A Life-Changing Play

This may have come from one of the PEERS sites (I don't recall), but I'm fairly sure it hasn't been posted here.  In any event, it's worth a second look.


esrw02's picture

  I am grateful  for you Noa !!!

onesong's picture

Olivet is a special place.  It harbors a small college founded in 1844 which happens to be where part of my ministerial training took place. It is the location of the Great Lakes Retreat each year. There was no fast food there, no movie theater, not much to do from an entertainment standpoint. There is a small grocery/gas station and alot of farmland and decent hardworking people.  It is very quiet, tranquil even, not like most college towns I've encountered.

I don't have any experience with the local schools but the college kids there were amazing. Some of the most helpful young people I've come across while travelling.  The cafeteria sits in a square surrounded by old tall trees and a beautiful little meditation garden.  One night while we were there some folks went out in the quad to star gaze and meditate, one with his camera.  On investigating the film later, you can see orbs everywhere.  Dancing lightforms all around in that beautiful garden amidst the trees.

On the film above, having been there in that little community many times, I'm not surprised that these boys have made enlightened choices.  I think part of that is the powerful loving energy of the place. 

May these boys be blessed as they are learning to be a blessing to others and may they carry this experience out into the world with them.

Wendy's picture

Thanks Noa,

I hadn't seen that before. That was so beautiful - made me cry.


The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"