Gravity Glue

This guy is just so balanced :)


tscout's picture

     I never saw this until I hiked in the deserts,,where they call them cairns,,,and use them to mark the trails,,but he has made an art of it,,,,,thanks buddy,,I'm going back to watch some more of his vids


Noa's picture

That is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.  It defies gravity!  I daresay that rock and man are communicating at a level that most of us can't comprehend.

onesong's picture

Thanks for the post, as a 'rock' and crystal person (I collect them wherever we go) I've shared this with most of my email list and showed my husband since he's my 'rock' and a rock person as well. The medicine wheel on our property might just have to become a place of balancing rocks as well since we've seen this. This sort of meditation would suit my partner well.

 Thanks again, I loved this. What a gift Michael Grab has developed in such a beautiful way.

Noa's picture

Today, I went to the river and balanced my first rocks.  It really did feel like "gravity glue."  As I turned each rock to feel the balance point, I could feel something like a force field or gravitational whatever -- almost like a magnetic attraction.

When one of the towers fell and I had to rebuild it, an interesting thing happened.  Because I was hungry and in a hurry to go eat, I couldn't feel the same sweet spot the second time around.  Although I was able to rebuild the tower, I ended up using different rocks because I just couldn't get the top rocks to balance.

I wish I'd brought my camera.  I think they were pretty good for a first attempt. 

             (not mine)

I made the two towers, in a truly beautiful spot along the river where, unfortunately, there is a build up of plastic trash blocking the flow.   Sadly, frequent piles of trash line the river bank and eventually wind up in that magnificent river.  My intention is that the rock sculptures will inspire others to think twice before dumping trash there. 

I don't think I'll ever understand the mentality capable of treating nature with such disrespect.  I want to live in a world where people value clean water, air, and food and treat these gifts with reverence.

Anyway, building rock towers was definitely the highlight of my day.

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"