video 8 mins  dramatic and sound I thought

lightwins's picture

Published on May 22, 2013

While the American Empire Declines as a result of unsustainable military expansion and conquest over the Earth's last remaining oil reserves, there are solutions which exist, yet have been actively suppressed by the international owning class's stranglehold on world energy markets. These systems will eventually fail, the petrodollar will eventually collapse along with all the other banks of the world, and we will be forced to reinvent the entire world economy based on sound, sustainable money and energy systems. What will those systems be? How will they work?
In this great Human Experiment, I believe all good ideas should be tried to see if they work, and to see how well they work... Unfortunately there are also a lot of bad ideas too. Can humanity save itself? We can only act as individuals, so that question is a personal question. What will you do, in YOUR lifetime to help humanity with this global transition, and help us avoid imminent self destruction?

The Venus Project

The Zeitgeist Movement

Noa's picture

Although I agree that space exploration is important, it's not the only alternative to extinction.  The video ignores the probability that we can choose to stop raping our planet and live symbiotically with nature.  Mother Earth can heal herself if humankind simply stops destroying the life she generates.  This will happen, I believe, when the global capitalist agenda unravels and people return to their senses.

This is my vision and I am not interested in leaving this beautiful planet.

lightwins's picture

simply because they stir the pot & foster conversation.

Oriole's picture

Leaving the planet certainly should not be anyones priority.

some interesting ideas tho, I thought.

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