Unusual Speech by Christine Lagarde of IMF

Unusual Speech by Christine Lagarde of IMF




"7" references:
1:22 - "Now I'm going to test your numerology skills by asking you to think about the magic seven"
1:34 - "Most of you will know that seven is quite a number
2:24 - "2014, you drop the zero, fourteen, two times, seven"
4:08 - "It will mark the 70th anniversary, 70th anniversary, drop the zero, seven, of the Bretton Woods Conference that actually gave birth to the IMF" (7 + 0 = 7)
4:22 - "And it will be the 25th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall, 25th.." (2 + 5 = 7)
4:38 - "It will also mark the 7th anniversary of the financial market jietters"
5:08 - "After those seven miserable years, weak and fragile"
5:14 - "We have seven strong years"
5:43 - "Now I don't know if the G7 will have anything to do with it" (G is also the 7th letter of the alphabet)

"2014" references:
1:18 - "The global economy and what we should expect for 2014"
2:19 - "So if we think about 2014"
2:24 - "2014, you drop the zero, fourteen, two times, seven"
3:54 - "So 2014 will be a milestone and hopefully a magic year in may respects"
5:05 - "So my hope and my wish for 2014"

To watch the full video go to:

Noa's picture

After doing a little research, I think this July 20th date may well be the after effects of the Global Currency Reset scheduled to take place July 1, 2014 (today).  Below you will find interviews with insider, Lindsey Williams, who says the actual financial collapse is still another year and a half off.  That said, few people on the planet are privy to all the facts, so we'd all do well to keep our eyes open and prepare ourselves as best we can.  I hope the following information facilitates our doing so.



H.R. 2847... The U.S. Dollar Will Officially Collapse July 1, 2014!... Does Anyone Even Know About This???

Submitted by SadInAmerica on Sun, 04/20/2014 - 11:04pm.


On July 1, 2014 the U.S. Dollar Will Officially Collapse; because, on this date, U.S. House of Representative Bill “H.R. 2847” goes into full effect, making it essentially impossible for Americans to protect their savings. ~ Videos

Sounds like the USA... at 47 minutes on…




From Ron Paul Daily...

Obama’s new July 1st 2014 law will shock most Americans!

Dear Reader,

We’ve been critical of several Obama Administration policies over the past few years…

But a new law set to go into effect on July 1st, 2014 (less than six months from now), might be the Administration’s worst decision yet.

On this date, Title V of House of Representative Bill #2847, known as “FATCA,” goes into effect.

We believe this could precipitate a huge collapse in the U.S. dollar… and a rapid decrease in our standard of living.

Of course, we’re not the only ones who believe this new U.S. law is going to be a disaster for our country and American citizens.





Starting July 1, 2014, FATCA will require FFIs to provide annual reports to … the billions of dollars for foreign and U.S. financial institutions as well as for ….. to the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 2847,

Christine LaGarde Reset


 March 27, 2014 - posted at InvestmentWatchdog


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Submitted by SadInAmerica on Sun, 04/20/2014 - 11:04pm.

Noa's picture


Anymore news about this, John?

lightwins's picture

I have heard nothing, yet...

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