Fear Mongerers

I'm calling you out lovers of fear. Speak at me with your words. I'm tired of your boring articles. Talk and I will listen 

Bob07's picture

Nick, I have no idea what this is about.

Just a misplaced rant I guess.

Starmonkey's picture

IMO, none of us here are "fear mongers"... just some are more afraid than others. And "fear makes the wolf look bigger". Nice tag to go with that phrase if you search it ;)

Brian's picture

Some are afraid here-me included some of the time but I always thought the mongers were people who made money off creating fear like Fox News or Dick Cheney. Some people try to sell ISIS as an immanent threat to the US mainland. (I have friends who swear ISIS has training camps in NC where I live-they just seem so manipulated to believe this and that fear seems so planned).

Add the round up of people world wide to be put into FEMA Camps. 

Look Around you and see the beauty of Life.  It is ever Present.  Focus on Being with That.


I bless all with Love


ChrisBowers's picture

Even if a large number of us ever do end up in FEMA Camps someday - to still see with Elizabeth's (FFG's) eyes!!!

It remains a viable choice, regardless of circumstance.....

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"