
2012 Revolution: World Awakening

Lots of F-bombs spoken by the narrator in the first few minutes of Part 1.  Then, Mark Howitt gives us a candid look at what is happening behind closed doors and the resulting uprisings around the world.  Many of the conspiracies exposed are not new to readers at the G-spot, but there is also a lot of great footage that you may not have seen before.  Interesting how pertinent the material is as Americans are now "occupying" in protest across the globe. ~ Noa

Wikileaks Forced to Suspend Publishing Due to Bank Blockades

Posted on Mon, Oct. 24, 2011

WikiLeaks announces suspension of 'publishing operations' to focus on fund raising

Mark Seibel | McClatchy Newspapers

last updated: October 24, 2011 06:16:12 PM

the federal reserve

Now that we know the Federal Reserve is a privately owned, for-profit corporation, a natural question would be: who OWNS this company? Peter Kershaw provides the answer in "Economic Solutions" where he lists the ten primary shareholders in the Federal Reserve banking system.

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