Baby Moose

I really enjoyed this cute little video of these baby moose playing in someones back yard in their sprinkler.  Thought I would share.  Enjoy!



Eyejay's picture

Thank you so much Todd for sharing this with us, I watch in awe. Young one comes to explore, watched closely by mum. Then they are all there playing, in someones back yard..... this is how life should be for us all.

Thanks again Todd, my heart sings

A beautiful video--- such grace exhibited by the Moose and her young twins.  Such good will by the human family they visited upon.  The way our World shall be more and more.

Thank you for such a Grand and Peaceful video.



ksaulino's picture

I just loved this one!  At about a minute in, you hear what sounds like a teenage boy shouting "Dude!", and (probably) his mom shushing him, so as not to scare away the moose.  I can just imagine the scene on the other side of the sliding glass doors as a mom with a video camera, stands with a teenage son, or two, watching the scene outside unfold. (And I'm crying again... LOL)

I also loved the part when the baby moose kicked the ball... somehow so universal that he just knew what it was for.

There is something so heartening about watching kids play in the sprinkler. 

Question is... can you ever imagine NOT putting that sprinkler on for them?

Have a great day! 

Lots of love,


Thomas-Rene's picture

Nice video ~ Thank you. It was especially enjoyable watching it today in NW Arkansas during the first rain in six weeks.

Wendy's picture

Thanks Todd-

For some reason my computer doesn't play wimp videos (perhaps because I'm not signed up for facebook?). I think I found the same video on YouTube - very heartwarming and it is amazing how play is so universal amoung all animals.


onesong's picture

The majesty of Creation, the absolute power of the Mother's love~I'm with Kathy! This makes me cry joyful tears at the beauty of it. We truly live in an amazing place and moments like this help us remember that. We cry because our hearts are open wide and because we're seeing with more than our eyes when we view something as beautiful as this.   Thank you. Love and Light.           kristyne

b2golfer's picture

I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as me.  It brought a tear (or two) to my eye as well.  Really is the way life and nature should be.  I think I've watched it every day this week :-). 


Peace and Love,


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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"