Ferguson Police and Isis

I know this might sound bad, but I just wanted to use that title to get you to read this.  I love you.  Not the backdrop you in my subjective you.  I love the objective you.  The one that has their own reality and viewpoint.  If you want to talk about those topics, you can, but I'd prefer a message of peace and love.  Sorry for the intrusion. 


P.S.  Starmonkey, I'd expecting something good from you. 


P.P.S.  Anyone ever hear from Fairyfarmgirl or EyeJay any more?

Starmonkey's picture

Funny thing. Words have more underlying significance and import than those who use them EVEN know. Isis. Mother of the World. U.S.A. The melting pot. And we ARE melting. And gelling. These are all "good" things. Making all aware of our shared GLOBAL humanity and family. There will be blood and fire. But we are looking toward a brighter day. I love you too, Nick

Brian's picture

"Anyone ever hear from Fairyfarmgirl or EyeJay any more?"

Not heard a word from them in a lengthy interval. Miss them tremendously though. Seems kind of ghostly here. Makes me not want to visit because I feel lonely. Looking back though archived stuff once or twice I saw that there may be waves of participation here. Sometimes the character or tone of topics change and people don't like it or they're bored, busy, move to Mars or can't afford Internet any more. I also see new members getting the cold shoulder and not finding the courage to use their voice. (could just be my perception) Anyways...Blessing all who come here.

Thanks for the input, but it would have been better coming from them.  I'm sure they're fine wherever they are.

Good Greetings All--

I post at Gathering. Spot only when guided to do so.

I bless all with Love.

I am well. I am living my life fully immersed in the wonder and awe of our Earth and the Mother,Earth Gaia.

It is a beautiful day here in the North East of the USA where I live by the sea.

I bless you on this day and all days.

Good Greetings All-- The Islamic State Iraq Syria is an issue that has been formenting for quit e some time. Their tactics are a combination of the Persian Empire (ever see the movie "300" ) and 20th Century Nazism. There are about as Islamic as The Nazis were Christian . The use of religion for political and economic gain is as old as the civilized Human World That said, there is way more going on than one can keep track of. Really the goings-on in Iraq and Syria remind me of the last 2 seasons of. the TV show "24" and the tv show "House of Cards" All of these media references are to provide a frame of reference . Just to be clear-- The Islamic State Iraq and Syria deviates far from the TRUTH of Islam. I refuse to use the anacroynm of for the Islamic State Iraq Syria. I find the use of one of the most Benevolent Goddesses to have assisted the Human World as a terrorist organization's name to be unholy and wrong. Isis and the Islamic State Iraq and Syria are mutually exclusive. The architects of this Islamic State are the same drug running, enslaving syndicate that has created the Taliban and Al Quada. Follow the money as Fmr. US Senator Gravel was fond of saying . Those who are the strand makers believe that by Destabilizing the world they will increase their wealth. They miss the good ole' days when people were kept in line and tied to Feudal Lands. They represent the Anti- Human Unity but Love the Global Disaster Capitalism that has increased their wealth at the expense of the Earth and Human World. They do not care. The Islamic State is a tool for those who are the strand makers. It is akin to the KKK and. Neo Nazis and the John Birch Society here in the States. It is our Pluralism and the Pluralism of much of the West that has protected our Countries_ from being over run by those who abhor Pluralism and those who use the Narrow Minded for their own ends. I am remin

I am reminded of the movie Series" Star Wars " and the behind the scenes goings-on by the Emperor and those attracted to the power and wealth that creature/Sith Lord alluded to for them.

These are Universal themes if Duality. Some say we are in transition from Duality to Tri-a-lity. I can only speak to my own experience and Expansion of Awareness. What I represent is deeply troubling rise in Human Consciousness and Emancipation from the Vortexes which power the Patriarchal Duality and Enslavement Protocols. I and millions of other Human Beings from ever sector and place on Earth are Ascending in our own consciousness through Loving Ourselves Free. This tequires keenly strong intellects and Strong Loving Heartedness. Both attributes are required for Truth to emerge. Truth with a capital T and Love with a capital L. These attributes are within all Humans but must be awakened by proper nuturance and/or the desire to do so Or both. Life is dynamic.

Peace is rarely achieved at the end of a weapon...and yet without the sacrifice and the Valiant Fighters for the Allies during World War II that the Collective Consciousness of Nazism was contained and its power mitigated (but not completely removed).

The Islamic State is more of the same..it arises often here on Earth. Our Duality and Patriarchal System of Human Organization nurture the pathways for this Collective Consciousness to anchor to.

Those who submit to this overseeing force are tools to "farm" the Energectic Frequencies. that are required by this Collective.

There is more to this than I am capable of expressing at this time.

I bless all with Love. I leave you with this intersting article


Good Greetings-- Ferguson, MO. is a suburb of St Louis , MO. St. Louis sits on a Negative. Vortex. All main Crime Syndicates pass through this area and Jopkin, MO. It is only through truly confronting the issues of prejudice in the USA and the world will we be able to see the deception of the Patriarchal Social Organization and the Enslavement protocols will there be any movement toward Human Unity. When I speak of confronting I mean in the sense of looking clearly withi and throughout our social contracts and our own individual beliefs. Avenue Q comes to mind. The mid 20th Century rhetoric has no place in our current world. It is time for Humankind to embrace our shared traits and cease to be exploited by those who wish to thawart Human Unity through the manipulation of those who are afraid and disenfranchised. On both sides in Ferguson, MO this is indeed what is happening. The us vs. them stance only perpetuates the same cycle of prejudice and scapegoating of those who are deemed less than. It is not only African Americans but Hispanic, undocumented Central and South Americans, Central Europeans, Women and many many others...not to mention the working poor (choose a skin tone) and others. Prejudice is a tool of those who seek to exercise power over others...and those doing the dirty work are tools of a greater consciousness exercising its hold on our Humanity. It is a myth that this is the human condition. There are few modern examples to illustrate this..nevertheless, it still is a myth. What happened in Ferguson is truly a tragedy within a long context of tragedy world wide. It is indicative of a larger drama of Human Suffering through patriarchal control and enslavement protocols. Slavery is not just an experience of African Americans..it is a Human Experience across all skin tones and genetic heritages. Patriarchy requires a large underclass in order to power itself (vortexes). As the debate continues the side issues of police and the militarism of domestic town, county and state policing agencies is understood better within the context of the shift of consciousness that is occuring as well as interferring consciousness from other Galaxies. People are feeling like something is a threat but are unclear who or what is the threat so They respond with the tools of aggression. This is important that we awaken to the dynamic issues that are all intersected in this police shooting a thousands of others in USA. It is just not African Americans either . The News media is being encouraged to foment focus on Ferguson...and this distracts from the larger issues of Climate Change, wealrth centralization and etc. The intent is to keep us from focusing on creating human unity.


Dearest Ones --

It takes great effort for me to post. I no longer have a computer or reliable internet connection. I have a very inexepensive android enabled pre paid phone with a teeny tiny screen.

I bless all with Love. I have shared as guided to. I wish for no debate. Take what works for you and leave the rest that does not.



Brian's picture

I love fairy's posts. Rings me like a bell. I remember stuff. I choose better. I feel blessed.

I am actually just outside of St. Louis now, where I grew up.  I am curious about your opinion about it being a negative vortex, but I will google it.  No need to elaborate unless you feel so inclined.  Thanks everyone for the responses.

Wendy's picture

Hi Ffg,

Glad you are well. We have been having a lovely bout of weather lately.  Yes, ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. Here is an interesting possibility on it's true origins.





September 20. 2014 10:52PM

For Foley family in Rochester, pain turns into plan of action

James Foley is shown with his camera in Aleppo, Syria, in July 2012. The journalist was kidnapped on Thanksgiving Day 2012 in northern Syria. (Nicole Tung)

James Foley, Syria, 2012. (Manu Brabo)

ROCHESTER - While their son was held captive in Syria by ISIS forces, Diane and John Foley were told next to nothing by the U.S. government, which in turn told them to say nothing. Emails directly from James Foley's captors told them the same: Do not speak out.

James Foley, Aleppo, Syria – 08/12 (Nicole Tung)

In the wake of the brutal murder of their son by ISIS on Aug. 19, the family is establishing the James W. Foley Foundation to provide information and assistance for a unique group of Americans the Foleys hope never grows: families of hostages and former hostages.

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John and Diane Foley are embraced by well-wishers during a Mass of healing, hope and peace in honor of their son, slain journalist James Foley, at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Catholic church in Rochester on Sunday. (Bruce Preston / Union Leader)

Speaking quietly in her living room here on a late summer afternoon last week, Diane Foley told the Sunday News she has no idea how many families there may be like her own.

But she says she and her husband, Dr. John Foley, are determined to find out and bring them together to seek a consensus as to how to obtain information and, ideally, find ways to free those taken captive overseas.

She said the U.S. government needs to be "shrewder" in how it deals with hostage-takers, including perhaps negotiating, if only to better understand their motives and operations.

With ISIS now taking journalists and humanitarian aid workers, Foley said no one is truly safe.The foundation has applied for expedited 501-c3 tax-exempt status. In the meantime, it has renamed the "Free James Foley" website to JamesFoleyFund.org.

When asked about recent comments that the government threatened arrest should the Foleys attempt to ransom their son, Mrs. Foley acknowledged the threat, but said it came from only one person at the National Security Council, whom she declined to identify.

"I was really appalled at how this guy treated us," she said.

It was not, she believes, representative of the U.S. government as a whole.

She also said the only other "push-back" she received was last May when five families with ISIS-held hostages met in Washington and sought a joint meeting with U.S. officials.

"That surprised me,'' she said. "I thought, 'whoa, where is this coming from?'?"

She would like the Foley Foundation to become "a resource center" for information and to put a public spotlight on the issue of Americans held hostage and what U.S. policy should be.

"When the public doesn't know anything," she said, "it's easy for the government to forget."

Diane Foley cannot forget. She left her job as a nurse practicioner at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital two years ago when Jim Foley, doing freelance journalism in Syria, disappeared.

She knew something was wrong when he didn't call home at Thanksgiving 2012. But for nearly a year, the family didn't know where he might be or even if he were alive. Government officials were nice, she said, particularly the FBI; but cautioned the family not to speak out.

When they did learn Jim was alive and being held captive, Diane Foley took trips to Europe, speaking with hostages who had been freed by ISIS after ransoms were paid. She spoke with French and Spanish former hostages as well as a Dutch man who had known Jim in confinement and who had memorized a letter Jim had written to his parents.

She also was in touch with a Belgian resident whose son had joined ISIS and for a time was one of Jim's captors.

But here at home, the Foleys learned little from various government agencies, including the FBI, U.S. State Department and the White House.

"It was no one's job to be responsible for the situation," she said. "Government is just so, so big. It's a bureaucracy."

She said U.S. Sens. Kelly Ayotte and Jeanne Shaheen and U.S. Rep. Carol-Shea Porter were all helpful in arranging meetings for her, but were also stymied.

The New York Times last week quoted a government official, anonymously, who said the FBI team assigned to the Foleys could share only limited information because of its classified nature and of concern for causing more emotional strain.

"We cannot - and do not - want to give the families every single lead because some turn up to be dry holes, and we want to minimize the yo-yo effect," the official told the Times.

In 2011, James Foley was held captive in Libya for 44 days during the uprising that, with U.S. assistance, ended the Khadafy regime. A little more than a year later, he told his family he wanted to report from Syria but Mrs. Foley pleaded for him to stay, at least through Christmas.

"He chose to go because he wanted people to know the suffering of the people there," she said. "It was very hard not to be struck by the suffering."

He also thought Syria was actually safer.

"Jim felt more comfortable in Syria," she said. That was before ISIS became known.

She said that the family knew nothing of the July attempt to free her son and other hostages in Syria until the day President Obama called to express his condolences.

"I think it was wonderful what the Special Forces tried to do," she said. "But it was too late, too late," noting that the suspect site had been identified in April.

"I believe in America," Diane Foley told the Sunday News. "I hope we can do better."

union leader, NH via Washington Post



September 20. 2014 7:54PM

Charles Krauthammer: The jihadi logic



WHAT WAS the Islamic State thinking? We know it is sophisticated in its use of modern media. But what was the logic of propagating to the world videos of its beheadings of two Americans (and subsequently a Briton) - sure to inflame public opinion?

There are two possible explanations. One is that these terrorists are more depraved and less savvy than we think. They so glory in blood that they could not resist making an international spectacle of their savagery and did not quite fathom how such a brazen, contemptuous slaughter of Americans would radically alter public opinion and risk bringing down upon them the furies of the U.S. Air Force.

The second theory is that they were fully aware of the inevitable consequence of their broadcast beheadings - and they intended the outcome. It was an easily sprung trap to provoke America into entering the Mesopotamian war.


Because they're sure we will lose. Not immediately and not militarily. They know we always win the battles but they are convinced that, as war drags on, we lose heart and go home.

They count on Barack Obama quitting the Iraq/Syria campaign just as he quit Iraq and Libya in 2011 and is in the process of leaving Afghanistan now. And this goes beyond Obama. They see a post-9/11 pattern: America experiences shock and outrage and demands action. Then, seeing no quick resolution, it tires and seeks out leaders who will order the retreat. In Obama, they found the quintessential such leader.

As for the short run, the Islamic State knows it will be pounded from the air. But it deems that price worth paying, given its gains in propaganda and prestige - translated into renown and recruiting - from these public executions.

Understanding this requires adjusting our thinking. A common mantra is that American cruelty - Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, "torture," the Iraq War itself - is the great jihadist recruiting tool. But leaving Iraq, closing Abu Ghraib and prohibiting "enhanced interrogation" had zero effect on recruiting. In fact, jihadi cadres from Mali to Mosul have only swelled during Obama's outstretched-hand presidency.

Turns out the Islamic State's best recruiting tool is indeed savagery - its own. Deliberate, defiant, triumphant. The beheadings are not just a magnet for psychopaths around the world. They are choreographed demonstrations of its own unbounded determination and of American helplessness. In Osama bin Laden's famous formulation, who is the "strong horse" now?

We tend to forget that at this stage in its career, the Islamic State's principal fight is intramural. It seeks to supersede and supplant its jihadi rivals - from al-Qaeda in Pakistan to Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria - to emerge as champion of the one true jihad.

The strategy is simple: Draw in the world's great superpower, create the ultimate foil and thus instantly achieve supreme stature in radical Islam as America's nemesis.

It worked. A year ago, the world had never heard of this group, then named ISIS (the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria). Now it is the subject of presidential addresses, parliamentary debates and international conferences. It is the new al-Qaida, which itself has been demoted to JV.

Indeed, so eclipsed and upstaged is al-Qaida that its leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, scrambled to reveal the creation of a new India/South Asia branch. It announced itself this month with its first operation - a comically botched attack on a Pakistani frigate that left 10 al-Qaeda fighters dead and the ship intact.

While al-Qaida was being humiliated, a huge Paris conference devoted entirely to the Islamic State was convened by Secretary of State John Kerry. Like his other conferences, it failed. Obama's "broad coalition" remains a fantasy.

It's more a coalition of the unwilling. Turkey denied us the use of its air bases. The Sunni Arab states are reluctant to do anything militarily significant. And not a single country has volunteered combat troops. Hardly a surprise, given that Obama has repeatedly ruled that out for the U.S. itself.

Testifying on Wednesday to the Senate, Kerry declared that the Islamic State "must be defeated. Period. End of story." Not the most wisely crafted of declarations: The punctuational emphasis carried unfortunate echoes of Obama's promise about health care plans and the word "must" carried similar echoes of Obama's assertions that Bashar al-Assad had to go.

But Kerry's statement remains true for strategic and even moral reasons. But especially because when the enemy deliberately brings you into combat, it is all the more imperative to show the world that he made a big mistake.

Charles Krauthammer is a columnist for The Washington Post.

Noa's picture

I believe that the American military industrial complex has the power and technology to zero in on anyone on the planet.  If they wanted to, they could locate a kidnapper or a hostage with satellite cameras.  Once located, they could pick off the offenders with an armed drone, then swoop down with a helicopter to rescue the lot.

But too often, politics is the law of the land and citizens serve as ponds in the game.  Rather than reacting to what mainstream mouth-pieces are telling us to believe, we should look deeper and ask just who this situation is benefiting.  In that way, we can better discern the truth.

Visualize the peace you want in the world, and know that your focused thoughts and desires make it so.

onesong's picture

If I can at all help it, I do not use the term nor think much about 'war' other than promoting and being Peace.  I do agree with what Noa has said about the U.S. being able to do just about whatever it wants militarily.  When looking historically at military events we have been involved in what is the motive is what always stands out to me. 

Who is making large sums of money engaging in it, who does it benefit, what are we fighting for, who are we fighting against, are we in it for oil, money, control because I don't see that we're in it for the 'good' of anyone-anywhere.   

I wonder what we've learned-we've armed other 'allies' (and future terrorists) in the past, why would we want to assist any country in arming for war, training or sharing tactics of war, and why would we rather destroy than build a lasting peace?  I wonder how long we'll stand for it and how we stand against it-not just people in the U.S., people everywhere.  So we go on killing each other, to what end? When will it end?

(I don't expect any 'answers' from the team, or for an argument to ensue.) I am tired.  I am tired of carrying my share of the weight of a world in pain. It isn't what we came here for.

May the politics of warmongers be damned.

Light, come through - now.  Peace Be. A world of peaceful beings, BE.

Noa's picture

I feel your pain, Kristyne.  May I offer some comfort?  You may find some understanding on the subject of war here at minute marks -- 1:38:00 - 1:48:00


Mull it around in your mind for a few days, as I am doing now.  Maybe we'll think of something positive we can do.

It's become a cliche, but we really are the ones we've been waiting for.


It's not a cliche

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"