The countdown continues! June is quickly approaching for Penelope and I to pack up our current existence and hit the road for adventure!
Getting outside the box[es] to explore our capabilities and supposed limitations. Getting away from the daily humdrums and reruns and closed loops of functionability... Heading to Utah, Arizona and New Mexico to check out the sites and sounds and smells, etc. Then back to Colorado... Possibly bop out to the coast to see the Pacific in there somewhere.
Planned ritual spots are Sedona vortices and near Chaco Canyon to feel out WingMaker vibrations. Any insight into either of those areas would be appreciated! I've been spending more time with the paintings and transcribing the poetry for later reference.
Going to be playing more and more with the concept of "reality" and the tools to be a more co-creative shaper of suchness... And, yes, the Age of Aquarius already figures prominently in our make-up, so we will be exploring our potential in that area as well. Venus, Mercury and Mars will be our co-pilots to achieving the escape velocity necessary to make successful contact with the outer planets and their energies. And un-occlude them...
Besides the site at http://www.tekgnostics.com that I've formerly mentioned, I rediscovered what used to be projectrestoration.com has moved to http://www.enterthemandala.com and slightly changed its format. Both fun sites and open to personal viewpoints/stories shared. Many connections to be made out there!
Love to ALL and the hope you all may have many hours of outdoor enjoyment as the days become longer and warmer and brighter... and then again as they go the other way too!
Don't forget me here on the coast man !!!!!! Already I see this trip being a spiritual journey of sorts .
Eric loves you all.....................................
I did a summer in the southwest in 96. My girl and I had been working with the Quero for a couple of years prior. I was really into petroglyphs so we kind of planned the trip by locating sites from south texas up into Utah. Chaco was one of them. If you happen to hit Chaco on the solstice, there are alignments with the buildings and walls there and the sun and moon that weren' known until the last twenty years or so. It is very barren there, and the sights are very spread out. I didn't appreciate it as much as other places back then, but it is definitely aa special place for star gazing....
Wanted to mention canyon de chelly, as that was by far the most wonderful place I have visited in the southwest. We had so many magic experiences there, and a heightened sense of awareness, I really treasure everything that I experienced there, and returned a year later with the Quero(Incan) elders for over a week, and that sealed it for me. It was right where I needed to be...Technically,,,it is in chinle arizona in the 4 corners region,and the nearest town is over 60 miles. But chinle has supplies. The trick there is,,,if you want to stay in there overnight, you need a guide. The canyon is controlled by the Navajos. I used to use a guy named Dave wilson, and he would do it on the side, cutting the price in half. He was the senior guide, training all the others, and is probably very old now, but was a super cool guy. He took us 2 days in, where almost no one gets to go.We did a full moon fire ceremony across from mummy cave,,,,amazing,as ,when you are in this canyon,,you are literally standing on the shoulders of the ancestors.( The canyon used to be over 100 feet deeper,so you see petroglyphs sticking out of the ground on the cliff walls) There are a few ways to go in for day hikes. The hopis believe they are tied to spider rock, and emerald pool. Epool is a real special spot and is easily reachable from oneofthe day hike access points. There is also a cool little campground called cherry rock that people will point you towards. The operator is a really cool guy with a great music collection, outdoor showers, a quiet little place, and you can drop right in to Cherry rock canyon there......Hot and dry brother, you know the climate there! I hope your trip is a ........trippy one!
Envious of your trip myself. My daughter leaves for Nevada, Denver then Santa fe next week and wish I was able to go as well. My first trip West was in 1975, I was 18 and had never seen mountains before. Spent time traveling through several states (and several altered states) and was never the same again. Now two of my sisters live in CO and I rarely have time to visit. Thoroughly enjoy your exploring, you won't be disappointed. A friend of mine was so enamored of the Sedona area that her husband spread her ashes there when she transitioned a few years ago. Her daughters video'd him drumming and dancing and scattering and it was one of the most beautiful films-his love and her energy swirling around in the wind-well it was really touching and spoke of soooo much love energy. Blessings on your way!
thanks all for your sharing. eric, it's DEFINITELY a spiritual journey, of sorts. t, thanks for those connections and leads. we will be in all of those places. here's a tentative list: Arches, Canyonlands, Moab area, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Escalante, Monument Valley, the Hopi/Navajo lands, Grand Canyon, Sedona area, Petrified Forest, Canyon de Chelly, Wind Spirit (community where I met my wife nine years ago), Carlsbad Caverns, Truth or Consequences, Roswell, and Chaco Canyon. and any hot springs that get even close to in our path! some hiking in, some ceremonies...
all in all, a general cleansing and clearing of old debris and hindrances and an opening up to the universe for signs/guidance. and opening up other senses as well. getting out from under the old technosphere blanket of electrical and radio signals enshrouding us.
thanks for that beautiful story, kristyne. that is also one of the reasons (albeit belayed) of our trip. our beloved canine companion sasha transitioned from this world in february of '13 and we've been wanting to get out and get another perspective on it all. we've been spreading her ashes at all of our favorite hiking and camping spots and i've had some truly amazing experiences of her Spirit shining through and still wanting us to be happy. so, i'm hoping some of these power spots will allow for greater connection to other realms. she let me know it's time to "get my game on".
now, the packing begins/resumes in ernest! trying to decide just what to bring... at least it's summer and we won't need a ton of clothes and stuff.
exploring some geomancy! initial/trial run and then we'll tackle... great britain! we've been thinking about glastonbury and the wealth of our own heritage (english, scottish, irish, welsh and some german). in fact, my wife's last name is rife with historical significance in those parts. powell... pwyll... mine's a little more boring and general. johnson. whoopie.
anyway, getting more excited and apprehensive both as the days go on! taking that leap! building the wings during the free-fall... anyone else working on their wing construction? preening? ;)
Enjoy your trip Son of John!