Posted by lightwins
on April 12, 2008 - 1:38pm
This is an amazing sequence of images taken over a 21 day period following the process of two humming bird eggs, through hatching to taking flight. (there are five pages of photos)
Blessings to you all and enjoy,
Posted by KateQ
on April 3, 2008 - 1:10pm
This video shows an elephant painting an elephant and it is amazing 8 minutes. I apologize if this is a repeat on the portal and I apologize for not putting the video here instead of the address. I might be able to do that when I learn more. Enjoy the video.
Posted by davelambert
on February 29, 2008 - 11:55am
I'm adding this as a new blog entry because it appears to be the only way I can add photos...just wanted to share some natural beauty with y'all. This is the creek across the street from my apartment complex....
Posted by davelambert
on February 21, 2008 - 10:30pm
A raw afternoon, a gray winter's day. Dusk is coming on. I leave my apartment and cross the street. There runs a creek, its wide banks dotted with trees and boulders. Sweet flags and cattails cluster and sway. Sunlight dances in its shaded pools. It is one of my favorite spots to walk and simply be.
Posted by andrey
on February 12, 2008 - 9:24pm
It started with me standing in front of a long hallway full of desks. Each of the desks was a checkpoint at which they gave tests to pass the members through the endless bureaucracy of artificially created meaning towards the inner circles of their religion. The clan, the cult, supposedly it was all by choice. On some level it was.
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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"