Fred's Video

I don't know if this has already been posted on the forum but I am submitting it as it is the chance to actually hear and see Fred in all of his reality.  He is himself completely as we have grown to know  him and love him.


Well, I am again having fits trying to post a video.  I give up. I will forward it to some one else to post.



Berry's picture
UKFan1968's picture

I have given up posting videos in the manner they suggest . I never have a problem posting the links and it is just one click from the video....Love you brother......

LightCommodore's picture

Berry and UK, that is a wonderful video, especially the end where Fred talks about unity. Very wonderfully expressed. Thanks for posting it.

Fred also has an older (2007?) long video on Google of his appearance at the Metaphysical Library in Ashland, OR. I just watched it yesterday to get better acquainted with Fred and was totally blown away. It is a tour de force. I can't say I've ever heard anyone speak so eloquently on so many esoteric topics in so short a time period and from such a down-to-earth viewpoint. Here's the link:

Fred, if you're monitoring this conversation, do you publish a schedule of your personal appearances anywhere, and do you give live in-person seminars on metaphysical subjects? I'd love to attend one.


fredburks's picture

Thank you for your kind words, Berry and Chuck. Though I enjoy speaking when I am asked, I don't do it often. I don't give any seminars, though I very occasionally lead events inviting people to explore their kundalini energy and sacred sexuality. I find that repressed and unconscious sexuality is at the root of a lot of the major challenges this planet is facing. One of my favorite interviews posted on the internet was a 24-minute audio piece done by a very cool friend of mine. You can listen to it at the link below.

Take care and have a very rich and fulfilling new year,

P.S. When I listen to myself, I find I speak much too fast. Slow down, Fred.

fredburks's picture

Great question, Noa! I think we each have to find what feels right to us in this, but I'll share what I've found works best for me. When I come to a friend or family member with a desire to change them or convince them of something, I think energetically they pick up on this, and are usually turned off by it. If instead, I simply be an invitation to expansion without attachment to their "getting it," I find it has been more effective.

Being an invitation might look like my letting them know there is something I have found profound in my life about which I'm excited and/or concerned. I do my best to do this without any energetic charge towards getting them interested. If they don't show interest, I don't go there. I let it go, for all a part of me would like them to engage. Often my not going there when they're not interested is what intrigues them enough to eventually start asking questions.

Now after sharing all of this, I'll tell you that still few of my friends are interested in all of this, but I'd say about 1/4 of them have opened to some degree in the years I've been doing this. So there may be a better strategy. I'd love to hear the comments of others on what they've found works best. Thanks for asking, and you have a great one.

With much love and warm wishes,

Noa's picture

Dear Fred:

In the video sighted by LightCommodore above you characterize people's false paradigms as a matter, not so much due to faulty information as it is a "psychological problem."

My question to you, Fred, is what can we do for our loved ones, to overcome this psychological problem so that they can comprehend what they need to know about what is secretly occurring to their detriment?

In other words, how can we present the truth in a way that they will be open to hearing it?

In deepest gratitude,


ksaulino's picture

I also have very few friends who are ready for all the information that's available regarding hidden truths and spirituality.  I have found that there are "spiritual" folks and there are "hidden knowledge" folks, and hardly any that are both.  My best advice for sharing what you understand to be truth is to just gauge what people are open to, and talk about that... then sneak in a few additional ideas that might spark their imagination.  Most people like to find things out for themselves.  They like to be the first person to know what's going on.  Try to give them the ideas that are right outside their comfort zone, and see where they go with it.  Having patience is about all we can do.  Everyone has to travel their own journey... sometimes short cuts are not helpful.

I had a really interesting conversation with my sister over the summer.  We got talking about 9/11, and she mentioned that she found it so fishy that the only people up in the sky after 9/11 were the Bin Laden family on their way back to Saudi Arabia.  So I told her about my skepticism of the whole event, regarding who was involved, etc... (notice my restraint... LOL).  We talked about it for a while, with more and more signs that it was not 20 men in a couple of airplanes, then she turned to me and said, "Kathy, if I believe that 9/11 was an inside job, then my whole world view has to change, and I'm not ready to do that."  I backed right off, and really respect her self understanding in that she understands where she is, and that it was just not her time to know this information.  I had the same experience when I first read Eckart Tolle... couldn't understand it at all.  A few years later, I picked it up again, and it was just what I was looking for. 

Hope this adds something to your question, Noa.

Lots of love,


PS - Fred, this slow talking NY woman had no problem understanding the fast talking California man.  What a great interview. :)



ChrisBowers's picture

RA in the Law of One sessions has some interesting things to say about this question of how to "help" someone "get" something.  They just plain don't go there much in respect of the law of free will and law of confusion.

It was as if the 6th density social memory complex Ra were saying that we each have an inalienable divine right to our own particular brand of sovereign confusion for as long as one wishes, for the journey is theirs and theirs only, and no other quite like it, as it should be.

I sense from what was said in those sessions that this also guarantees the maximum possible experience of the whole via all it's fractal "parts".  In light of these cosmic rules, it was very amusing watching RA be extremely careful when communicating through Carla...  not to mention RA's dry witty sense of humor...

Noa's picture

I understand full well that "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink," but it also seems to me to be irresponsible not to warn people so that they might take steps to protect themselves.  Afterall, isn't that the reason and similar sites were created?

RA may be bound by the law of non-interference, but we humans are not. 

Fred's advice (in my own words) to deliver the message while being unattached to the outcome strikes a chord with me.  The truth may fall on many a deaf ear, but if just one person listens, the effort will not have been futile.

From love,


Francis's picture

would say, "For those who have eyes to see, let them see.  For those who have ears to hear, let them hear." 

And a heaping dose of compassion helps as well at those times we must hold our tongues . . .

ChrisBowers's picture

as planting seeds that don't initially appear to have taken root, but years later the right time comes to match the memory of what was said...  and at that magic moment of timing and memory, the present level of personal confusion is transcended forever...

Ra shared much within those 106 sessions, still to this day one of the most illuminating reads I have ever come across.  Was interesting to see which specific requests by Don Elkins that RA had to take a pass on...  But the core message was completely unhindered by said Cosmic Laws...

Wendy's picture

Spoken like a good Mom, Kathy, kind of like sneaking those green veggies into the tomatoe sauce.

Call me Mary's picture

Noa, I think the websites and places of information are set up by and for those who are waking up, and want to know more. The waking up, in my humble opinion, is not something that we can force on others. I like to think it is similar to an apple on a tree ripening in its own time. We have all decided the time frame in which to wake up – contrary to some opinions that make it sound like we are negligent if we don’t go around and shake everyone and awake them up, too.

I will ask you - How did you, personally, begin to wake up? Was there someone telling you how you needed to do something different – or needed to understand the “hidden knowledge” information? I would be willing to bet that you did it primarily on your own. Others will, too. I don’t think I have ever heard of Fred making anyone sign up for his courses or looking at his websites. It simply is there – and those who are ready find it.

As we become more aware, our conversations and actions with others become gentler – kind of like Kathy’s wonderful example. She allowed her sister to have her beliefs, and compassionately allows her to evolve within her own time frame. I’m sure she probably will maintain her faith that her sister will keep moving further into an awakened state. In interactions with others, there begins to be an understanding of what can be offered. Divine guidance will be part of how you do business with others.

Bringing the best of who you are to a situation – In peace, in joy and in love is one of the greatest gifts you can give to the world and those around you. When you feel you need to “wake someone else up”, try to realize there is no need to do that. Bring them love, kindness and compassion, instead. This sets up a trust, and then when others are ready, they may gravitate back, to a safe and trusted place within you……and then perhaps you can facilitate a deeper opening to what is going on. (Remember that saying…. “Patience is a virtue.” ?) Perhaps look for stirrings and beginning signs of awakening in others… and encourage and nurture that part.

I have heard in different places, and can’t help but believe, that not everyone will wake up at this particular point in time. And it is OK. Could you be OK with the fact that perhaps some of your loved ones (or even those “unloved” ones) have chosen not to wake up right now? And that even though it looks as if they are struggling and ignorant (on the surface), that they are in the perfect place at this moment? No one is being forgotten, left out, or overlooked – and All have a very important role in where we are… and where we are going.

I ask myself at times, “Who am I to decide who I think needs to wake up?” I try my best to offer acceptance and consideration of others journey’s at all times. But on the other hand, if someone asks my opinion (of which I have many) or opens up a subject of which I have some information about….. I figure that I am being requested, by some divine guidance, to share what I know.

With Love,


onesong's picture

Wonderful video Fred! To continue ...

Just attempting to live your life in a state of grace brings others to you that are ready, just as the saying 'when the student is ready the Teacher will appear'. I heard an excellent talk at one time, that helped me with this.

Think of the bullseye on a target and the consecutive rings outside of it. We all begin in the center, One with Creation but not necessarily understanding that we are. Each consecutive 'ring' becomes another level toward our Mastery, and each of us is in a different ring or state of 'awakening'. Now someone at the center can be 'helped' by someone in the first or second or third 'ring', but only to the level of the 'ring' they are in~ie. you can't teach someone fifth grade lessons if they are only in first grade. (hmmm am I smarter than a fifth grader? lol)

In each consecutive ring as we work toward our own Mastery, we become more aware of not wanting to do harm to others and IF we attempt to 'teach' lessons that are well beyond what those that come to us are ready for, then we incur negative karma and they don't 'get it' anyway. (Oh and when our lives seem the rockiest, with the world as we know it the most chaotic, we are getting ready for a jump to the next level-so welcome the change rather than resisting it and make that jump!)

Simply 'be-ing' where we are and what we are (sparks of the Divine) as we increase our own vibration and Light, others matching that vibration are drawn to us like moths to a flame. So, yes, we can plant seeds, but the planting is random, and where the soil is fertile for growth, they will grow.

I also believe, none of us 'get there' if any of us are left behind-and in so believing I can love those that hate me, I can forgive those that hurt me, and I can share this Light with the world. Someday, the world will be ready. You've heard of guerilla warfare-how about guerilla Light workers. We move stealthily through the world dispelling darkness with our mighty Light.

Noa's picture

Dear Mary:

Very well said... I could see myself giving the same advice to someone else.  Funny how much harder it is take my own advice. 

I struggle with this because I most want to wake up my children.  In fact, it was one of my children that emailed me a film on FEMA concentration camps which ultimately woke me up!  But I suspect they are too overwhelmed by their daily existence to fully integrate the information.

Having children has been my central focus and motivation for living, even before they were born!  In recent months, however, I've developed a healthy form of detachment.  I realize I can't live their lives for them and I have come to a place of peace in letting them go, whatever the outcome.  That's the big lesson for me.

Knowing this, however, doesn't stop me from sending them warnings from time to time.  My full realization of hidden truths came as a cumulative effect from various sources.  I didn't initially go looking for it.  I am grateful to everyone who scattered the seeds to bring me to this point.  I will continue to do what I can to help spread the word... gently.

In loving light,


perakee's picture

My grandpa once told me that in the Old West, when cattle drives were numerous, the cowhands would mix older stock with the younger to act as a steadying influence on the herd. He said, "If there were only young critters, they would stampede every time one of them farted. Most of the time no one knew what started it. One crazy fool cow would start running and the rest would follow along blindly, sometimes right over the edge of a cliff, killing the whole herd!"

Men are like that. The whole herd can be stampeded right into a war, killing millions before sanity is restored.

We know these things. We, and others like us, have studied ourselves and our fellow man for millenia, trying to figure out why we are our own worst enemy. We were born with an Inner Knowing, for whatever reason. And by virtue of this inner knowing, we are born Guardians of the Well. The wellspring from which Life Force flows, however you wish to label or describe it, is not a property that needs protection from theft or vandalism. It is not guarded by fighting or killing or passing laws, we are not policemen or militiamen. The Well is protected by purifying yourself, so that when you die, the Water that flows back into it is little cleaner than when you received it. In this way, the overall purity of the Well is raised a tiny fraction.

Every person in a society does not have to go to college to raise the knowledge of that society. Each grad enters the work force in a position to influence hundreds, if not thousands, of people around him. In this way, the benefits of a college education spread throughout the land.

In the exact same way, those of us who find balance causes a ripple effect, maybe even a hundreth monkey effect. When we stop reacting to emotional pressures, and stop being influenced by the everpresent whimsical winds of change, we become an anchor in this often seemingly hideous and hostile world. We become leaders among men, not necessarily leaders of men. There is a difference.

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