The journey inward what has it taught you so far ???

The journey inward is one of healing, one of acceptance, one of love, one of discovery, one of understanding, one of alinement, one of much joy, one of purpose... you are part of this world, part of the cosmos, part of the great awesome, what happens in you reflects to all the rest... you are like a wave in the ocean part of the whole yet unique and distinct from every other wave and if you grow you pull on the ocean, pull all other waves your actions, thoughts, feeling and paths effect the whole, what signal do you wish to send, what signal do you wish to receive ? you are a creator, we all co create together... much love in me to all - much love out to all --- your cosmic brother in light and love

a brief glimps of what iv learned so far

fredburks's picture

Thanks for the great question, Thomas. What I am learning on ever deeper levels in my journey within is that anything I see outside of me which I don't like or resonate with is a reflection of something inside of myself. When I feel unhappy with what I see, I put out the mirror to see what this is reflecting in me.

I've been doing this for several years now, and it's amazing how it is getting easier all the time to find that reflection and then do what it takes to make a shift inside of myself. I love it!

With much love and joy,

Nynia Chance's picture

I only haven't answered yet because I'm not sure what to say!  Hm... a few things I've learned...

- I am who I am
- Who we are is perfectly suited to our purpose in life
- To fulfill that purpose, focus first on who I am, and let that guide what I do
- When I am on the right path, the universe will help me in unimaginable ways
- When I am on the wrong path, nothing will work without huge effort, if at all
- Everybody has that same beautiful spark in them.  When they live toward expressing it, it's a joy to be celebrated.  When they deny or betray it, it's a tragedy to be mourned.

So so much more but this is what I could find words for right now!

Noa's picture

Personally, I've noticed that even when I have the best intentions and am focusing my thoughts and energies on love and being the best that I can be... kind and good to others, the universe has other things in store for me.  Sometimes, no matter what I do the message the universe seems to be telling me is that I'm on the wrong path or in the wrong place. 

That's why I have mixed feelings about the New Age concept of "Like Attracts Like."  The "Universal Laws" which seem to work fine for some people, don't seem to function the same way for me.  Maybe it's my karma, or maybe I just don't belong in this physicial plane.

If I totally bought into the "people are a mirror" theory, I'd feel like a complete and utter failure right now... What I put out rarely is returned or reflected back to me; usually it's quite the opposite.  I've come to accept this as my lot in life.  (I spent decades trying to figure it out and change it without success, so acceptance is all that's left to do.)

So thanks, Nyn, for the reminder, "I am who I am."  Or as Popeye said, "I am what I am and that's all that I am." 

It's a reminder to all of us to work with what we've got.  If you're a square peg trying to fit into a round hole world, don't beat yourself up if you don't fit in.  Accept yourself as you are and do the best you can.

You are perfect just the way you are.  You are here -- just as you are, in this moment in time -- for good reason.  You have a divine purpose, unique unto yourself. Go with the flow.

fredburks's picture

Thanks for sharing so beautifully and vulnerably, Noa. You are helping to strengthen my belief that the law of attraction is much more complex than most people think. You take care and have a beautiful day.

With much love and warm wishes,

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