Classic David Icke on OWS Movement

this is worth passing on - only about 1/2 hour...

tscout's picture

   i really enjoyed seeing David again, it's been a while, and his points made are indeed critical right now, at this moment,,he had just the right attitude and words, I thought. After all the years he has been researching these guys, he is stepping again at just the right time..I hope enough peop[le see this one to make a difference. Thanx Knightspirit. By the way, have you moved out near Mt. shasta yet ? I read a bit about that area years  ago, and have felt drawn there recently too. More for the grid lines it is connected to than the portal, but I guess they are relevant to each other on some level anyways..Peace, T

Noa's picture

I've been spending a lot of time in the Occupy (Livestream) chat rooms of several cities.  There are many informed people there who know what's really going on.  At the same time, there are other folks who are clueless.  Some of the most ignorant people are the most vocal about their idiotic views. Many are, in all likelihood, planted agitators.  I do my best to educate everyone with links to factual information about the economy, government, etc.  No doubt, some people are reading and learning from my links.  A few folks even thank me. 

At the same time, these chat rooms are "moderated" by people who often forbid chatters to even mention things like The FED, FEMA, HAARP, Fluoride, Anonymous, and politics of any kind.  Quite ludicrous, considering the Occupy Movement is a political one about free speech and the economy. Sometimes I suspect the whole movement is a setup, but just the other day, my hope was renewed. 

Late on the eve of Halloween, one of the ground crew members called the Moderators to a meeting online in front of everyone in the Global Revolution chat room.  He said he'd received complaints from chatters that they were being censored and stifled, and he asked that the rules be revised to allow more freedom of speech.  In response, the Mods threw hour-long tantrums and threatened to quit. 

The next day, the Global Rev chat was a completely different animal.  Moderators observed in silence and only intervened when people were hateful or advocated violence.  It was great!  We could talk about anything as long as it wasn't mean-spirited.  Amazingly, many Mod-worshippers whined about the changes and begged for things to return to a more controlled environment.

What this has taught me is that David Icke's warnings are very valid.  It's going to be up to the intelligent, informed people to educate and counteract the ignorant sheeple who want to maintain the status quo. 

Right now, you can plant seeds by sharing a few words about what you know.  It's futile to try to force your view upon those who will not see.  Be gentle and patient.  As people begin to hear the same truths repeated, they will begin to believe them.  When the System crumbles and falls, they will be looking to others for answers.  Be prepared to lead them out of the mire with solutions.

David Icke is right about centralization being essential to the opulent few's plan to control the impoverished many.  The antidote is de-centralization. 

Think of things you can do right now at the local level.  I have posted topics on this forum about barter, trade, and alternative currencies.  Use the search box to find posts on 'gift communities', alternative fuels, sustainable living, and the Transition Movement.  Build community with your neighbors.  Start a community garden or a tool exchange.  Start using  Use your imagination to find ways to trade skills, talents, and time with your neighbors. 

These are more than feel-good actions.  These are survival skills.  2012 is projected to be a pivotal, rocky year on many fronts.  Anything that gets people practicing ways to share, cooperate, and keep resources at the local level will be an invaluable skill in meeting the challenges ahead.



Wendy's picture

Thanks for all your work Noa. I belong to a church (unitarian univesalist) for the very reasons you stated and continue to try my best to educate those in the church and other people that I know locally.

Noa's picture

I'm familiar with the UU church.  They routinely get involved in social and political causes.  It would be great if they rallied their numbers around economic reform.

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