Expecting Synchronicity

Hello everyone,


Sorry, I've been away from here for a while.  I still check in every now and then but have been disappointed by the lack of discussion and the apparent propagation of negative news.  I know you want to know the truth, but whatever truth you seek, you will find.


I have tried to stay more positive while taking in whatever information is available.  As some of you may recall, I've struggled with mania due what I think of now as extreme levels of synchronicity.  Instead of fearing it for the longest time, I've just opened up to it.


According to a book I recently read, this is a great way not only increase it, but also learn from it.  The more often it comes, the more you expect it, then you can start moving into a more emotional and perceptive state of awareness.


This allows you to appreciate it for what it is, guidance.  There are other ways of tapping into this intuition of the universe, but that's all I got for now.  I don't know where I was going with this, but if you have any comments or questions, please feel free.


Love and peace to all

Starmonkey's picture

I think synchronicity is the "language of the universe". Making one aware of the interconnectedness of all as well as the less fixed or definable nature or "realities" of time and space. The big loop. So many ways/methods of perception! 

P.s. you might want to watch that flamboyant throwing around of the word "negative" as peeps may get offended or defensive about THEIR processes. It just keeps an unnecessary point of contention alive that we are trying to move beyond. Just ignore or don't comment. Or whatever. That seems to be part of YOUR process, so do what you will! ;)

Stuck in a loop...

By asking me to ignore that, I apologize, but it just seemed like the opposite to me.  I do want touch on this.  I know I will offend some people when I say this, but I've come under the impression that polarity as a whole is wrong.  Classifying it as such in my mind is not.


The problem with the light workers that I've found is that obviously they're right and the cabal is wrong so there is a justification needed.  The only way I've figure out how to overcome this is to not take it personally and point out blunders.


In my opinion, which could be wrong, these light workers are in the same cycle of revenge and aggression as their counterpoints.  Their minds are focused on these attrocities and not as much how to be the light they apparently possess.


I don't claim to be right, but through my personal justification system that I established to make myself feel good, I feel that I am.  You could tell me otherwise and I am willing to hear your opinion.  That's all I got for now.  Sorry starmonkey if this is coming off as instigating, but sometimes that's necessary, just to observe the dichotomy of the polarity.  I consider it more of a hypothesis that I'm working through.

Starmonkey's picture

No "right" or "wrong". No "good" or "bad". I embody those dichotomies as well. An admixture of all, seeking radical balance. I do applaud your desire to label yourself as "good" and model that in your behavior and interactions with others. I realized after sending that my post was contradictory. Polarities! So challenging!


Starmonkey's picture

I was also drawing attention to a recurring theme or response in your "returning" posts that I've noticed. Not bad or good, but it's difficult to inform or instruct others and the internet/technology makes communication twice removed. So much is lost without being in one another's presence. Frustrating to say the least. Words, words, words... and sometimes pictures :)

Kudos to you for continuing to come back and try and I DO appreciate your fresh viewpoint and enthusiasm for life and new experiences! Radical balance! 

Trish's picture

Hi Nick,

Nice to meet you! I joined earlier this year, and I don't think we've had any discussions together yet. I've taken a break for the last little while from the Gathering Spot to enjoy the last few months of summer, and although I've enjoyed checking in and reading up on everyone's posts, I just haven't felt inspired to write a post or comment for a while.

The past couple months, it's like my intuition and 'spiritual side' took a bit of a break. My mind got very full of busyness, stress, and tension, and it was a catalyst for me to quit caffeine completely, take a slower pace, and start going out for walks more. Now that I've stopped getting headaches from the caffeine withdrawal, here I am, posting again.

A few synchronicities have been coming together, then I re-watched all three Matrix movies, and last night I watched "What the Bleep do We Know?" From these experiences, I see more clearly the cycles of addiction that my body and mind get into, and that there isn't much of a difference between being addicted to a substance, a habit, a thought pattern, or an emotion. For me, the first step of breaking out of a cycle is realizing that my mind and body are in addiction. It helps to stop entertaining certain thought patterns if I remind myself that I'm feeding a habit, and that what I choose to think literally changes what I feel, and it expands outward from there.

I also made an interesting observation about some emotions that have negative labels, but they are quite different when experienced without thought attaching meaning to them. For example, part of what I was going through is realizing that sometimes, I hold up a happy, confident face, but underneath, I'm hiding a lot of shame. Thoughts and feelings of being not good enough and not worthy. Embarrassing memories come up with a waves of shame. Then I wondered, what is this feeling like if I take away the label? Immediately the thought came, "It's love and forgiveness that I'm withholding from myself because I think I don't deserve it." Transmutation! It was amazing re-playing those embarrassing memories and infusing them with love and forgiveness, and realizing that I don't need to be so afraid of trying new things or making mistakes.

So I find that the thoughts, emotions, and events in my life that I would rather not have experienced have been the very things that have taught me, motivated me to look deeper for truth, and have made the sweet moments so much sweeter for their contrast. They truly have been blessings in disguise.

I think it's similar with the Gathering Spot; everyone who posts and comments here are like painters on a giant mural, each with a set of colours and his or her own style and gifts to contribute. It is beautiful and perhaps even essential that we each bring something different to the painting, and if we are finding that the artwork is low on a few colours, we may find that we are the ones who are holding back. :-)

Peace, Trish

ChrisBowers's picture

Funny thing about the condition and exhibition of extreme polarities.  Thinking either direction is right or wrong is much like thinking that a sunny day is right and a dark storm cloud is wrong.  Most aha moments I have had concerning possible ways the Cosmos works has led me to think that the middle places (like the overlap of two circles - the vesica piscis) are the gateways.

Funny how our egos would have us banging our heads against highly polarized ideas forever while getting nowhere in the process but frustrated.  As far as the ego's concerned, any drama is good drama.  Makes a illusory non-existent thing like the ego feel alive!

And the whole time the gateways for progress and travel were and are all around us...

Still, Calm, Centered, Unattached, Floating, Smiling, Laughing, Amazed and Extremely Appreciative for how awesome the matrix design truly is...  your chariot awaits...

these are a couple of thoughts that came to mind concerning the discussion of polarity...

oh, and Trish, your comments about embarrassing memories and the inevitable "cringe" feeling that follows (I can so relate to that experience over and over) reminded me of the instruction to become the "observer" of the thought and emotional experience instead of personally feeling like the "target" of the thought and emotional experience.

I love the idea of exercising the "observer" experience slash vantage point because it tends to relieve us of (if even for just a moment) the persistent ego drama in our heads...

one might say it is a way to "exorcize the demon", but that would be a bit too polarized, LOL

Starmonkey's picture

"My" feelings as well. Was pondering after the posts last night... Realized I am a light AND dark worker. I paint with all the colors, and I love darkness. The middle way. I suppose I'm not afraid to go many places that others are wary of, so (yipee!) I should buck up and prepare to do more of the dirty work. Not necessarily looking forward to it, but that's what I'm here for! Vesica piscis, indeed. The only way out is through! (The looking glass) ;)

Do you know what happens when two people at 100% have an intelligent debate?


100% gets bigger.  This in turn screws up the ratio for everyone else.  This Earth is graded on a bell curve and unfortunately or fortunately there are some people stretching the boundaries. 


Love you all, even those of you I don't like


Peace from the Middle West!

fredburks's picture

What if the shadows aren't negative at all? What if that is our egos wanting to categorize things as bad and good? Seeds must be buried in darkness for days in order to germinate, yet from that darkness is born a beautiful flower or a magnificent tree. I love playing in the fields of light and darkness while doing my best to see the divine beauty in all of it.

With much love and warm wishes,

Starmonkey's picture

Al-kemi. Transmuting the black earth to life and golden light. But the elements are inseparable, even as far as the process goes. And the light is contained within the darkness. Wouldn't exist without it. There is no battle (maybe a struggle WITHIN). To be reborn in full glory and unfold thy wings and fly! See y'all up there! And down there...

Glad to be back in CO after a few months of UT, AZ, NM, TX, OK, KS, MI, IA, MN, SD, WY, CO, NC... whew. Now to find a "home" (house)... or a bus

tscout's picture

      Fred, I never thought of looking at our dark sides from that angle...I have used that metaphor for going within,and have even used it ina seasonal sense. Working on internal issues during the wintertime, and not looking for results until spring, giving the "work" or thoughts time to germinate, and manifest as something else. I have also seen that cycle with physical healing,,,doing everything to regenerate in that dark season, but never seeing results until springtime. One of my teachers, who had suffered a similar injury in the fall, and knowing what I was going through,had written me a card at christmas suggesting . looking at it this way,,,and the suggestion worked....    Addressing our darker, or deeper characteristics this way is a great idea, and I look forward to playing with that!

     Chris, I always resonate with your words here,,,and I love the idea of the middle road,or vesica pisces,,,it is the only thing that makes sense to me anymore. To me,it IS the place of the observer, seeing both sides, or extremes, of what unfolds before us, without being drawn to either. Some might call this non-commital, and I would thank them,,,but they probably wouldn't understand why....

     You know, I have been back and forth between countries for over 3 years now,,and , being in these new and different places has helped me to practice it a little more often than many might have a chance to...On one hand, I find myself witnessing scenarios that I feel I have no stake in, so I only "witness" them, and observe the reactions of those who are locked into the scene....   On the other hand, I sometimes choose to take a swift anonymous action to change the situation, even if it is only picking up something someone dropped in a busy train station and chasing them down to return it. In a moment like that, I see them bounce back into the present, and feel a shift of some kind. It's like,,,,focusing on nothing ,,but seeing everything!

      On another note, these types of awareness, and the path they have taken me on, often leaves me feeling very empty inside. Technically, I am homeless, I don't have a home in either country, and am not sure where I belong, or if I am serving any purpose ,,,I sure haven't stumbled on anything significant that I think I should be doing,,ha! So,being the observer places me as just that socially,,,,an observer! When I have to deal with practical issues,,,I don't seem to have any new answers. My age is starting to lock me out of job opportunities, I don't really have any possessions anymore, so it is easy to wonder where I will be in a few years. That is the fear side popping up, practical issues are good for that!

      Astrologically, my birth sign is the twins,,the dual personality...That is often seen as a bad thing, but I tried to turn it into something good. A dual personality can see different points of view, so I use it that way, and it helps me keep the middle ground. Unfortunately, it doesn't make me many good friends, as I don't fall towards either pole, so, no one can really identify with me. Even if I help "negotiate" peoples' differences, neither one of them will get close with me,,as I didn't "take their side"...I am sure many of you have experienced this.... But,,I will stick to my guns,,and see what happens, I just can't live in either extreme anymore.........Peace to you all,,,T

Oriole's picture

I love that, Fred:  "playing in the fields of light and darkness while doing my best to see the divine beauty in all of it."  fields of light and dark.  I shall contemplate, and play.   I feel a trinity/trilogy/triad as well . . .  land /sea/ sky.  earth-body/feelings/mind & spirit, etc etc....  the natural world is the template or pattern from which we can understand.

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"