier for you to visit). Anyway I know I'm here NZ you're all there in USA (well mostly), actually it's probably just as difficult for you lot too, USA is a big place!

 So if like me, you'll put on the headphones, expand youtube to full screen and enjoy, who I am....

P.S. The angel numbers where 2121 on my digital clock - These signs indicate that your current train of thought is correct for your Spiritual Path. These thoughts are your focus and following these will lead you along your Spiritual Path. This can be expressed simply as, 'You're following your path!'.

P.P.S. My only Lyric change is "All my Love is in my Soul"

P.P.S.S. Ha embed is disbaled LOL means you have too watch bigger nd just hit fullscreen :)

This morning when I logged onto my computer, the clock read 7:11.  LOL  Thank Heaven for 7:11. 

While I waited for my computer to link up I read a little of Peace Pilgrim.  Even after reading Peace Pilgrim for the last 10 years or so... (same book) I am continually inspired by her words and deeds.

The video from Verve-- Extraordinary!  I want to live in that house!  The light was just astounding with an equally astoundingly clear message.  Thank you, Ian for Sharing!

Happy Morning to you!


Eyejay's picture


Morning to you too Fairy friend (Family) tis my evening, in fact should be in bed....... just scribing a reply to a post........Hard for me to do at times, have to keep checking that spirit is there with the words. I think you know what I mean, have a great day, may the sun shine on you


LOL -- Yes, it is Good Night to you, Ian!  LOL  And Good Morning to me.  May the stars bring you good dreams full of promise.


ksaulino's picture

For the last week or two I've been fighting the urge to post a dozen or more songs that I've heard that I just wanted to share with everyone here.  It's something I guess you just DO with friends - Hey, have you ever heard of this group or that?  Do you like them?  Do they resonate with you like they do with me?  Have you really listened, with the lights out and the headphones on?  Doesn't it change you?  These are not just questions of music, but a deep revealing of the soul, and it deserves the respect we give when someone reveals part of themselves to us.  I have had these conversations with friends before and never quite looked at it that way, but just now I see those conversations for what they really are.

Anyway, as I dropped my son off at camp this morning, on comes The Verve on the radio (Bittersweet Symphony).  Proving that we're not all that far away, Ian!  :) 

Oh, speaking of that... the radio station I listen to (and have, since I was a teen) streams live on the internet...  - It's an independant station out of Woodstock, NY (close to me), and it's a great mix of rock classics, and brand new stuff.  A very Woodstock vibe.  A glimpse into my soul, too.  Some of you might like it.  :)

I loved the video, Ian, and love the group - mellow and meaningful.  Meaningful seems much harder to come by in music lately.

Lots of love,


Call me Mary's picture

Good Morning /Evening Ian,


This non-morning person was awake long before my alarm was scheduled to go off.  After what looked like life conspiring against me getting back to sleep, I finally got up.   After showering and getting ready for work, I figured it would be a great time to spend some more time looking at the posts out here – maybe catching up on a few video’s that I haven’t had the time to watch completely…


I enjoyed the song you shared.  It’s very similar to the music you would find playing on my radio or players.  Thanks for sharing it.


I agree that it can be challenging sometimes to put into words the parts of who we are that we would like to share with others.   I long for the days when it is not so difficult to share, to love and to live with each other in peace and harmony. 


Sleep well tonight, Ian.


With Love,


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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"