Jesse Ventura files suit against TSA: Unreasonable search and seizure

Finally! Someone is challenging the TSA searches on constitutional grounds. Here's the CNN story:

LightCommodore's picture

Thanks, Noa. I didn't know Jesse Ventura has a tv show, and the subject is one that interests me and probably others on this forum. He may be doing more good by exposing the truth behind politics than he did when he was a politician. No doubt he now knows the intimate details of what goes on behind the scenes.


Noa's picture

Jesse Ventura is a true American hero.  His show, "Conspiracy Theory" which airs on Tru-TV, reveals many hidden agendas and coverups to millions of viewers.  You can watch many of the episodes on YouTube.

Though, admittedly, the show is a bit sensationalized for TV, it is getting the truth out to a wide audience that otherwise might not know.


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