Graham Hancock interviewed by Project Camelot

Sounds like his latest book (fiction) is very interesting. He says it was downloaded during an ayawaska experience (pardon my laziness, I know the spelling is wrong)


Bob07's picture

Thanks, Wendy.  A great interview.  I'm inspired to buy his book and give it someone for Christmas.


Wendy's picture

Hey Bob-

That sounds like a great idea. I never know what to get my older brother.


ChrisBowers's picture


While talking about his new book Entangled, Graham says something very intriguing that reminded me of the mythological methodology of the WingMakers project,

"Some ideas are so extraordinary that they are best carried forward to the public in the form of fiction"

John E Mack Institute

Wendy's picture

Here's another interesting talk, I think this guy is making the case that the common ancient civilization inhabited Mars long ago.


Bob07's picture


Before you buy Hancock's book for anyone, you might want to go here and read the first 4 chapters (they're short): , and then look it up on and read the best and worst reviews (what they have on the page).  I found them helpful.

Wendy's picture
tscout's picture

  Finally got to watch the interview with project camelot,,I didn't realize that he had found so many other underwater ruins,,I really enjoyed this one,,Thanks Wendy

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