
If I’m Waking Up, Why Don’t I Feel Better?
World Meditation: Interconnectedness
Love More and Expect Miracles: All is interconnected
Dragons have gone to the Love-Light.
A Message from Nibiru and the AnAnnUki
Beyond Atlantis - Secret Discoveries - Graham Hancock.flv
September Equinox Astrological Report--- Tom Leschner
The Missing Piece
The Missing Piece
the opening of a vast new timeline...
Today's Angel Message
Archangel Michael and all the angelic host, for the Creator of the universes
On this day, the seventeenth of September of your time, we wish to inform you of the opening of a vast new timeline. Your world has been positioned by you to merge and end all previous timelines on December twenty-first. No efforts to predict the future on those timelines have been successful, precisely because they will end on that date.
Know Thyself
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"