Inspiring thoughts on love and life

Hey beautiful friends,

I ran across the below quotes in reading through one of the yearly summaries I write about my life at the end of each year. I was inspired to re-read these and thought I'd share them with you. Have a most beautiful holiday season.

With lots of love, joy, and gratitude,


When I truly welcome the mystery of the unknown, fear becomes my friend and teacher, and life becomes a delicious, ever-changing dance with All That Is.

I can choose to dance passionately with all that is, was, and will be. The dance is a continual ebb and flow, a focusing of energy inward and outward.

There is infinite intelligence within each one of us.

I open to complete and total surrender to what is, was, and will be, yet invite complete and total engagement with the present and with all around me in this moment.

Total surrender to and acceptance of what is, was, and will be, means no attachment to any of this.

Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change - Wayne Dyer

Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world - Course in Miracles

Every act is either an act of love or a call for love - Course in Miracles

Everyone wants to feel more connected, whether it is with themselves or others. When we find ourselves disconnecting, it is usually out of a desire for greater connection in the long run.

Open to the lessons given in dreams. It's free night school!

I used to focus on stopping the negative, violent behavior of the bullies in the world. I was going to save the world from these bad men, personified in the form of the power elite who rule the world largely in pursuit only of their own self interest. Yet the secret to living a life filled with deep joy is the realization that once I choose to stop blaming others—including the global power elite—and making them wrong for all the problems in my life, I can learn to get along with anyone and everyone. I open to the humanity of every person in my life. I see that the deepest challenge and the deepest joys lie not in changing others and changing the world, but rather in accepting the challenge of changing and transforming myself.

The one you were looking for is the one you are.

Universal mind - collective consciousness
Universal heart - collective compassion/heart

Universal soul - collective essence
Universal being - collective of all of us/all parts of all of us/All That Is

The world is an extension of me, and I am an extension of the world. This is what all of the deep mystics have experienced. 

The physical world can be seen as a beautiful composite of an infinity of separate things and beings, or as an intimately interconnected wholeness of All That Is—or as both!

When looking at existence in regards to polarization, there are two great forces. Polarizing forces are generally destructive and arise out of self-serving intentions. Unifying or harmonizing forces are generally creative and arise out of a desire to serve others or serve all. Both of these serve to explore the grand possibilities of existence. I want to welcome both and choose to move to a place that is beyond polarization.

All computers operate on the principle of a most basic polarization - the binary code. This code consists entirely of zeros and ones, or on and off, if you prefer. Yet out of the unbelievably massive and rapid flow of these zeros and ones over the Internet comes the entire spectrum of information, art, music, and more available there. Out of this basic polarization comes a rainbow of possibilities!

Everything can be broken down into the basic opposition of zeros and ones—even the spirit and intentions behind my words here. Yet at the same time, everything can be viewed collectively as a grand symphony or artistic masterpiece. Both viewpoints are valid. By choosing to accept and understand both viewpoints, I choose to move beyond polarization towards harmonious interconnectedness with all.

Whenever I feel in a rush, I can choose to open to the grand harmony and interconnectedness that underlies all life and existence. I can open to the wholeness and perfection that already is. Perfection is right here, right now.

Every time I find myself being impatient or judgmental, I can choose to allow that moment to be a teacher to me. I have only to stop and direct my attention and intention inward, and the deeper wisdom becomes available to me. 

In my emptiness is my fullness. In my emptiness can I most receive your fullness and share of mine.

The deepest wisdom is not only inside of me, it is inside of all of us.

The answer is in all of us. When I struggle to find the answer, ego often wants to get involved. When instead, I open my spirit to the answer that already exists in our collective consciousness, I connect with the universal wisdom inside all of us.

My own awesomeness really comes out when I am seeing and experiencing the awesomeness of the person or people I am with. The awesomeness of those I'm with is drawn out and most visible when I'm fully in touch with my own divine essence, which is the point of access to interconnectedness with all beings.

It's not so much about me inspiring and creating more harmony in the world, but rather about me opening to seeing the ever subtler levels of harmony already there, until finally I'm able to recognize that on the deepest level everything already is in a grand, perfect harmony.

By choosing to feel the heart and divine essence of whoever I'm connecting with, we can create miracles together.

On the deepest level, we are all conspiring together to remind each other of who we really are!

Thank you all for sharing in this most awesome existence with me!!!


ksaulino's picture

Namaste, Fred.

Thank you for sharing.  :)

Joyous holidays to you!




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