Who to Pray To

I again want to share with the group something I received today.  I thought that this was a gem of a channeled message from this person's higher self. I hope you resonate with the content.

Love and Light to all




A New Dispensation
    Question: I'm having trouble knowing "who" to pray to.
Slowly over the years I've come to believe that we are all a "piece"
of God" and that the Human on Earth is only one of a "group."
You've told us that you are part of a "group." There are angels
like Michael and Gabriel, and masters like Jesus and Buddha,
and I assume that they are "groups" as well. I know that we can
confer with our Higher-Selves and our guides, but is there any
one group or entity In charge? Is there a "Father"? Is the Universe
 a big democracy?
    Answer: Your question not only shows intuition and wisdom,
 but also the limitation of what you have placed upon yourself,
 called duality. No matter what is explained, Humans wish to
 compartmentalize and build organizational charts around ev-
 erything. This is a totally linear process, and doesn't represent
 the reality of the way it is on the other side of the veil.
     Take a large bowl of soup. It has organization, taste, matter,
 nourishment, and form. Yet there's nobody in charge of the
 soup. Now you might say, "Sure, but there's no consciousness
 in soup. It doesn't have to think or make decisions and is not
  aware of itself." You think not? Do you think all those molecules
 just happened to create themselves and organize themselves
 into intricate structures that combine in complex ways that are
 so involved that science doesn't even understand them? Were
 you aware that even in something as simple as soup, there's a
 plan, a system, and coordination? If so, then who's in charge?
 Where's the democracy? Who gives the orders?
     What if, instead of a linear order of command, all the pieces
 had full knowledge of what the plan was, and without any inter-
 facing, just fit into what they all know? Not only does soup do
 this, but so does the Universe and what you call God.
     Yes, you are all pieces of the whole. But all the angels and
 other entities that have identified themselves through the ages,
 have this in common, also: They're all reading from the same
 script... one that is one consensus, and that updates itself all
 together. This is like nothing you've ever experienced, so you
 can't really imagine it. You've even built mythology around
"wars in heaven" so that you could somehow justify why things
were as they are, thinking that only a conquering energy could
 be a certain way. These Human actions are all about trying to
linearize God.
    Your DNA contains a divine code that says it all. You are
divine, and also included in the "knowing" of this map. The
closer you get to your own divinity, the more this is evident, and
the greater your wisdom is. We've encouraged you to find the
prophet inside, the rule book inside, and the compass of who
you are and why you're here. Critics say that this is also what
serial killers have done, mocking the process as something that's
unbalanced and even evil. "Just think," they say, "if everyone
had their own rule book, it would be chaos!" Then they give you
their rule book, often in full integrity, explaining what they say
God wants you to do.
    The truth is that this "rule book" is individual, but like the
soup, it's something that's common to each molecule of the
soup. So it's the same script for everybody! It has to be, or what
you call "nature" wouldn't work at all. It's the book that says
that the "group" is all one family. The organization portion (ex-
plained for the benefit of your linear reality) is one that speaks
of specialists. Some of your family is dedicated to working with
the 4D interface between you and us (guides). Some of the fam-
ily is dedicated to being angelic before you, and some, like me,
are involved in your physics. But we're all involved in the love
of God, the support of humanity, and we're all a group... your
group... the family group called God.
    Who should you pray to? Start turning inward. Instead of
praying "to" anyone, start to understand the wisdom of where
the power actually is. Then create what you need, apart from
any thought of sitting there hoping that God might give you
something--like a dog sitting patiently on the floor under the
dinner table, hoping for a handout. It's not that way! It's the
grace of your own existence, which is the essence of God on
Earth, and which drives all creation. You are your own master, a
fact hidden completely within the face of your duality. Join the
 group called God. Pray--not to a higher supreme being--but
 as a family member who's writing home during the front line
 of a battle. You're part of God, and are a family member. You're
 also a Human Being, one of the few entities in the Universe who
lives and works in a place where you can't know the truth, since
 it would spoil the fairness of the test.
    ... And you wonder why we support you and love you so?
    Question: The question I'd like to ask is, what
information do I most need to know?
    Answer: The thing you need to know right now is how to
create an energy around you that keeps you balanced and joyful,
no matter what's happening in your life or the world. Can you
see things in a sacred light? Can you send light to the places
that need it the most, allowing for free choice? Or do you wal-
low in the drama of the politics? The biggest thing that you're
learning right now is how to become interdimensional in these
things. Learn to see appropriateness... the overview... and to
then get to work and send the light to the most needed places
on Earth--the Middle East, Africa, and the places of leadership
and government. Send them light with spiritual integrity, not
bias. Illuminate their areas, giving them a better choice to see
things they never saw before. Be as the lighthouse that stands
on the rock and helps to steer the ships into a safe harbor. Don't
take sides. Don't judge the belief system of the ships. Just hold
the light and anchor yourself. Let Spirit do the rest.

--- Post removed at author's request ---

maryc's picture

Dear Berry,

Soup and nuts,it's all us! Thanks for this message.Espavo.


onesong's picture

Be as the lighthouse that stands
on the rock and helps to steer the ships into a safe harbor. Don't
take sides. Don't judge the belief system of the ships. Just hold
the light and anchor yourself. Let Spirit do the rest.

Thanks for this today Berry. It was just exactly the message I needed to come through.

Sending much Healing Light, many blessings and hope for answered prayers to you and yours this day.

Lovingly, kristyne

onesong's picture

just a prayer i came across while cleaning my office this morning. it felt right to share it though you may have seen it before.

I AM a point of Light within a greater Light

I AM a strand of loving energy within the stream of Love divine.

I AM a point of sacrificial fire focused within the fiery Will of God

and thus I stand.

I AM a way by which we may achieve

I AM a source of strength enabling all to stand

I AM a beam of Light, shining upon the way

and thus I stand.

And standing thus, revolve

and tread this way the ways of men

and know the ways of God

and thus I stand.


Standing together, one in All.                     kristyne           onesong

ChrisBowers's picture

to just add one small kernel of Truth to kristyne's wonderful poem that has been forever the truth of this big amazing divine hologram known by the mystics and being discovered by today's science:

within each particle, even the smallest of particles, lies the whole.  Not just an expression/representation of the whole, but the very whole Itself....

Therefore, we are not just individual expressions of the Creator (duality perception alert), but the one infinite Creator itself!!!

Berry, when I was reading the first question of the forum post, made me think of the less duality-perceived question that contains a bit of an epiphany for the sincere seeker, "who or what do I pray from?" (instead of to)...

Thanks for posting that most inspiring post....

Love/Light, Chris

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"