Feed The Loop

Noa's picture

I have to say -- and this is no disrespect to you, Gary -- I disagree with every point made in this video.  Not just because I think the Shots of Awe series is slick, transhumanism propaganda, but also because everything Jason Silva says in this video is contrary to my personal views.  For another thing, there's a big difference between fire, which occurs naturally, and the synthetic technologies alluded to here that take us further and further away from our natural state of being.  (and BTW, contrary to what Silva says, cooked food is less nutritious than raw.)

"Our symbiotic relationship with these tools is actually who we are... what we are creating is creating us back."

Speak for yourself, Silva.  That's not who I am... not even close.

garydgreer's picture

I know. No disrespect taken.

I know you feel strongly about Silva and trans-humanism and such. I don't understand what you are so frightened by though. I do hope you are not trapped in a place that limits your perception and awareness. The video can be watched and seen without accessing any personal views and certainly without even the slightest indication of any kind of trans-humanism. Tools, which are referred to as technology, could range from the finger that picks your nose, to shovels to cotton pickin hands to a cool stream for refrigeration, etc, etc. These things are already extensions of us whether we like it or not and it has come about (despite our diabolical, contriving minds) as a part of our natural evolution that seems to almost automatically progress towards our best chance of survival as well as progressively ever so slowly our most efficient means of survival (hence we are the "feedback loop" become an intelligently conscious feed back loop). I think as far as the fire and cooking, it's more a matter of freeing up time to nourish our cognitive skills and not the actual nutritional value  of raw verses cooked, that he was referring to. 

I know that when I contemplate what he says, I aways get a positive, natural occurring awe of the way and the uniqueness in which we have progressed and I conjure no image of AI or any other human-machine synthetic driven contraption.? No mind take over or out of control invention. Just observation of what's there and a little forward thinking perspective, encouragement and vision of what's there. I think you will say to yourself "I don't see any of that" and you will not as long as you are convinced and determined beyond change that this whole idea can only be for the worst. The technologies we utilize are us whether we like it or not. No use in turning or burying our heads. It's ok with me and you have every right to disagree. This is just something I feel I have observed with a small few of your conservative, alarming tendency, perspectives to a small few things. I do respect your view and we do need someone to keep the vigil. Or do we? I think they (vigils and the need for stances) are on their way out eventually, because sooner than we may think, we all won't be able to hide from the truth let alone keep or hide the truth from anyone else anymore..

You do know our DNA and it's ever CHANGING threading, along with the golden ratio is the self generating, self organising, self progressing and promoting, self sparking feedback loop of the universe, don't you?

"Our symbiotic relationship with these tools is actually who we are... what we are creating is creating us back."

IMO there is a perspective beyond what you are projecting of this quote that certainly is the truth whether we acknowledge it , like it, or not. It depends on what tools and relationships you are conjuring.

tscout's picture

     Yeah,,,Silva always starts with someone else's words, a quote,,,,and then runs with it. Whether those are his words are not,,they are just opinions. someone else could take the same starter quote and run another way with it. Personally, I see everything we do, say,invent, destroy as expressions of our thoughts,fears,and love for how we interpet life on this spaceship we live in/on. Whether we see it as going down the wrong path, or as everything unfolding "just as planned", our only answer to understanding it any better, or changing it, is to go within, and understand ourselves a little better. I see so many more mysteries when I look in,than when I look around, and making any one breakthrough within helps me tenfold when I look around. There are a million examples of anything around me, which can be confusing,as we are all linked personally to one or another. But inside, if I can understand and correct just one example of what I see around me,,,,,I have triumphed over all those things around me, and will react to them in a new "light".....

     Soooo, jason doesn't bother me,,no matter what his motives may or may not be,,,I get my own meaning ffrom whatever blurb he puts out. In this latest one, I kind of fall in line with Gary's idea,,,,the wonder of our creations, and how they spur us on to the next one, the neverending cycle....

I saw an interview silva did, where he talks about cramming all those bits of his into less than 3 minutes because of how we have been conditioned to receive info by the media. So, a kind of admission there, and at the same time, a wake up call to those who heard it without being offended....L,,,T

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