Article by Jennifer Hoffman.....

For the past two days I've had a splitting headache, been nauseous, dizzy, spent a sleepless night, felt so tired that I can hardly stand up, had trouble talking and can't focus. I'm not sick, this is what happens to me when we experience huge energy shifts like the one that began last Friday. Chances are, you felt them too. Our bodies go through many physical changes with energy downloads and they can make us feel like we have been run over by a truck. We can't change that as there is more energy coming but we can understand how to manage these symptoms so we know what we are dealing with and make adjustments to our activities.

Before I get into a list of symptoms, what they mean and why they are happening, there are two things that we can do to minimize their severity. One is to get enough rest, which means getting enough sleep at night (although one of the symptoms is insomnia) so that when these shifts happen you are not so worn out that your body crashes and you are forced to go to bed. The other is to spend time doing breathing exercises which helps ground your body. Even if you just do them for five minutes once a day, focusing on the breath helps you stay grounded so you do not have that feeling of being half here and half out in the ethers.

I knew that a big energy shift was happening because on Saturday I had the urge to clean my house. And not just run the vacuum and dust the furniture, but clean every room, wash floors, dust baseboards and ceilings and straighten out my cabinets. I even thoroughly washed and vacuumed my car. The energy downloads push old energy out and as this energy clears in the spiritual and psychic realms, we can feel it as a need to clean our physical environment. So if you get the urge, clean out your closets, your home, your car and your office. Moving furniture around, washing and dusting removes old energy and allows your physical space to absorb the new energy. This is especially true if you want movement in your life, for example, if you want to move or shift some aspect of your life.

Then there are the stronger physical aspects of energy movements, such as the nausea, dizziness, confusion, inability to focus, overwhelming fatigue and problems with thinking and speech. All of these happen because these energy shifts carry new electromagnetic frequencies that literally shut down our old circuits as we are being re-wired into new vibrational frequencies. It's the equivalent of turning off the electricity to re-wire your house. While the electricity is off, not much gets done and it's best to go to bed. While that is not always possible, as we are being re-wired, meaning our neural pathways are being configured to accept higher vibrations.

Try to imagine your pre-ascension body as being able to power a 50 watt light bulb. These energy shifts are changing your physical body so you can power a 1000 watt light bulb. All of the energetic pathways that receive and transmit energy must be upgraded to accept higher frequencies, which is why I refer to this process as re-wiring. It cannot be done at one time as our bodies simply could not take it. So it is done in stages, which occur with each energy download.

Some of this re-configuring can be done at night but some must be done while we are awake which is why we sometimes have insomnia. The work that cannot be done during the day (because the energetic interference is too high) is done at night and if we need to be awake for it, we will not be able to sleep. My solution for this is to just get up and write or read until I feel sleepy again. I find that this always happens between 3 and 6AM. And yes, I'm very tired the next day.

Food sensitivity is another symptom that is a result of the new energetic frequencies. You may find that you crave certain foods and can no longer tolerate past favorites. Processed foods, red meat, pork, sugar and certain vegetables may either not appeal to you or eating them gives you digestive problems. And this changes over time so you are never sure what you can eat and what your body will not tolerate. There are so many foods I can't eat now that my diet has become very simple, including lean protein, vegetables and salad. Anything else makes me sick or makes me gain weight (another unattractive symptom).

Listen to your body and pay attention to what it needs. The simpler the diet, the better for now. I hope that one day we will be able to eat whatever we want but for the moment, our bodies need healthy, wholesome food with few pesticides and preservatives, grown in optimal conditions and eaten in a calm, stress free environment.

Have you put on ten, fifteen or twenty pounds that you can't lose? Welcome to the club. This is a rather frustrating symptom that so many have and that won't go away. There are several reasons for this one. First, the fat acts as an energetic buffer, grounding and protection. As a buffer it gives us more physical density so we tolerate higher frequencies of energy. It grounds us and makes us more aware of our physical presence so we are less likely to be out in the ethers. With the awareness that your clothes don't fit right and your body just feels heavy you are staying focused on your physical presence, which grounds you in the third dimension. And the extra weight adds protection as we feel unattractive and are less likely to open ourselves to other people (I'll talk about this in another Ascension Insight). The weight will go away by itself when it's time. I know people who have watched the weight just melt away even after struggling with it for years.

And the weight may be bloating from water retention as our bodies also retain water to act as a buffer for these frequency shifts. You may notice that you gain five pounds or more a day or two before the energy shifts, I know I do. Then after they are over the weight will go away, until the next energy shift.

Of course this is a very uncomfortable process and despite our best preparation our bodies are really taking a hit. Fortunately the symptoms only last a few days so during that period you may not feel very active or social and then you will be stepping into a new frequency that will require a little bit of adjustment time. In the meantime, get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, eat what your body craves and take care of yourself. The body is the vehicle for ascension and a necessary part of this process. Even though it seems to be in the way sometimes, it is part of your divine trinity and you chose it as your physical presence for this lifetime.

So now that you know what the symptoms are, you will be prepared for the next download which will happen this month, after the Equinox. Stay calm, focused, and aware and remember your thoughts are creating every moment of your life. Think the best ones.

As you ponder this and the other things that are happening at this time (and Mercury is retrograde, which is a great time for reconsideration), remember to:

Accept all gifts of understanding with gratitude and use them to apply forgiveness, release and healing to every situation.

Ask for guidance and confirmation and then wait for it to come to you.

Above all, be grateful for this opportunity to be part of humanity's amazing shift in consciousness as we all ascend into the miracle vibration.

Many blessings in these miraculous and amazing times,

Jennifer Hoffman

ksaulino's picture

This is a really great reminder, Bill.  Thank you!  When things are REALLY gearing up, I notice I get a weird twinge on one side of my face that lasts a few days and then goes away.  It effects my eye, cheek, nostril and half my mouth.  I woke with it this morning, and figure it'll hang around until the weekend.  It took me a long time to figure out that that had to do with energy changes.  This time it's on the left... indicating inner healing / rearrangement.  :)

(Oh, and I love the idea that maybe these 15 lbs I've been chasing for the last 3 years may be required for the shift, and that at some point they may go away!  LOL  May I have another slice of cheesecake?  Seriously, it does somehow make me feel comforted, and not hopeless.)

Lots of love,



ChrisBowers's picture

Definitely could be (symptoms of ascension/evolution), but could easily be symptoms related to higher levels of benzene (Corexit) and methane.  That's what instantly came to mind when I read the first sentence of the post anyway...  here are two google pages of links to research if you wish...

I was wondering the same thing, Chris when I read the symptoms.  The proof would be in the pudding--- where the writer is hailing from... if it is where the Oil Spill is then yes... if not then it is something else.


OS IV: The Divine-Human Upgrade
by Lauren C. Gorgo
September 2010
A few days ago I was laying on my bed watching some resistance in me rise while thinking about the many years I spent staring at the same spot on my bedroom ceiling...wondering which day and when I would be able to actively participate in my life again. Not to the point of doing what I used to to... because obviously so much has changed for all of us... but to finally be able to put into action the last decade of learning and expansion through the never-ending process of cleaning out our insides. (literally and figuratively)
And now, here we are in another mercury retrograde cycle...  For me personally, this has to be the 18th or 20th retrograde that I have witnessed in the stillness..translation: since I have been banned from living an external life.
A little over a week into this reflective period I got to thinking that this jail sentence has been so much more than "doing time" for us... more realistically, it is has been a process of "releasing time"...which is so ironic because being the observer of our lives (as opposed to participating in them) for so many years has offered us the ability to watch so much condensed history pass us by in such a short period of time... yet, because of our stillness and inability to move forward, we also feel an undeniable sense of no-time... that nothing is moving at all, and the phrase "going nowhere fast" has brought on an entirely new meaning.
During the purification phase of ascension, everyday really is Groundhog Day.  We spin our wheels through the same cycles of polarization, over and again, until we finally jump off the karmic wheel and into our center-point, where we cease to get attached to the energies that derail us.
Oops...back to my, as I was laying there saying my final goodbyes to a life gone by and observing all remaining thoughts and unresolved emotions about being hijacked from human experience, I was greeted by a soul collective that I had never communicated with before. They call themselves, "The Divine Council of Seven".
They shared with me that their divine purpose is to oversee the seven layers of the human energy field during the purification process for those humans who are undergoing their biological transfiguration.
Apparently they are heavily involved in safeguarding us from outside interference and the harshness of the external world during this very sensitive and vulnerable metamorphosis period and they are now wanting to come forth and share some information with us about this ongoing transfiguration into the divine human template.
First of all, I definitely had to look that word up to refresh my Mercury-clouded memory... and here's what I found:

1. a concept in Christianity which is central to the understanding of Christ as joining the human and the divine.
2. a. a marked change in form or appearance; a metamorphosis.
    b. a change that glorifies or exalts
The New Operating System

In its most most basic form, the divine human template is rooted in, and motivated by, harmonics. Harmonic resonance is the signature vibration of the 5th dimensional human biological makeup and what many have been and will be transitioning into.
A 5th dimensional operating system does not mean that we are impervious to discordance, it means that we are energetically detached enough to avoid it.  Avoiding the temptation to meddle in discordance will come quite naturally as all systems click perfectly into place.
Our new operating system is designed to function within the realms of oneness which means that any and all access to polarized fields of consciousness can cause great waves of distortion.
The Divine Council is reminding us that the way to exist in an increasingly volatile (purifying) world within a 5D physical framework is to solidify boundaries and use sensation as a guide for discernment. Our physical and biological receptors are becoming so finely tuned that our ability to sense distortion well precedes the experience of it....this is for good reason. To utilize these sensations effectively is to honor our energy body at all times by making choices that are aligned with our highest good.
To fully realize our divine-human potential, the holographic matrix by which we operate must match the frequency of our updated internal operating system...which is located at the base of skull, or cerebellum, and is linked to the 8th chakra...what many refer to as the soul star chakra (and which houses our divine/soul blueprint). For this process to complete itself, there must be a complete restructuring of the framework by which we humans, in a 3d polarized time/space matrix, operate.
Transfiguration is the term the council uses to explain the transition from the 3d human (or the 3d human operating system), to the divine human (or the divine human operating system). This new operating system is designed to pick up and decode the higher dimensional frequencies, translating them into a physical output...the manifestation of our divine intent.
This state by which our body is transfiguring into, is way beyond a normal state of human is what they refer to as "human functioning at its most supreme power."
The reason that the process has been so long and arduous is because the transition from one physical state to another is very time and energy consuming...meaning that it requires great concentrations of energy to fulfill the destiny of our divine blueprint.  In a non-physical realm, this energy moves very quickly and shifts are instantaneous, however, while in physical form where energy is denser (and therefore slower), we are required to complete this transfiguration order to fulfill our divine plan in service to the One.
Revvireing Up and Stabilizing

The seven main energy centers of the human body, the conduits by which we transmit information, have been seriously revving up since the June solstice... rather, they are increasing in spin and simultaneously raising the rate of our personal vibration to match the vibration of the 5th dimensional reality matrices. This increasing energy is presently aligning with our soul plan, or blueprint, and beginning to send large waves of telepathic information to the grid by which we are now beginning to operate from as well as connect to many more members of our soul family.
The process of opening or expanding these seven energy centers to full divine-human capacity is nothing short of miraculous, however, keep in mind that as with all new beginnings there will be temporary set backs and readjustments required to maintain the optimum flow or frequency through our newly updated hardware.  September will be largely about stabilizing this flow.
Akin to a computer upgrade, now that our 5D operating system is downloaded and pumping higher frequency signals to our rewired brain, we must now update all of our software to readjust our focus so that we can clearly see the new world being birthed before us as never before.  Just as with all holographic reality constructs, the ability to see and participate in these fields of intelligence depends solely on our vibrational output.
For the next three weeks we will be continuing to step in and out of these new frequencies and testing the waters in greater concentrations with fuller presence. We will be learning how to consciously expand our energy field and hone our skills at keeping our fields open and grounded as we experiment with some powerful surges of energy that undulate through our bio and morphogenic fields.
The advice we are being given for this is to PLAY!  Play with the new potentials that are beginning to take form, play with the power of our focus, our magnetism and our ability to stabilize ourselves with intention.
Communication Upgrade

This Mercury retrograde period that we are presently wading through is responsible for much of the communication upgrade to our energy field that we are all undergoing.  It is being used to not only ensure that the left and right hemisphere of our brains are working together harmoniously, but it is also ensuring that all seven energy centers of our biofield are fully aligned and communicating with our higher self.
This new communication field will also be responsible for the real-time telepathic exchange with our higher self and will enable full access to our divine blueprint. The divine blueprint, (located in the soul-star chakra), houses the information of all past and future incarnations and is the way station for our higher intelligence. As this reconnection opens more fully, the information from our higher self becomes readily available for the physical co-creation of our soul-genetic plan. This means that not only will we have a pure connection to our higher intelligence, but we will be working within the dimensional fields of fluid creation and will be given the access codes for our divine-human capabilities.
Some of these capabilities include: increased creativity and focus, increased levels of energy and vitality, increased capacity to heal the self (resurrection/regeneration), increased capacity to heal others, increased psychic perceptions & capabilities, increased manifestation skills, increased sensitivity, and the awakening of some dormant gifts yet to be explored or discovered.
Physical Happenings

Although its a very slow process, it's probably a very good sign that I am beginning to receive more and more information about our upcoming physical changes... and there will be changes....but not in the ways that most expect.
The divine human template is apparently designed to alter the human genome and carries with it the intelligence to regenerate our cells at rapid rate. This level of self-healing requires that the physical vessel remains in a state of harmonic accord and that it is fueled by an energetic source greater than its own. What this means is for those completing what the council calls transfiguration, the human body will no longer generate its full power from external sources, but will be self-propelled from a secure connection to our own servers (power-Source).
There will still be the need for basic human functioning at this level of operation, however, I am told that there will be less of a need for external fuel as the body becomes more of a self-sustainable mechanism of physical transport and experience.
I am told that the most notable change in our physicality will be by way of youthfulness. The youthful glowing appearance and capability of the divine human template is a natural byproduct of a fully functioning energy system. If I am hearing this correctly, the new energy feed that sustains us will be nearly tripled in input, and nearly doubled in output and 1/3 of the vital energy supplies from Source will go straight to our biological systems for optimum functioning.
There are many more things to discuss with regard to the new human template, and I will have more to report as we advance into this next level of conscious co-creation.  For now, just know that after all we have been through during the last 3 months, we have definitely turned a corner and when mercury goes direct we will see the some immediate results of our new level programming.
In the meantime we still need to surrender to the stillness knowing that forward movement will soon commence, and allow our bodies to go through the required changes that we are still integrating since the solstice. The council is saying...
"There is so much to learn and so many new things to discover here that we say to you, enjoy your final days of rest!"
Of course, we also have had the usual symptoms related to different aspects of our rewiring this time are some of the more pronounced:
Pineal/pituitary merging, rewiring and reorienting symptoms: dizziness, pain/pressure in back of head and down spine, vision problems, earaches, sinus headaches, migraines, fatigue, neck aches and stiffness, changes in body temperature, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, vivid funky dreams, etc.
Heart opening symptoms: heart palpitations/skipping beats (aligning to new grid), ANXIETY, middle back pain (behind heart) and indigestion/heartburn/acid reflux, nausea, etc.
Grounding symptoms: LOWER BACK ACHING/pulling, leg aches and heaviness, menstrual-type cramps, lower intestinal distress/cramping/detox, bloating, water retention, skin rashes, etc.

See you when Mercury goes direct...
In gratitude,

Lauren C. Gorgo is an Interdimensional Channel, Spiritual Teacher, Counselor and Healer, Conscious Creativity Coach, MultiDimensional Mentor, Advanced Integrated Energy Practitioner and Author of 12 Essential Steps to Discovering Your Divine Blueprint: A guidebook for the soul. Well known for her ability to cut through extraneous esoteric details, Lauren is adept at communicating complex spiritual ideas and concepts in a grounded, easy-to-understand and articulate way. For more information, free articles, channeled messages and e-courses visit:  *

Copyright © 2010 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. © 2010 Expect Miracles, Inc  * 

ChrisBowers's picture

Excellent info!!!!  That may be one to print and carry around as constant reminder...

This passage resonated (obviously),

"During the purification phase of ascension, everyday really is Groundhog Day.  We spin our wheels through the same cycles of polarization, over and again, until we finally jump off the karmic wheel and into our center-point, where we cease to get attached to the energies that derail us."

here is Jennifer's website

The article was written by Lauren Gorgo.  Not Jennifer Hoffman.  LOL


Eyejay's picture

This all ties in so nicely with the Mayan steps to Evolution.

Tzolkin Trecena Notes – 1 Serpent (Chicchan)

Day 105 of the 260 Day Tzolkin

September 8, 2010

Year Bearer: 11 Manik

Trecenas are thirteen-day periods in the Tzolkin. Each Trecena starts with the Number 1, but with a different Day Glyph. As a wave of the Thirteen Heavens, the underlying energy is governed by the First Day Glyph of the Trecena and influences all thirteen successive Day Glyphs. Being aware of the predominant energy of the First Day of the Trecena, we can align our intentions with that energy and allow our goals to manifest.

This Trecena starts with 1 Chicchan (Serpent/Snake) – celestial life force, bringer of rain, sensual, passionate, primal knowledge of duality, heart expansion through service to others.

To the Ancient Maya, Chicchan or Serpent/Snake was the bringer of rain, symbolized by the Snake Dance or Rain Dance performed by many native cultures such as the Hopi in the Desert Southwest and the Toltec in Mexico . In Maya legend, there were four Chicchans, Sky Serpents, who encircled the world and were responsible for guarding the four quarters of the world. When they spoke, thunder was heard which was followed by lightning and rain. The image of a snake combined with a lightning bolt is found in ancient Anasazi petroglyphs representing lightning not only in the sky but also lightning in the body. This corresponds to the Maya concept of “blood lightning” and the Hindu concept of “kundalini” energy running up the spine. Thus, Serpent Energy is a symbol of the life force that flows in the body and in the sky.

Chicchan or Serpent energy connects our primal reptilian core to our spiritual aspirations. When
we feel this energy, we are energized to connect and live in two realities, the material 3-D reality
(everyday mundane) and the spiritual magical reality where all things are possible. Today, this
seems to be very pertinent as we find ourselves living between two paradigms, the old and the
new. The old being the material 3-D reality and the new being the next level of awareness that
merges ethereal energies with the material plane.

© 2006 Judith Ann Griffith

Another representation of the Trecena is that of a creative wave beginning at 1 and ending at 13,
with the numbers 6, 7 and 8 representing the crest of the wave. The crest could be interpreted as
a strong influential energy, although the underlying influence on the Trecena would still rest in
the beginning. This Trecena crests on 6 Oc (Dog), courage and faith which guides us on our spiritual journey; 7 Chuen (Monkey), artistic excellence which we strive for on our spiritual path; and 8 Eb (Road), our spiritual destiny or road of life.

As we journey through each day of this Trecena:

1 Chicchan (Serpent) September 8, 2010

2 Cimi (Transformation) September 9

3 Manik (Deer) September 10

4 Lamat (Rabbit) September 11

5 Muluc (Water) September 12

6 Oc (Dog) September 13

7 Chuen (Monkey) September 14

8 Eb (Road) September 15

9 Ben (Reed) September 16

10 Ix (Jaguar) September 17

11 Men (Eagle) September 18

12 Cib (Vulture) September 19

13 Caban (Earth) September 20

Utilize the energy of Serpent to connect your core with your spiritual aspirations. Have faith in
your destiny, gratitude in your heart, and love in your actions as you allow intuition to guide you.

In Lak’ech (I am another you),

William and Viola

Taken from Mayan Majix calendar

UKFan1968's picture

Jennifer Hoffman wrote this article. Here is her info from her Facebook Page....where you can find the article....


Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. Uriel Heals, Ascending Earth Angels

Lees Summit, MO, 64064 (MO. not in the Gulf area)

Detailed Info

Website:I can't get the site uploaded...Go to her Facebook Page...for INFO...
Personal Information:
Author, intuitive, Miracle Coaching founder and channel for the Archangel Uriel since 2003. Author of the Enlightening Life newsletter, the most widely read and quoted newsletter on the internet, more than 2 million readers a week. Host of the Enlightening Life radio show on Blog Talk Radio,
UKFan1968's picture
ChrisBowers's picture

was written by Jennifer.  that is what I was referring to at the end of my post...

Lightstreamings Message
by Carol Lynn Fitzpatrick
September 2010
We are here to tell you that you are to be quiet and to receive the grace of God that you are already. We are here to provide you with the upliftment of your desire that you are seeking. But you are to be quiet and to listen. We have opened a rare portal in your time - space continuum, and if you are to ascend through this energetic portal, you are to allow these teachings to enter into your heart of hearts.
Teaching #1: We are all One. One heart, one light, one frequency.
Teaching #2: You are that, which shifts the whole. Yes. Your heart shifts the whole.
Teaching #3: All are to be honored as One.
Teaching #4: We are here with you.
Teaching #5: It is your choice to ascend or not. No one can do this for you.
Teaching #6: All is well.
Teaching #7: Allow your heart to be your guide.
Teaching #8: Model the change you desire.
Teaching #9. You are loved beyond your humanly comprehension.
Teaching #10: Ohm. Yes. Sound your universal name to recenter yourself when you feel lost.
Teaching #11: We are here with you, always.
Teaching #12: Remember who you are. Yes. Light!

September Message:
August was flush with inner clearing of lower frequencies born from our incarnational cycles as human. The rest of the energetic ride, forthcoming, will be a breeze if we are fully IN the body as opposed to skirting the edges of our life experience by fearing what is to come.

The code word for September through mid to late October is "flow," to flow freely through the waters of internal chaos without even trying to resist or hold back the need to release any form of discontent. Let go and allow peace to fully settle into your awareness.

Mass consciousness is still in flux, and will only continue to parlay into structures and outcomes that fit the privileged few but in time, by early to mid-October, those structures and ways of working, ways of being that no longer serve the collective higher purpose, will fall away as well.
We will see this made manifest in our families of origin and in the boardrooms, in politics, and played out in economies of scale. The larger the scale, the rougher the ride is bound to be.
This is not the time to focus on what is occurring in the world. This is the time to keep your awareness on your inner landscape, to allow the non-physical aspects of Self the time to witness and watch the frequency shifts. As you do, simply allow them to do just that without needing to name or create a story or drama as to why these energies are transforming within you. Simply bless them as they reintegrate into a higher flow of love within you.
Allow the high frequencies that are accessible now to pass right through you. Allow all that has yet to surface within you to do just that. Allow the body to readjust to the dramatic frequency shifts. Allow the higher frequencies to clear out your psyche and your emotional body. As you do, allow your heart to witness the beauty of the soul emerge and shine forth free of fear.

Portal of Light

This amazing ride of a lifetime is being hosted by star councils that govern the evolution of the human race. They have opened a portal of light for the transference of high frequencies to those that are ready to more fully reside within the crystalline grid.

A portal is an adjoining between two worlds, two bandwidths of light. It is where non-physical beings adjoin to shift the more earth bound energies that are ready to transform, which can cause a quickening in the global consciousness. This upcoming time will be both thrilling and dramatic.

Many people will be called home during this time, and greater numbers than ever before will transition out of the body. By early October, we will see and hear of increasing numbers of "group transitions."

These higher frequencies are being transmitted to us to shift the entire paradigm of how the subtle body accepts light into the physical body. Some will interpret this intense frequency shift as a call to physically leave the body, which is where the increased deaths will factor into this equation. Entire family systems, or soul groups will decide to leave together.

As this portal continues to expand, we will only feel more of the same: Incremental shifts caused by pockets of high vibrational frequencies of light (pure love) that hit up against the auric field (the bubble like structure that defines the physical self from the rest of the world). This infusion of light causes a wave form to move through the subtle body first then land into and settle into the physical body.

As this energy transference occurs, depending on what part of the subtle body is being affected, you may feel more like you are being bombarded with emotion or assaulted by some outside source or circumstance, but it is all internal. The wave forms, as they move through layers of consciousness, are merely hitting up against the denser vibrating parts of the body.

These energy shifts can manifest as internal conflict or heightened states of bliss, or both!

Receive the Gift

By opening and accepting these higher energies into the body, and fully integrating them into our conscious awareness, we will be catapulted into the highest probable reality, one that we have imagined into form from the very beginning of time itself.
Earth and sky are meeting in the middle but in order for us to accept what we are being given presents itself as choice. In order to accept the gift of ascension, we must allow these lower frequencies to pass right through us while remaining quite still inside the body.
This dropping in, or settling more completely into the body is a stance of allowing more of the soul's higher consciousness to integrate into the container through the opening of the third, fifth and seventh chakras. This allows the higher energies to merge with the subtle body for the purpose of lifting the lower body into a greater and more aligned relationship with the crystalline grid within.
Transforming our physical bodies into crystalline structures is an integral part of the new human grid in nature. This is where all the imaginings and the desire for a better world and way of life; the honoring of all, and rejuvenation of the body through greater ease and flow of life force exists. This is where a renewed earth transforms from the path of devolution into one that evolves into a sphere where land, air and water all are rebalanced, harmonized and purified because all live through the heart of pure intention.
This activation of the crystalline grid happens through the activation of the high-heart, and grows by making a personal choice to journey toward a final destination of wholeness. No one person can make that choice for another. No matter how much another might try to convince another or can see what only could be for the other, it's the individual who has that power. Even though it's an internal choice, the affect on the whole, once that choice for wholeness is made, is critical to influencing the collective destination.
Even though we are light beings having a human experience, and are here because our heart is so very pure with the intention to model this kind of choice-making for others, we are still influenced by all those human emotions.

If you have been tossed around by life, even a bit lately, and trying to make that aligned choice, you might be asking, "How do I know if I am making a right choice?"
The answer lies in your ability to feel the vibration of your very own self, to know You for YOU, as reflected back to you by others. If you can feel the alignment with your innermost heart, therein lies your answer of choice. The old way is to work to fit into the other but the new paradigm is to allow for the vibrational match to find its way to you.
August was the time to throw off all those underpinnings of almost rights. As we move into the Fall, we will find that our choice is to be refined, polished, as we discern our life direction. This way of making choice will only increase our experience of the joy of inner peace, which is the path that will carry us the rest of the way home.
There are no words to describe this journey of returning home while still inhabiting a human body because it is so very different for each one of us. Yet here we are in the midst of an auspicious time -- about to make our way through that final tangle of confusion.
Welcome to the Fall of 2010!
Carol Lynn Fitzpatrick
Carol Lynn Fitzpatrick is an avid spiriitual activist. She uses her gift to help others understand what is beyond the fives senses; to help people to see clearer pictures of their lives, and to understand what role they have chosen to play in service to humanity at this critical time. She is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. It is her role as a translator for the Guides, angels and other light beings who are here to share their wisdom that brings her the greatest joy in service to others.
The precurser for her work began in 1989, when she began unravelling the mysteries of a transformation that took her deep into the mystical realms of the Divine. Her prophetic teachings are rooted in the practical application of modern-day life, and have taken form as mentoring, inspired writings, articles, workshops, and energetic healing. She is the author of Fear Not My Child: Emerging from the spiral of fear and A Call to Remember: Follow Your Heart, Change the World . She is also the author of a monthly e-communique called Light Streamings, and has written many articles on the subject of spiritual transformation.
Fitzpatrick co-founded Arayu (pronounced ah-ra-u) with Mark Torgeson in 2003, an organization dedicated to oneness consciousness. Through the work of Arayu, Fitzpatrick mentors people who are working to bring about radical change to the face of our human family. Her platform of teaching new paradigm leaders how to live in the flow of joy has evolved from a grassroots wake-up call into an international following.
Carol resides in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and is the mother of two grown children.
WB:   *  EM: [email protected]   *  PH: 540-785-7770  *  13313 Country Way Circle *  Fredericksburg, VA 22407

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"