Rainbow Warriors

I am aware I have been posting alot recently but could not resist this one from the Native Americans..



It is terrific to see the amount of awareness for the need for Transformation from everywhere on the planet.

The warriors exist now and have been working for well over 100 years.  They are members of almost every tribal or ethnic group in the world and they are people like you and I, they are not from another planet.  They are building a new rainbow world from the ground up.  They eschew materialism and see service to humanity as their proper goal.  They are striving very hard right now to educate all humanity but their numbers are small although they are growing fairly rapidly.  They have no individual leaders but work in consultative groups.  As I said, they are people just like us so they endeavor to develop their own spiritual nature and they grope with the world and egos as we all do but nothing stops them as they march inexorably forward against ignorance, apathy, prejudice, even violent opposition for they know the Source and the Source is their guide, supporter, and enabler.  They are a happy and joyful people.  Their prayers ring the earth every day and bring light to every country and territory around the world.  So know that they exist and are here!

Blessings to all who bring light and love to the world.

Wendy's picture

Perhaps this video refers to the Rainbow Family gathering?

This video clip wasn't the one I was hoping to find, there are many of the Rainbow Family confronting police with love in the national parks where they like to gather. This is just one example:



The Rainbow movement of camping people and a big pot party is very different from the Rainbow Warriors.  They are not the same.


ChrisBowers's picture

This was posted a while ago.  Good to see it again, and such inspiring music by Enigma.  Made me think again of the book by James Twyman, "Emissary of Light".  James met the Emissaries of Light on the border of Bosnia and Croatia during those hellish years of the Serbian uprising.

The book shares James' journey there during that time and his time with the Teacher, and his time sitting in on the 12 hour per day meditations on behalf of humanity, 12 midnight to 12 noon.  The book is a very inspiring read.  It had been tradition for 1000's of years for the Emissaries to be in the most violent wartorn areas of the world interceding on behalf of humanity.

They are gone now, fulfilling the promise of leaving once humanity itself began to pick of the intercession self response-ability ball and run with it on their own behalf.  I suspect the Rainbow Warriors are one of the primary reasons the Emissaries were able to retire.

I followed up on the information at the end of the video this time and found this at the myspace website address given.

Friday, July 02, 2010 10:32 AM

leaving Myspace for good-July 7th
Category: Life
Hello dear friends,

 Just  came to say goodbye to all of you here. We have been in this journey of 5 years now, together sharing the inspirations of this page, and the outreach that came from my personal commitment with the creator.

Many new pathways and opportunities arrived and I have leave to sail another oceans and reach out for new territories.

 This page fulfilled its purpose and it will be deleted in the 7th of July. I would be completing 5 years in that date.  It was a time where Myspace was a place to share and gather of open minds, it is no more.

 For those that wish still to be in contact, I have a page over facebook, and also have the two networks that are open to all.

I will certainly miss you, but  I recognize it is time for me. I wish everyone of you personal blessings.I just can't stay  and  just be inactive...Myspace is full with pseudo Masters... they like to fight, I don't...

 Liane Legey
The person behind *RaK



Our other outreaches are

International Holistic Magazine
Humanity healing Network
Humanity Healing Non-profit

 Love and respect to all

Our open community

again, thanks Billy, such an inspiring clip!!!  and well said Ken!!!!  Namaste
Bob07's picture

Many of you have probably seen this before, but since it's so fitting I'll post it here again.  The old Buddhist Shambhala Prophecy is so similar to the Rainbow Warrior Prophecy that I can't help wondering if both sources were tuned into the same thing.  That it comes from two completely different sources supports its validity.  Here it is with an introduction, restated and re-interpreted by Dugu Choegyal Rinpoche and Joanna Macy:



Coming to us across twelve centuries, the prophecy about the coming of the Shambhala warriors illustrates the challenges we face in the Great Turning and the strengths we can bring to it. Joanna learned it in 1980 from Tibetan friends in India, who were coming to believe that this ancient prophecy referred to this very planet-time. She often recounts it in workshops, for the signs it foretold are recognizable now, signs of great danger.

There are varying interpretations of this prophecy. Some portray the coming of the kingdom of Shambhala as an internal event, a metaphor for one's inner spiritual journey independent of the world around us. Others present it as an entirely external event that will unfold independent of what we may choose to do or what our participation may be in the healing of our world. A third version of the prophecy was given to Joanna by her friend and teacher Ven. Dugu Choegyal Rinpoche of the Tashi Jong community in northern India.

The Prophecy

There comes a time when all life on Earth is in danger. Great barbarian powers have arisen. Although these powers spend their wealth in preparations to annihilate one another, they have much in common: weapons of unfathomable destructive power, and technologies that lay waste our world. In this era, when the future of sentient life hangs by the frailest of threads, the kingdom of Shambhala emerges.

You cannot go there, for it is not a place; it is not a geopolitical entity. It exists in the hearts and minds of the Shambhala warriors [—that is the term Choegyal used, "warriors."] Nor can you recognize a Shambhala warrior when you see her or him, for they wear no uniforms or insignia, and they carry no banners. They have no barricades on which to climb to threaten the enemy, or behind which they can hide to rest or regroup. They do not even have any home turf. Always they must move on the terrain of the barbarians themselves.

Now the time comes when great courage—moral and physical courage—is required of the Shambhala warriors, for they must go into the very heart of the barbarian power, into the pits and pockets and citadels where the weapons are kept, to dismantle them. To dismantle weapons, in every sense of the word, they must go into the corridors of power where decisions are made.

The Shambhala warriors have the courage to do this because they know that these weapons are manomaya. They are "mind-made." Made by the human mind, they can be unmade by the human mind. The Shambhala warriors know that the dangers threatening life on Earth are not visited upon us by any extraterrestrial power, satanic deities, or preordained evil fate. They arise from our own decisions, our own lifestyles, and our own relationships.

So in this time, the Shambhala warriors go into training. When Choegyal said this, Joanna asked, "How do they train?" They train, he said, in the use of two weapons. "What weapons?" And he held up his hands in the way the Iamas hold the ritual objects of dorje and bell in the lama dance.

The weapons are compassion and insight. Both are necessary, he said. You have to have compassion because it gives you the juice, the power, the passion to move. It means not to be afraid of the pain of the world. Then you can open to it, step forward, act. But that weapon by itself is not enough. It can burn you out, so you need the other—you need insight into the radical interdependence of all phenomena. With that wisdom you know that it is not a battle between "good guys" and "bad guys," because the line between good and evil runs through the landscape of every human heart. With insight into our profound inter-relatedness—our deep ecology—you know that actions undertaken with pure intent have repercussions throughout the web of life, beyond what you can measure or discern. By itself, that insight may appear too cool, too conceptual, to sustain you and keep you moving, so you need the heat of compassion. Together these two can sustain us as agents of wholesome change. They are gifts for us to claim now in the healing of our world.
These two weapons of the Shambhala warrior represent two essential aspects of the Work that Reconnects. One is the recognition and experience of our pain for the world. The other is the recognition and experience of our radical, empowering interconnectedness with all life.

(scriptural source: the Kalachakra Tantra, 8th century AD)

[Source of this post: http://www.joannamacy.net/resources/thegreatturning/6-shambhala-prophecy.html]

Taken from Jamie Sams, A sacred path


When I was with the two Kiowa Grandmothers in Mexico, much of the prophecy of the cradleboard of Creation was passed to me. I want to share these prophecies because they will help us look to the future with hope rather than doom and gloom. Our Earth Mother has never destroyed all of the children of earth in any of the four preceding worlds and will not do so in this one. I was told that the girth of Earth has expanded at the end of each world creating new land masses and eliminating others. Each time those of her true children who were able to read the omens were shown safe places to live. Some went into subterranean tunnels below the surface. The race that went below the surface is called the Subterrainiums by the Seneca Wolf Clan.

The Cradleboard prophecy speaks of the coming alive of thouseands of Rainbow Warriors of both sexs who will suddenly see manifested the dream of the Fifth World of Peace. We are now in this process during this age the Grandmothers called the time of the White Buffalo. It is during this time that the teachings are to be released to those with ears tp hear and eyes to see. The prophecy says that these warriors of the Rainbow will remember their legacy and use it for the good of all the children of Earth. Chief Two Trees of the Cherokee says that these people may be white on the outside but are red on the inside. I feel this is due to the fact that the Warriors of the Rainbow are Guardians of our Mother Earth, and they are our Red Ancestors returning to assist All Our Relations.

The Prophecy of the Cradleboard of Creation also says that fire will come from the sky and hit the Earth Mother in the Water Nursery of Creation, or oceans. This cometlike object will fertilize the ovum of Earth and recreate purity in all four Earth Clans. The chiefs of Air, Earth, Water and Fire will be whole again. The condensation from this interaction of Fire and Water will give us back our ozone. These prophecies will be fullfilled sometime between now and the year 2015.

Many persons who have disconnected from the Earth Mother and do not know how to grow food will need to learn. Many who have no knowledge of healing plants will need to rely on others who do. The ability to respond to the ensuing changes is carried in the understanding of the Cradleboard ad each persons duty to share and be of service. It is time now to start the teaching process that will allow us to relearn Moter Earth's abundant lessons so that future generations will have the knowing Systems needed for harmonious life.

Many ancient plants and animals will reappear in our new world as they have need to interact with us again. Some plants will be used for healing and others for food. We will understand the language of the Creature Beings again and allow their instinct and wisdom to teach us how to take care of our needs. The cradleboard will become a world community. Communication in unity will prevail over one thousand years of peace when the Earth Mother will become a second sun or star in our solar system. We will not burn, living on her surface for we will have imortal bodies of fire. The races from the stars will come to assist the children of Earth in recultivating ecological balance abd some will go with them to learn these new yet ancient, knowing systems. Those who cannot accept the new Cradleboard of creation will be removed to the body double of the Earth Mother, which will house the memory of the devastation of her scarred and abused body. Many wonders will appear in the Time of the White Buffalo as governments will no longer control the actions of Earths children and the people-to-people connections will be made strong again.

As we carry the Cradleboard on our backs, it will carry the child of future dreams who is becoming manifest through our love. We are all responsible for all of the tomorrows to come. The Cradleboard is now our reminder. We can protect Future by responding now.


There are many references to Rainbow Warriors in Jamies book and some go more into who they are but I have alwasy loved this prophecy and as the time is now I don't think Jamie would mind it being shared here....




Thank you, Jez and Bobbrown I needed to hear this again.  I like all am having a moment-- and opportunity for the Healer to Heal thyself and in doing so heal all that is around me.




Hey Fairy,

Thats cool, I thought the pot comment was hilarious...Lol......

Much love sis,


Jez---Laughing  LOL


To All:

Some of the most inspiring Rainbow Warriors for me were the Women Suffragettes of 1897-1917.  Pres. Woodrow Wilson along with Selling Humanity down the river with the Federal Reserve Act also acted agains the Suffragettes. 

This to me signifies a Rainbow Warrior. 

The Unsinkable Molly also (actually Maggie) is another of this time period.  A Rainbow Warrior. 

I have been thinking alot about Suffragettes-- and I see parallels between the classism that exists now world wide and those who are working to create a new way of being... they are the Suffragettes of our Time.



Wendy's picture

Hi Jez and FFg-

I disagree with your take on the rainbow family gathering. The rainbow family gathering is far more than a pot party. They are teaching us all by example what must be done - drop out of society and learn how to interact in a different way, without leaders and followers, in peace, in harmony with nature and without money. Much destruction of evil can be done by simply turning away and marching to a different tune. This is usually far more productive than fighting.

Hey Pj,

What take was that?...I just found the comment funny...didn't break down why.....Lol...

Hmmm...lets see....why?

I smoke daily, Lol.....have been to a hippie nudist 6 day camp..full of workshops on everything spiritual, environmental etc......was wonderful, didn't cut my hair for over 10 years, now I shave it.....I have only one pair of jeans without holes, I wear jumpers with holes and shave once a week, I am professionally employed...Lol....I have done horticulture courses and I can grow plants, I have a deep appreciation of nature, I love to build things and work with my hands.......do I need go on......Lol......I understand the "rainbow gathering" perspective...it's cool and I am very much that way inclined...always have been....would go bush in a second if I could work out how to pull it off....and I have been reading about Rainbow Warriors for over 15 years.....I love the Native American and all Native cultures very much, they hold true wisdom.......

The Rainbow Gatering people are nothing to do with what a Rainbow Warrior is, which is a Native American thing and actually very specific....it's all part of the larger White Buffalo thing....the Warriors are Ancient Native American Elders being reborn at this time who will awaken at a particluar moment for a specifc purpose. You don't do the Rainbow Gathering people any favours by calling them something they are not....they are themselves and they have there own equally important and unique roles to play...better to see them for who they are....

I also love the Shambhala prophecy, thanks Bob,... and I think there may have been a post on it in here before...it is very cool and inspiring to read such things for me.....

There are all sorts of groups working toward similar goals, ....they are all just people at the end of the day, no better than anyone else.....I understand our desire to want to identify them, to "touch" them and for groups to wish to associate themselves with them for purposes of self promotion but this is not what is best for all....knowing they exist, or believing they might exist is very inspiring and reassuring to me and it's more than enough...they will reveal themselves when they are ready to ......in the times ahead we need all the diversity of the many groups...no one groups action will be the model for everyone, nature just doesn't work like that....

I will also add that Fairy and I have been on here for over 2 and a half years now and we know each other, you really shouldn't take such things personally.....we are all off on our own trips and in this place that is perfectly fine.......

So yeah, PJ, ...I won't appologize if you got offended, Lol... but I hope I can show that you had no need to be offended...Smile.... in all of my waffle you may get some clues as to why I found that particular comment..... coming from that particular person...... funny...but you will never know exactly why...cause I don't even know that myself.....and thats just how my universe works....

Much love to you,



This is a topic that really gets me going. I have spent many years thinking, dreaming and meditating about it.....it gives me hope.....

I love the Shambhala prophecy because it had some big pieces to the puzzle for me.

It gives many insights into how the natural world works and how it is "fighting" back.....you must remember that white man goes at a much faster pace than nature.....these days all people are the same but years ago, hundreds and even thousands of years ago different races were different people..... they had true cultural,  physical and even spiritual identities. They never lost the "war" to white man....they just do things differently, bigger......

According to many prophecies the natives of the Earth have sent some of their oldest and wisest souls to be here at this time. These souls are confident that they have the experience and response-ability necessary to be able to reawaken when they are called upon......

I am sure they are spread through out us but I don't see so much value in them being greenies or "good" people or anything such......Imagine if there was a Rainbow or Shambhala or...Native Warrior...whose name ends in.... Roschilds, or Morgan.......I see these warriors as having the ability to go into the deepest of shadows, the darkest of places, be people who have been totally sucked in by this reality, doing the "worst" things imaginable.......and then oneday very soon........KABOOOOM!.....they will awaken, they will remember........and they will be right where WE need them...you see I think it takes someone pretty special to be able to do that......and I can't wait till they do it....hehehehehe

The Native's never lost, you can't beat mother earth!........it's not about someone saving us, we will save ourselves, but never lose faith that we are on the winning side ........we have our heavy hitters and they will be ready when we need them...for now, best for them to learn how the "enemy" works, as intimitely as possible.......

Much love to all....hehehhee


Wendy's picture

Hi Jez-

Thanks for sharing your perspective. I had a rainbow gathering friend at the last place I worked. He got made fun of a lot and I felt bad for him. You're right that I shouldn't take stuff so personally.


A big pot party on a mountain top with a bunch of people who love rainbows is a great thing-- and for all things there is a time and place for such things.

Cannabis Partying is Cannabis Partying... Rainbow Warrioring is Rainbow Warrioring.

A Rainbow Warrior will stand before one who is mistaken and bring Light, Truth, Love, Compassion, Strength, and Dynamic Change to the situation through guided action with Passion.  The key is Guided Action.

The Rainbow Gathering is one of inaction.  Pot is a Big Pause Button.  And that is GREAT for those who wish to push the Pause Button... we all need a break.  I am familar with the overuse of Cannabis.. I have friends who have spent a lifetime in the pause mode... I also have friends who are Rainbows Gathering types... LOL  

And I have Mentors, Guides, Friends who are Rainbow Warriors. 

They are not the same.  A Big Pot Party is not a Rainbow Warrior in Guided Action.  Laughing  The difference in focus is very funny to me as well, So I am laughing with Jez as a Sacred Witness.

That is the difference I was highlighting with my cryptic comment that Jez understood.  We are the oldtimers and can be cheeky at times... Tongue out

I am still seeing the Suffragettes in our Current Rainbow Warriors... I wonder if they are also the Old Ones come back to assist us all... As Little Grandmother is--- as many who speak out are.



Wendy's picture

Hi FFg-

Thanks for your comments too, but I believe that forming new community apart from general society is a very important action that is called for now and the Rainbow faimily is an excellent example of that. It is not all partying as the old timers will tell you that tend to leave as soon as the young ones that only want to party show up.

My grandmother was a suffragette - I agree that this kind of action is called for as well. Hopefully we will and are all finding the actions we are called for as we learn to listen to spirit and transformation  begins.



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