The Lie We Live

Found this on a facebook page called In Lak'ech Ala K'in

Yes I know Facebook, I'm on it because my youngest daughter is in UK and I can keep in touch and receive photos from her :)


Noa's picture


Spencer Cathcart rocks!  This video says what I know in my heart to be true.

Brian's picture

I wanted to get mad at him for going on so long with what is wrong but I sensed he was going to say something that would give me hope (I so need it) and he thanks EyeJay.

tscout's picture

   You should check out some of his other videos,,,completely different!





Here in australia they have worked out anther way to increase control....


Yesterday was the first day of no smoking in prison.....the whole of australia.....


10 million dollars damage at one prison yesterday, they are rioting....


They are not doing this for health reasons as is all about there will be more searches, more penalties etc.....


Australia is going down hill fast.....

tscout's picture

     Telling thousands of people who spend most of their time in a cell, trying to pass the time that they can't smoke,,,ha! Brilliant!  I guess they couldn't afford some kind of smoking cessation program for the prisonersTongue out   I wonder who's idea that was

Noa's picture

What a farse!   Do you think for one minute that anyone cares if prisoners get cancer or not?  Like Jez said, it's all about control.  From where I sit, it looks like they're beta testing their riot-control skills.

Yes, it's really heartbreaking to hear about the increasing damage being done to Australia's biosphere - in the way of tar sands, coal seam gas, etc.   And the way the Aboriginals are mistreated -- just awful!

I don't know much about what's going on there socio-politically, but I feel in bones that the way forward is the way back.  (I'm speaking about the whole world now, because every system we depend on to sustain our way of life is being underminded and destroyed worldwide.) 

Humanity, indeed all living things on this planet, cannot continue to exist within this short-sighted, destructive paradigm.  I think the solution lies in our reconnecting to the land and re-harmonizing  nature.  One of Austalia's biggest assets, in my view, is the wisdom of its indigenous people. We can all learn something valuable from them.

Last year or so ago, Max Igan journeyed with the Aboriginals in sacred ceremony to reconnect the ley lines at sacred sites in Australia.  I went looking for the article, but found these two instead:

Australia: Biosecurity Bill Allows Forced Vaccinations, Quarantine & Jail

Australia to Begin Implementing Global-Elitist Economic System by Directly Confiscating Citizens' Savings

Headlines like these are no accident.  As we near the last stages of global domination and control, their tactics are becoming more obviously in our face. 

Like the film says, we have to wake up.   Otherwise, there's nothing stopping this runaway train.



I'll give you another one they are working on....any australian that goes and fights overseas will have their citizenship taken off them, not by a court but by a politician.......and they are trying to revive the medievil laws of allegiance....this is how they hope to get around the law......

Tony Abbott loves coal seem gas hates wind turbines, loud and ugly.....wants to pull the ones we have down......on and on....years ago Abbotts political partner was Mr Costello......serious.....




tscout's picture

   Do you mean that,,,if a soldier goes and fights overseas, he will lose citizenship? or,,is this supposed to be a solution for the Aussies who like to fight in the bars on vacation?Tongue out  I saw quite a bit of that in china,,,and my aussie friends there talk  about it


  Oh,,,and someone should show tony abbot the new wind turbines that look like trees,,,,and are silent,,,I have to find that vid again and post it here,,,,,I'll be back

Noa's picture

I was shocked at your announcement, Jez, so I looked it up.  It's not quite as you said.  Not every Aussie soldier would lose citizenship for fighting abroad, just those deemed to be "terrorists."   However, I do agree that the Australian government is whack... as is that of the U.S.


And here's a picture of your Tree Vent, Todd.  At least this type looks harmless to bats and birds.

Tree Vent

tscout's picture

    I have read about towns going crazy over the sound the big wind turbines make. In many towns,,farmers have rented their land to the power companies to build the windmills, then, within a year they want out because the noise drives the whole town crazy. These new "trees" don't make the noise and are supposed to be much more efficient too...    Jeez,,if they could get them to eat carbon dioxide, and make different species,,  they would really have something!

   Yeah, They are definitely whack! That tony abbot sounds like the type that should be locked up in prison about a few days after they have banned smoking...

Brian's picture

Why not build the windmills offshore or way inland? Doesn't Australia have like insanely huge wild areas of sunny, unoccupied land where solar farms could be built? Or do they have to keep the power transmission lines short?

The smoking ban is wild! Had to do some service work a couple of times in local jails and the thing that stood out (other than the creepiness of a bunch of criminals) was the stench of cigarettes. Everything was stained yellow and everything had a rancid smoke smell. It took multiple showers and 3 days to get rid of the smell on me and in my nose.


It is for dual nationals and does not matter what side you fight on.

As for land, last week a guy put his land up for sale....11 million sq hectares.....he is the beef king here....3/4 the size of england, said to be the largest private land holding on earth....guess how much he wants? 325 million which sound dirt cheap.....sorry.....a little 4 bedroom house, inner city sold last week for 2.7 million.....?

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