Old Souls?

I am given to understand that all souls were created at the same time and yet some people are referred to as old souls. Some people that you meet definitely put off a vibe of being an old soul that is easily felt. SInce all souls were created at the same time, what is it that makes an old soul? Does it have to do with how much time they've been incarnate as opposed to a soul that chooses to remain in the spirit realm more?

If anyone has any insight on this, let us hear from you.

Peace, Love and Joy


Wendy's picture

Hi Kevin-

Welcome to the Gathering spot. Hope you enjoy our group. I think some babies reflect this - you look at their face and you see wisdom is their innocent face. Some people seem to naturally remember their past lives better than others - perhaps this happens when we leave the world with unfinished business. My husband says that a psychic told him that he is not reincarnated but a brand new sole in this world.


lightwins's picture

Welcome Kevin,

I believe we all come from the same source and we all have the same essence -- an open, inclusive presence of awareness. I don't know whether we were all created ate the same time or, perhaps, its a bit like cookies, you just can't fit them all into to the oven at once, so you make them one batch after the other.

What I am going to say here is, IMO, a little simplistic but generally accurate.

In any case it has been both my personal experience and my observation that some of us seem to be fascinated with wealth, power and fame while others are more engaged with and interested in the quality of relating with others and others still have a "been there, done that" air about them and are focused more on cleaning up karma, being of service, awakening and returning home.  Some of us have been pretty much all the way around the block and we feel kinda done with it.

Young souls appear to me to be superficially engaged in making their mark in the world and inadvertently creating lots of karma that is going need to be balance. (A little like when I was a teenager - I did a bunch of stupid stuff so that I could learn I didn't really want to be doing stupid stuff.)

Mature souls seem to have moved beyond the ambitious pursuits of the younger and are more interested in the domains of emotional relatedness and are often identified with causes and group action of one sort or another.

Old souls are moving into the experiential recognition that its all one, that we are all here together and that what is important at this stage is waking up, helping out and, if possible, aleviating suffering where ever it is encountered.

I'd guess that we wouldn't find many young souls on this site; it would appear stupid and boring to them and it has little or no value in achieving what they are pursuing.

On the other hand, because of the inclusive, spiritual quality of the focus here, I'd say that pretty much every one who arrives here and hangs for any period is a late-mature soul or and oldie.

Anyway, Kevin, that's what I think.



Noa's picture

That sounds about right, John.  In my case, I came in feeling like a late bloomer, mostly stumbling along behind everyone else on the learning curve, making tons of mistakes.  Somewhere along my path, I discovered some universal truths that turned me in the direction of higher growth.  It's been a long and bumpy road for me, but I no longer feel like a newbie. 

By your definition, John, my soul is maturing.  Focusing on spiritual growth and uncovering truths since  9/11 has seemingly catapulted me into an older soul.  I have a higher calling now.

We all have our own unique journeys.  Some souls remain stagnant or even regress, others find growth from this experience we call life.  There is no right or wrong about it.  It's all good.

Blessings to all,



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