Federal Reserve and other Illuminati stuff

Dearest friends, brothers and sisters of Tranformation,


A friend of mine sent me this link to a video which I couldn't consider not posting here.  I know that the majority of us are already informed of what is going on but this seems to be one of the most explicit exposes of the crime of hoodwinking the U.S. public for the last 90 years that I have seen.

Here it is.





I will be interested in your comments.


Love and Light in the Energy of our One Infinite Creator.


StanP's picture

Hi Berry,

I have already seen Monopoly Men and other videos. But "Money As Debt" was new to me. It was nearly clear enough. I'm still wishing that someone would do something like it, but without the text that appears and disappears too fast.

In any event, thanks for including it as a related item.


ChrisBowers's picture

Great idea Berry!

I have this one in my DVD collection along with the longer version known as "The Money Masters" (3 hours long instead of 50 min.). Welcome to Jekyll Island!! http://www.amazon.com/Creature-Jekyll-Island-Federal-Reserve/dp/0912986212

I am so glad I got the chance to view both of those before hearing about the so-called $30 billion bailout of Bear Stearns which, to those who have been paying very close attention, was really just a sweetheart deal between JP Morgan Chase (Morgan being one of the original founders of the very much private Federal Reserve Bank) and the so-called "Feds" (Federal Reserve Bank). While the media would have us believe that was just the "Feds" acting in good faith to keep our investment banking system from going into a tailspin, it was actually just one more deal made inside the good ole boys club - business as usual by the usual suspects. JP Morgan Chase has been after the Bear Stearns assets, and physical building they're in, for some time now.

Welcome to the "real" unreal world,


Laurette's picture

You're right, Chris. Also not mentioned in the press was the fact that back in Nov. '07, Bear Energy, LP had purchased all of Williams Power assets which made Bear Energy one of the largest natural gas power portfolios in the U.S. Now JP Morgan owns all of it, making them owning the majority of the natural gas supplies in this country. All part of "the plan" I'm sure.


ChrisBowers's picture

Great catch Laurette! When you think about all the stuff "they" would rather we were not aware of, sure seems like proof of an alternate universe... To overstate the obvious, I would have to say "this (natural gas assets) goes to motive"....


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