Childhood ADHD diagnoses jump 25 percent over decade


Childhood ADHD diagnoses jump 25 percent over decade

Source: MedPage Today
Autism made in the USA

Noa's picture

Wow!  That came from an ABC News report?  Now I'm wondering if their 25% figure is being reported as deceptively low.  There's obviously no mention of the connection between the increased incident of ADHD and the widespread onslaught of vaccinations.

Watching the video posted below connected a lot of dots for me, so I'm re-posting it here as a related item.  As I recall, the video says that the Cancer rate has increased by 600%:

I may be wrong, but I think that giving drugs to a kid because he is overactive is wrong in 90% of the cases. Most of the time, the parent or teacher doesn't know how to discipline their child.  They label them as ADD or ADHD and the kids suddenly calm down and want to study.


That is awful.  In my opinion, children were wired to have too much energy and want to play all the time.  When they are focused and listen to every word you say, they are no longer children.  They are robots or some other sort of programmed species.


That doesn't mean that some kids out there may need help or that these problems don't exist.  It just means that many people take the easy way out.  Instead of using punishment, they use drugs.  Spare the rod, drug the kid.  That's not cool in my book.

Eyejay's picture

Mr Da Vinci, was as we now call it ADHD, just imagine life without pencils and the printing press. If he had been born in our times, they would more than likely have placed him on supressive drugs, then wham no more inventiveness........ How many inventive young people are being drugged to sleep I wonder ........ just a thought???

I agree Nick, we are too quick to apply drugs these days, usually because both parents have to work, to maintain there perceived better life style, can't handle the kids, doctor visits, pscyh visits, DRUGS.............

I was fortunate to be able to support with mother at home through those formative years, still needed to establish boundarys and discipline though.

tscout's picture

    Except that the doctors, now well trained to do so, are "diagnosing" it more,,,so sales of the medication they prescribe must be good !  Seek and ye shall find ! ha!  And any study by Kaiser Permanente makes me suspicious....

   I also would think it could be related to vaccinations,,,but won't pretend to know,,there are so many things to screw people up nowadays!  My son hasn't had anything but a tetanus, and he is fine...

   I also do not believe in giving medication to kids,,,or anyone, for that matter, in most cases, especially on a regular basis. Permeating the body with anything can't be good. And there are many more reasons for kids to be hyper now,,,as just about everything you see in people's shopping carts has some kind of effect on the body, and manifests in their behavior !  

    Punishment probably has it's place, if done correctly, but it only made me more determined not to get caught ! ha! , and separated me from my parents more,,,making it less likely for me to share my life with them. If my parents knew half the places I went, and things I did in those days, they would flip out !  So, in a sense, maybe it made me alot smarter , in my "adventures" as I would do whatever I had to,,,,to not get caught...

   But overall, I wasn't bombarded with a fraction of what kids now are subjected to,,,,so I don't believe the solutions can come from anything I experienced. Kids now, some of them anyways, have to see through this big facade they are brought up in,,,and I think many of them are just choosing not to participate in it. So, they can be viewed in many ways by older generations, depressed, hyper, violent, detached, etc., then labeled, in our need to "explain" their "abnormal" behavior. The same way we feel more comfortable, or "secure" "knowing" that an apple is an apple,,,,we have the need to "identify"  their "symptoms".. and it opens the door for big profit...

   So, if a kid nowadays is "bored" with the system, he has many more avenues to take, as there is so much to occupy one's mind available. Many kids find amazing ways to do it, the kids we read about here, doing phenomenal things,,,while others pick up video games, or find some avenue to explore on the internet,,could be something good, could be something not so good.  

  China doesn't seem to have these problems, but I wouldn't push their methods on any kid. They just shove 14 hours of school a day down their throats, and if you don't pay attention, your in deep shit ,,,and will have to work  twice as hard....But, the attitudes of the kids out of college are, for the most part,,,"screw this, I'm gonna take it easy now".  They have been pushed so hard, with no time to develop their souls, or, see anything outside of the school life,except on media,,,,,then they just want to get a job and take it easy.....So, what good is that?

  I still think that, with all the twisted things being laid out in America, we still have the best chance of producing the answers, or at least the ideas,,,to get through this "collapse" of this worn out system...



ksaulino's picture

I have a different take on this.  As a mom of a high school aged boy with classic symptoms of ADHD (who has never taken medication for it), I have a more optimistic spin.

I think children are being diagnosed with ADHD for several reasons.  First, a few of the obvious - doc's get paid by the pharmaceutical companies, so they are quick to point to a problem meds can fix.  Also, schools don't have the funding to handle kids that learn differently, so they complain to the parents that the kids are out of hand.  Parents that are probably both working don't have time to home school, or change things significantly (like moving to an all natural - no convenience foods diet).  All social pressures of the day.


On the other hand, I think we are also looking at a new generation of children who are more and more likely to be gifted in ways that we don't understand fully.  They are also totally done with the bullshit of 3D, and do not fit in with the "ditto heads" they are surrounded by, nor the teachers that want them to be a "brick in the wall".  (Sorry, I'm showing my age with that one).  These are indigo kids.  Is that a romantic look at my son - the kind of thing a mom would say to make it all better?  Sure.  But it's also true.  When you talk with my boy, he's at once so very innocent and naive, and old as old can be.  He understands more than most adults I know - though he has a hard time expressing it in words.  These kids need support and connection, and most of the time just get a label and some meds.  I don't think we have to fix them, or even get all that excited about the increased prevalance.  I think it hits the boys more often because they have more of a tendancy to act out their frustration with the world than their female counterparts - so they get the attention.


Just my 2 cents.



tscout's picture

  and I thought of your son when I read this post. I didn't mention the word 'indigo" as I think it's a label of sorts. I only went as far as saying "many have to see through this facade". And I think there is alot more than we realize. The ones that are labeled "indigo  " are the ones who have , luckily, been encouraged to express what they are feeling, and so are noticed !...and others are just getting lost in the crowds,,,so all we see is their indifference to what's put in front of them...and there is so much to keep them down, or take up their thoughts and time,,,,we can only look for it, and hope to help it rise to the surface....I'm glad you commented on this one, and clarified that part of the equation, I got lost in it. Last time you mentioned your son, it sounded like he was doing much better, I hope that is still true,,and that you are thriving,,,,,l,,,,T

Eyejay's picture

Kathy, your boy is just the thing I was referring to with Da Vinci and sounds like your a wonderful Mum. I know it can be very hard work, my youngest girl, 21 now, was what I would term high wired an incredibly feisty girl with her own set of rules, maybe being a Ginga (red haired) had a part to play as well. She loved sport, especially netball, and touch football. From a parents perspective it was just great to watch her expend all that energy on the court or playing field, her team members were sure glad she was on there side Smile. Anyways, just wanted to say, keep doing what your doing just the best you can and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE does wonders for children.

Noa's picture

I think I should add that I agree with the additional posts on the subject of ADHD.  Like other high-profit maladies, it is over-diagnosed.  And yes, the ADD medications suppress creativity, among other things.

As a teacher, let me also add my thoughts about education and its role in trying to put every shape of peg into a round hole.  Book-learning and test-taking are mainly geared for visual learners... and there are as many different learning modalities are there are people, so the system is set up to discriminate against individuality. 

A workshop I attended on energy healing proved that when we listen to a lecture (like from a teacher) our bodies actually weaken; we slip into a trance.  Furthermore, standardized tests only measure our ability to take tests and to parrot back what we've been told.  Tests don't measure our critical thinking skills and they are terribly biased against minority groups and students who learn differently than the 'norm'.  Education in general rewards conformity and discourages questioning the status quo.  It's main function is to produce obedient workers, not to develop our brains.

Personally I think that the public school model, which siphons millions of kids into the same funnel is a failure.  A more realistic model would be similar to home-schooling where students are taught in small groups according to their interests and abilities.

tscout's picture

     Targeting the visual senses leaves our underlying talents untapped, unexercised

     and, teaching small groups, with common interests builds better friendships between students. I noticed, at the couple of school reunions i went to in the past, that old friends'  memories were more based on "what we went through together", ha ! , like, we were in prison together or something ! And the stories told are usually about, "what we got away with back in school", amidst the system...It's sad to think that those were the highlights of all those years spent in school......I was luckier than most, and have some great memories of teachers, and learning, from the alternative high school I went to.... 


ksaulino's picture

So interesting...

This morning I drove my son to school (he really hates the bus so sometimes I just relent and drive him).  On the way he said that he doesn't know what is going on inside him, but he feels like he's waiting for something and he doesn't know what it is.  I laughed to myself as I tried to tell him that he should enjoy every day as he might as well make the most of the waiting.  Of course I was laughing because I have that same feeling almost all the time.  I never lived with this feeling until 2011, when it moved in permanantly.  I assume it's an "on the way to Awakening" feeling. 


Thanks guys for thinking of me, and my boy!  He's doing ok - he's turning into a good man, with a wonderful character.  He's a poor student, and struggles with the square peg, round hole schooling.  Part of me is secretly proud of him for being brave enough to fight the chains.  For now, it sometimes feels like witnessing a slave stand up to his master - lots of wincing and knowing it won't end well.  I know if he can just break out of the system, he will soar.  In the meantime, we laugh as much as we can, and enjoy having chill time. 


lots of love and hugs,


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