
Forgive my ignorance here.

As I understand it Obamacare is about giving easeir and more affordable access to your healthcare system.

One thing I have never understood, is why is there a charge for healthcare in  your country. Here in New Zealand we have both free and pay healthcare. You can belong to a healthcare scheme, which means you can access elective surgeries, however there is also a free service for both emergency and acute medical care.

As you know I have problems with my mental health, I also have limited income because of this condition, however I am able to access free pschyatric help along with minimal charge for prescriptions.

New Zealand is a very small country, yet we through both our income and GST taxes are able to provide these services free to those who need it. Why are the American public still required to pay for this care ? Just doesn't make sense to me, what Obama is trying to achieve surely is the right thing to do, although I noticed in most polls the public are blamimg him for the current situation.

I'm confused I guess, can someone explain for me.............

SayNoToCrap's picture

The underlying problem is that our healthcare system is "for profit". Until that changes,  free, low cost, and/or effective healthcare cannot exist. Access and quality used to be much better, but the large corporations now dictate public policy via bribing politicians  through gifts and donations. This is just scratching the surface of the problems that a "for profit" healthcare system creates... There's no money to be made in finding cures, there's tons of oney to be made by medicating sick people... Then there's vaccinations and such that people don't need (and that contain toxic ingredients), over-prescription of meds for cholesterol, mental health, and so on... I could go on and on. It's sociopathic and sickening (literally and figuratively), but I am sorry to say that's just the current state of affairs here in general.


Wendy's picture

The Obama plan is based on the "free" health care system we have here in Massachusetts. If it is the same, which I admit, I'm not sure if it is exactly the same, what it means is that everyone is forced to have health insurance. Health insurance is outrageously priced here so it means you are either paying $400 per month for your health insurance or the government will tax you half the cost for daring to be uninsured. In short, it's a bum deal, especially when you consider that health insurance still requires fairly big co-pays on doctor visits and perscriptions.

I really don't know why things are so bad here but my intuition says it is because the Rockefeller family grabed a hold of the health care industry here back in the early 1900's by setting up "foundations" that backed the medical schools. In my opinion is was all a scam to gain control of the health care industry.

Dennis Kucinich pushed for a single payer system that would have bypassed the insurance companies but Obama had private meetings with him until he caved.



tscout's picture

       ha! Obama caved on a health care system within the first two weeks of the "debate". Then they wasted the next ten months of his first year in office pretending to "create" the distortion that all american health care programs are....

      But the question I never hear is,,,"What about the actual "health care". Outside of trauma (broken bones, laacerations,etc.),  I would never set a foot in a hospital again. And dental care, which is critical to health,,,,,is left out of it!  It truly is sickening....The regulations preventing simple and effective cures are just as cruel as those preventing free energy from being distributed....

Wendy's picture


Who wants "health care" when it's really just "mask the symptoms with incledibly expensive and dangerous drugs untill they die care". Meanwhile I order Laetril (vit. B17) on-line and it is shipped from Mexico because it is illegal to sell it in the US - too effective and cheap, I guess.

lightwins's picture

What prompts you to be taking Laetril?

Francis's picture

with your confusion Ian.  I think on the media here in the states we hear all the political posturing about Obamacare that comes from the many conflicts of interest that have nothing to do at all with the welfare of the American people.  Allison's right, Wendy's right, and I couldn't agree more with Tscout's statement about never setting a foot in an American hospital except for trauma.  I think the newsworthy information that is being omitted by our media, and most likely yours too, is found here:


Mike Adams does a great job of compiling the numerous stories about it's shortcomings, and there appear to be MANY.  I think it boils down to a very corrupt political/corporate system here in the US where only money is heard.  I have the same concerns and confusion about GMO's - why are they still being planted and used here in the US when so many other countries have banned them?  I heard a fitting observation in an interview where it was stated that in other countries there wasn't enough scientific evidence proving that GMO's are safe so those countries don't want to risk their publics health while here in America we took another approach - there's not enough evidence proving that GMO's are unsafe so we're going to give the corporations the go ahead.

Wendy's picture

Hi John-

I don't have cancer but we have used laetril to cure serveral animals of cancer so I keep it in the house and take a tablet from time to time if I see a lump or if I'm just not feeling very well. It may or may not be effective on people but I know for sure that what the FDA says about it being poisonous is a lie. We also save all our peach pits (we grow peach trees), crack the pits and freeze the inside to munch on from time to time. The little girl in the background of my photo is my older sister who died of cancer so I'm a little paranoid about it. G. Edward Griffin has a film about it you can find on You Tube.


lightwins's picture

I am aware of laetrile (have been for many years) & when you mentioned it I felt some concern. Glad to hear it is a preventative measure.

Eyejay's picture

I feel very fortunate to live down here in New Zealand. I have had need to use our public health system several time over the last decade, in all that time I have only paid once a sum of $360.00 for an aneathetist sp.

I used to have health insurance, now I cannot afford the payments, so it's comforting to know that all the taxes I've paid have given me a system of assistance, should the need arise again.

Brian's picture

Yes Ian-I'm happy for you and envious of your healthj system too. Our society is currently being warped by and the people attacked by elites and their power.

 I also think we bring it on ourselves somehow but damned if I can see this clearly. Maybe we believe we should be punished for something. It's sad and a lot of people are suffering deprivation of health and sustenance while wealth is distributed upward in this country

Noa's picture

Take it from someone who has lived in several foreign countries... drugstores pull in more than their fair share of consumer business everywhere I go.  As well, vaccination propaganda is commonplace.  The AMA and the FDA has global reach.  Sadly, people I've met are just as likely to run to the doctor for antibiotics for the common cold (a useless and dangerous treatment) when traditional home remedies have been healing common ailments for centuries.  We've all but forgotten the art of healing ourselves.

On the bright side, I've yet to encounter the same enormous insurance premiums, co-pays, and pre-existing conditions lists abroad.  Though in France, where insurance covers most everything, people are usually sent home with 4 prescriptions each time they visit the doc.  But it's not like healthcare is free, the French endure a very heavy tax burden.  The national pasttime is finding loopholes in the tax laws.

Wendy's picture

The latest Corbett Report explains how our current health care system got so bad



Noa's picture

Thank you, Wendy.  IMO that video is Corbett at his finest.

Bob07's picture

As a brilliant companion piece to the Corbett Report that Wendy posted above:

<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } A:link { so-language: zxx } -->

Daily Bell: Where do you stand on Obamacare? Is it going to be the disaster that many forecast? Is it going to snuff out a recovery?

Catherine Austin Fitts: Well, the goal of Obamacare is to control. There are three things. Number one, Obamacare was created to create a framework that would allow significant reduction of costs and benefits under Medicare over time and healthcare over time; number two, Obamacare was to provide much more control over both the medical establishment and the population at large; and then, three, to do it in a way that will protect corporate profits. So if you look at different predictions of where healthcare expenses would go – I think Karl Denninger said at one point a year or so ago, in a relatively short period of time US Medicare expenses would be several multiplicities of the GNP. It's clearly a system that makes no economic sense. It's not just that people are aging. If we eat food that has little nutrition and provide healthcare in which pharmaceutical companies are allowed to charge many multiples of what they charge in other countries you're going to get a financial train wreck, which is where we're headed.

So I think the goal was to reconcile that and do it in a way that favors corporations and control. There are also a lot of efficiencies that technology can bring inside of that. It's a very ugly picture. I think it's going to be extremely bad for the economy, particularly small business. If you look at the leadership they've wanted to centralize as much as possible into large business so maybe that's not bad for them, because the more money they have running through the publicly traded stock, the better off for them. But it's going to be very painful for the small business area.

Now, there's a wildcard here and that is if you look at the people grappling with Obamacare, they're also grappling with smart meters, they're also grappling with chemtrails, they're also grappling with food safety regulations and cuts in the federal budget and some discovering that they've lost money in their investments and assets ... it's on and on and on. If you go around the entire financial ecosystem, they're getting hit within every line by the same pro-centralization policies that ultimately go up to the same people. And what's beginning to happen is that people who were always too busy and never noticed and didn't want to look at this or didn't want to go there are finally just sitting back and saying, "These guys are nuts. They're just nuts." So you're seeing a fundamental change in consciousness that is very positive. It's one of the reasons they haven't been able to win on gun control. You have too many solid, middle-class citizens saying, "At this point the only power we have comes out of the barrel of a gun."

So I think Obamacare is going to backfire. It's very unpredictable how it's going to happen and what it's going to look like. It's going to be pretty devastating for small business and for many families so it's not going to be good for the economy of small business and the individual. Do I think it will snuff out the recovery? No. I think it will simply destroy the economics for a whole world of people who were productive.


The entire Interview, titled " Catherine Austin Fitts on Moral Investing and the Coming Equity 'Crash-Up,'" can be found at <!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } H5 { margin-bottom: 0.08in } H5.cjk { font-family: "WenQuanYi Micro Hei" } H5.ctl { font-family: "Lohit Hindi" } - <!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } A:link { so-language: zxx } -->


tscout's picture

   you should really check it out. If that isn't a reason to go off the grid,,,I don't know what is!

Starmonkey's picture

looks like this "union" is disintegrating...  I agree! might want to engage alternative methods and make all of your movements more in harmony.  peeps are gonna need some anchors/rocks out there as their "worlds" fall apart

Starmonkey's picture

There are no accidents.  We will all have to heal ourselves by healing our relationship to LIFE and the planet...  pills aren't gonna do it anymore, and wo to those who continue down that path of dependency instead of self-sufficiency.  it's wild what sort of problems we create when we're out of balance.  mostly for ourselves, but also for one another...

And these absurd chains of karma (personal, familial, racial, sexual) need to be DROPPED.  like, right now.  it's not serving us anymore to drag them on, and it's NOT honoring our ancestors to perpetuate needless suffering, so give it up.

let's do something else instead, for a change

Starmonkey's picture

don't mean to attack anybody out there.  and the world knows i've been the biggest baby of all in a lot of situations...  but i can't keep it up.  it's not worth it to me or you.  but i will be brutally honest about what i hear and how it's getting in the way of moving forward to give too much concern to those things.  disempowering, actually.  in all honesty, i don't pay as much attention to the media as y'all do, for whatever that's worth.  but my mind is wide open as far as beliefs go.  i believe ALL of it.  but is it all worth believing IN?

Starmonkey's picture

one more thing just so none of us labor under too many apprehensions out there.  nothing from WITHIN this system is going to fix this system.  it's like slapping band-aids over band-aids or continuing to put layer after layer of shingles on your roof without removing the old.  we need to dig down and tear out the roots of this diseased tree to find the healthy root at the center that's been there all along.  the tree is sick and dying, but it's heart is in the right place, so there's no need to let it die completely.  starting over would take too much backtracking.

but family, community, neighborliness and friendliness to one another.  these are timeless values that are supposedly at the core of our structure, so why not focus more wholly on those ideals?  the only thing that's going to save the world is all of us recognizing our global family and reaching out to them.  and as we tend to one another's needs, our own needs will be met.

this anxiety will just undermine the health and fortitude of your vehicle and those around you.  but such is all of our journeys through pain and suffering to decide that we can choose otherwise if we want to be a force for HEALING.  it starts with you.  no one or thing can or will do it for you.  and really, you would have it no other way, because this is YOUR experience.  what are you experiencing today?

Wendy's picture

I thought this video on Obamacare, really Romneycare as the video points out, is worth the watch.

I think the main reason Americans distrust socialism so much is that we never get it. Whenever a politician touts a socialist idea it's implementation always turns out to be facist.


esrw02's picture

Brian's picture

I never thought I would find the world (my own country) to be so corrupt in such frightening ways. Doctors? Medical people? People who control the approval of drugs and thearapies? How can people at the FDA be so without compassion? KILLING children and adults.

 I don't think I have the strength to bear this.

Wendy's picture
Noa's picture

Sometimes truth is funnier than fiction.  Thanks for that.

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