Color pictures of the moon with possible structures, nicely done and worth the watch.

garydgreer's picture

Francis's picture

I guess it was late, lol

tscout's picture

   That was beautiful !! thank you....the size of the domes was incredible

Noa's picture

Red Ice Radio - Alfred Webre - Exopolitics, NASA Bombing of the Moon, Outer Space Treaty & E.T


Alfred Webre addresses the moon bombing at the 18 minute mark.  Afterwards, he refers to witness testimony of ET craft, bases, and other activity on the moon.

Noa's picture

Wow, great post, Francis.  I watched this at 240 resolution for a faster download, so I can't say if I was really seeing domes or towers, etc.  (I'm downloading it in HD for viewing later.)

Nonetheless, Jose Escamilla is correct when he says most all of the published photos of the moon are in black in white.  I was only able to locate color photos on David Icke's site and this one:  http://www.thelivingmoon.com/43ancients/41Group_Lunar_FYEO/02files/FYEO_Lunar_02.html

Why?  We have color photos of all the planets.  Why such secrecy about the moon?

And do you remember when the NASA bombed the moon in October 2009?  I watched the NASA coverage 'live' but there wasn't much to see.  They videoed the rocket decending towards the moon, then right before the blast, the screen went blank.  I never heard another word about it.  What the flip was that all about?

In case you missed it, here's one of the few public announcements about it: 


Noa's picture

I just watched the spectacular photography of Celestial again. Worth revisiting.

Noa's picture

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