Scientists describe breakthrough technology for brain self-optimization in newly published paper

Scientists describe breakthrough technology for brain self-optimization in newly published paper

SCOTTSDALE, AZ – February 6, 2013
– Brain State Technologies LLC, Scottsdale, Ariz, is pleased to announce a significant new development in its research program on Brainwave Optimization™ (BWO), known technically as High-resolution, relational, resonance-based electroencephalic mirroring, or HIRREM™.


Together with their research collaborators at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, led by Charles D.  Tegeler, M.D.,  professor in the Department of Neurology, Brain State Technologies has published a "methodology" paper in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Brain and Behavior, “HIRREM: a non-invasive, allostatic technology for relaxation and auto-calibration of neural oscillations,” online January 14, 2013.


The paper introduces the procedures and theory associated with Brainwave Optimization and explains why it may have a role for helping people with a variety of conditions related not only to the nervous system but also the physical body as a whole.


Brainwave Optimization (HIRREM) is designed to facilitate relaxation and auto-calibration of neural oscillations.  Auto-calibration of neural oscillations refers to the brain itself adjusting its own patterns of rhythmic functioning, toward more optimal patterns. 


A variety of health challenges have been shown to be associated with suboptimal patterns of rhythmic functioning, including insomnia, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, and others.  By helping the brain to optimize its own rhythms, Brainwave Optimization may have a role for individuals facing these challenges.


In its essence, Brainwave Optimization is aligned with an advanced theoretical model of physiological regulation, referred to as allostasis, meaning "stability through change.”  Allostasis is based on a model of biology that sees change itself as the only constant.  Biological systems must calibrate their functional setpoints to meet and anticipate constantly changing demands, rather than fixate on constant standards of output. 


The allostasis model highlights that the key role of the brain is to allocate energetic resources among different organ systems, to optimize fitness for the individual as a whole.  When functioning well, the brain will anticipate needs and adjust operations to optimize fitness for life.  It is important above all that the brain not become “stuck” at any given state of functioning.  In the allostasis model, brain functioning can become “stuck” due to chronic stress or trauma.


According to Brain State Technologies Chief Executive Officer, Lee Gerdes, to his knowledge the new paper is the first in any literature to describe methodology for a precision-guided intervention for allostatic therapeutics.  As such, Brainwave Optimization is a way to help the brain to optimize its own functioning, by using detailed and continuously updated information about its own functioning, so that the brain can help itself become “unstuck.” Thus, Brainwave Optimization is different from earlier-generation EEG feedback technologies which aim to train the person to consciously control their brain function.  It is also different from pharmacological approaches that can limit the system’s dynamic range, can be undermined by the brain’s compensatory mechanisms, and may be associated with side effects.


The allostasis model predicts that optimization of brain functioning will support optimization of functioning for all organ systems, and thus Brainwave Optimization may have roles for a variety of health challenges.  For example, blood pressure is directly mediated by factors related to the heart, blood vessels, and blood volume, but ultimately all these are guided by brain activity.


Brain State Technologies continues to collaborate with Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and other partners to continue conducting research on potential roles of Brainwave Optimization for numerous purposes.  More peer-reviewed papers are planned for publication in 2013 and beyond.


Methods Paper:
Insomnia Study:

About Brain State Technologies ( Brain State Technologies® is the world’s leading provider of brainwave balancing technology, Brainwave Optimization. Founded in 2001 and developed by Lee Gerdes, the modality combines the latest advances in neuroscience, neuroplasticity, computer technology, mathematics, and physics. Brainwave Optimization™ offers a non-invasive way for people of all ages to overcome cognitive, emotional, and physical challenges, and enhance overall performance and wellbeing. With over 50,000 clients and more than 200 affiliated centers in 18 countries, the company is growing by licensing Brainwave Optimization to providers worldwide.

“Lee Gerdes is the author of Limitless You: The Infinite Possibilities of a Balanced Brain, available on For more information, please visit:

Brainwave Optimization with RTB™ is not intended to treat, cure, heal or diagnose any disease, mental illness or symptom. Brainwave Optimization with RTB™ is intended to facilitate relaxation and auto-calibration for neural oscillations. Individual results may vary.

Bob07's picture

Hmm... this sounds promising. 

The one reservation I have comes as a question: Will technological means of helping us through the "stuff" of this world, of life, rob us of the strength, resiliency, and power of our working through it ourselves (for example by means of meditation, and letting it deeply into our awareness) -- as well as of the practical lessons of dealing with our negative emotions and patterns  as they manifest?

This truly a question, not a conclusion.

i had similar thoughts bob. absolutely zero chance i would ever try such a thing.......

Viveka's picture

we have been trying to solve the problems of duality from the perspective of duality.....seeing through the medium of..."The Tree of Knowledge of good and evil" ...=...the Head Brain ....Perhaps when we begin to seek and come from the perspective of wholeness....   The tree of Life...=..."The Heart Brain"...allowing its  Knowing... (Light of Understanding) flow into consciousness whereby the Head brain can manifest the solutions.

When Nicola Tesla said.... "My brain is only a receiver in the Universe, there is a core from which we obtain Knowledge, Strength and Inspiration, I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core but I Know that it exists"....... Was he not  blocking what he was seaching for through the mediun with which he was searching??,,,, and is not Science doing the same today????

Peace and Love

tscout's picture

  something along the lines of, resetting the frequencies associated with the brain, so that it can take care of itself. Although it sounds that way in a sense, i think they are just scratching the surface. We have seen posts here alluding to the work that os going on  mapping out the frequencies of the human body. This could be a good thing, eliminating surgery on organs by just resetting it's required frequency, then the organ heals itself. And there is plenty of evidence to suggest that our frequencies are all screwed up, given the amount of microwaves,and who knows what else we are subjected to on a daily basis. The work that the Atlanteans supposedly did with crystals was the same,,,reset the frequency of the organ, and the body does the rest.

  I question the assumption that the heart is controlled by the brain. There was a post here in the last year that stated that , in some cases, at least, they were finding it to be the other way around,the heart sending signals to the brain! That was mind blowing, and I'm sure it caused some controversy, as it would blow alot of old info out of the water. I would be interested to hear anything else about those findings. It sure made alot of sense to me, especially when you think about how ,,,Some people decide to live, while others seem to die for no reason that could be expained medically. That is assuming that the soul is connected to the heart of course.

So, if the treatment were just "resetting " the frequencies", then maybe Bob's cocern would be alleviated, as it just might help someone to put things into perspective, and find their way through it. But I don't think they would stop there, and that's where I would become skeptical also. If the heart is actually controlling the brain, and they aren't considering this, then they are in fact approaching the subject backwards, and that worries me!

Also, doesn't this sound like something that the military would be reaaal interested in?

Eyejay's picture

Very succinctly put Viv. I have been off drugs for my bipolar for some years now, as I realised early on the only way to really gain true health is use the internal drugs that my body produces. The chemicals were just getting in the way of the natural healing, and it was really just my EGO battling with my HEART. There is no way I would contemplate any type of intrusion by modern day science, as much as these new found sciences have merit and are real, they are still not coming from within. I truly believe all healing comes from within oneself and it’s just a matter of awakening the true potential of ourselves. Spiritual therapies will always return much better results than scientific.

Thanks Viv

Great post though John, should get a good debate going. Not sure of your thought on this new found science ?


Eyejay's picture

You must have been posting at the same time. My truth is that the heart definetly controls all, and if the Soul spark is anywhere it will be just behind the heart, assisting it to send the right signals to the brian. The catch is do we listen to our Heart or our Brain, I have for a long time viewed the Heart as my centre of inspiration and intuition, constantly sending signals to my EGO centered BRAIN. What I have been doing wrong is letting the brain dictate, instead of slowing down resting and listening to my Heart.

tscout's picture

  I think our brains have to be affected by just the microwaves alone, no need to put a phone to your ear, it's every where. When I lived in Taos, I could get out of cell phone range very easily, there were no signals available at all in 2 of the 4 directions from town. And when I would disappear for a few days, down into the canyons, it would really show ! I'm sure there are other signals out there, but the microwaves are almost everywhere 24/7. So, I don't see the harm in "resetting" frequencies, I jst don't trust them to leave it at that! ha! And I don't think they know enough about it to address the issues with medication. I feel for your friend, it must be hell wondering if your thoughts and actions are yours, or a fabrication of some drug !

Noa's picture

Is it possible that our brains are being scrambled by all the unnatural things we're exposed to and that technologies like Brain Optimization might now be necessary to undo the damage?

I had a good friend with Tourette Syndrome.  As I recall, the symptoms come from an imbalance in the hypothalamus.  After watching my friend struggle to manage his tics with one drug after another, I came to realize just what a delicate balance is needed for the brain to function normally. 

Another case that comes to mind is depicted by Robert De Niro in Awakenings:


There but for the grace of God go I.

lightwins's picture

All experience always and only within the open, cognizant "sphere" of awareness.

As long as we are embodied, everything we experience and express is mediated by our brain/nervous system. Our brain/nervous system is composed of several sub and super-ordinal sub-systems which are intricately interconnected and which interact via multiple, somewhat redundant, positive and negative feed back loops.

Our direct experience of our bodies and our environment is received as energetic frequencies by our senses, transmitted to our brains where these frequencies are distinguised, associated with remembered significance, labeled, described and acted upon.

Our heart is 60% neurons - more a brain than a muscle; it has a full complement of neurotransmitters and an electromagnetic field that is in the range of 1000 times stronger than the electromagnetic field of the brain. Ninety percent of the nerves connecting the body & the brain are afferent, bringing information to the brain. Our gut has more nerves than a cat's brain and is now recognized to be a stable, relatively discrete subset, known as the enteric nervous system.


All of us have been raised in a dysfunctional culture; we've developed minds - perception/projection processes - which are disconnected from the earth, from the divine, from the feminine, from ourselves and each other. And we tend to accept this as normal. Additionally, most of us have had numerous physical, emotional and interpersonal traumas during which our well being &/or lives appeared, to us at the time, to be threatened.

What the organism does in moments when survival appears threatened is seen as adaptive; these patterns are not easily relinquished even when the context in which we find ourselves no longer requires them and they have become mal-adaptive. At this point, these fixed, mal-adaptive patterns become the symptoms I see in my office every day: depression, anxiety, inability to focus or follow through, problems with sleep, relatedness, anger management, etc. As might be expected, traces of these symptoms are found in asymmetries and disharmonies within the brainwave patterns, left to right and front to back.

By some grace, when the brain can see itself (High-resolution, Relational, Resonanc-based, Electroencephalic Mirroring) it recognizes imbalance and disharmony and naturally moves toward more optimal functioning. Then I hear reports of well being, ease, happiness, peace, a quiet mind, deeper more restfull sleep, more space to consider how to best respond rather than impulsive, hurtful reactivity and having to clean up, if possible, later.

I have worked with vets & rape victims with PTSD, people with Tourettes, ADD & ADHD, children with Asbergers, women with chronic fatigue, alcoholics and sugar, opiate and meth addicts. And, once their brain was optimized, everyone reported the disappearance or diminishment of the symptoms that had been plaguing their lives.


The algorithms utilize in Brainwave Optimization were developed based on the unusual proportionations discovered from studying the brain maps of Tibetan monks who were both 40-year meditators and very high-functioning heads of large monestaries (10- 15,000 people). I am one of 200 affiliates world-wide. Last year I was told I was the second most experience affiliate in the world.

I cannot begin to express how grateful I am to be able to offer this service.

Noa's picture

John, thank you for your insightful posts on this forum and for your dedication to mental health.  It is obvious to me that you are an intelligent, compassionate human being. 

I am grateful to know you.

Carry on!

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