San Francisco taget for chemical spray

San Francisco is slated for several aerial spraying for "moths". This information has appeared in several news sources. I live hundreds of miles away from SF but we still have our share of pesticide/herbicide/GM problems. I am new to TT so I am not sure you have already discussed this but if you have please let me know. I am concerned about this for all of you who live there and also a friend.

By the way, what do I do to make this link clickable instead of having to copy and paste? I copied it from the address line from the top of the web page and pasted it here. I have a mac in case that makes any difference. (By the way, if you see me doing something on line that need correcting you have my permission to tell me. I'm really learning about this as I do it.) Thank you.

davelambert's picture

Down here in southern CA, we've had helicopters spraying for skeeters and fruit flies since I was a kid. They come right in and hover over canyons and backyards. Who knows what the effects are, they can't be good. Like James Lovelock says, everything we do to address our environmental problems is preposterously impotent and wrongheaded.

I have been photographing chemtrails and the jets that spray them for years. I have hundreds of photos of the lines crisscrossing the sky, dripping chemicals, flaring into sundogs, and interestingly, some have white orbs moving in and out of them under their own power. I have a few shots of these, too. I've read many theories of what they may be up to - all of them dire, of course - and I don't have a handle on it. My best guess is either weather control, military communications, or population control - all three, maybe. I do know that when they spray heavily, my wife will be sick that day. That is a direct correlation, because she normally doesn't go outside enough to know that they're spraying. And yet, whenever I see those white streaks in the sky, I know Nafetah is having a bad day.


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