A little help

Hi all,

My wife and I just returned from a trip to find a cell tower going up on a lamp post which is literally positioned forty feet from our living room on the second floor. I mean this thing is right outside our window. I tried to post a picture but can't seem to do it. I talked to the two men putting it up and they said they were from Verizon and that these "small cells" were going up all over town here in San Francisco. I asked him for some specs on the device and he said he didn't have any and after hearing my concerns simply stated that it wouldn't be a problem because it would only shoot in one direction - either up or down the street but he didn't know which. I don't believe him but I know he's just doing his job and probably doesn't know much anyway. My wife and I are terrified of this thing - it's just too damned close and most likely very powerful. An article said they were big towers concentrated into a tiny unit - THAT IS NOT REASSURING! We just returned from a trip to support two of our ailing parents, one having major dementia, very hard on everyone involved, and this is what we return to? I'm feeling like an ant under a magnifying glass and it's beginning to get hot. She wants out now but we don't have the money. I'm writing you all because I value your opinions and experience on a matter such as this. I mean are our only options to get massive emf protectors or to move? But this is happening everywhere. If I had a weapon I would shoot the thing down! Any feedback would be much appreciated. Hope you have all been well.

esrw02's picture
esrw02's picture
esrw02's picture

Francis check these two links above and see if that may help.


Francis's picture

Thanks Eric. I'll look into it.

Noa's picture

Many people swear by orgone energy (developed by Wilhelm Reich), which you can make easily and inexpensively at home. Don Croft claims that scattering holy hand grenades near cell phone towers actually changes the emfs to beneficial frequencies, thereby reversing their negative effects. You can also make chembusters, which also serve to break up chemtrails.




And previous g-spot posts on the subject:




Francis's picture

Thanks Noa, will check these out too.

Wendy's picture

Wow Francis,
You should have a right to clean EMF free space the same way you have a right to clean water and air!
These arrays emit microwaves and I would think there would be a way to detect that so you could take these people to court. I feel terrible and in a small way responsible! I used to work for an engineering firm that put these towers up but we designed the big ones that are far away from homes. At the time in the 90's it was somewhat debatable how much harm they did.
Do you know what company is putting them up? The light pole is on town property so you could complain to your city government. From what I remember, most towns required that abutters were notified when the big towers went up. If you rent, perhaps your landlord was notified but he should have informed you! Perhaps you can withhold rent until he fixes the problem. I would talk to all you neighbors about this.

Noa's picture

It sounds logical, Wendy, yet I wonder why so many residents seem to have so little power over things like Smart Meters on their homes or tap water that catches fire when lit by a match (the after-effect of fracking). On the other hand, it seems like people are organizing more and more on the community level to fight injustices of all kinds, so that could be an effective way to go. I'm guessing the success of such campaigns depend on the talent, organization, and commitment of the citizens involved.

Francis's picture

So I bought an emf detector and walked around town today after first testing our apartment space and the rest of the building. Turns out our building is a safe zone of sorts, for the simple fact that life on the streets is toxic! We were appalled to discover the readings as we walked about town. What we thought was dangerous in our apartment paled in comparison to what was registering on the sidewalks of downtown San Francisco. Let me first give this some context. The pamphlet that came with the detector registers the levels of Radiofrequency like this: No Concern - less than 0.0001; Slight Concern - 0.0001 - 0.0100; Severe Concern - 0.0100 - 1.0000; Extreme Concern - Over 1.0000. So we were pretty concerned when we discovered a few hot spots in our apartment that registered near the "extreme concern" region, a couple of them being in our bed, and noticed that most of the apartment is in the severe range with only the kitchen and bathroom in the slight. But then walking around town the detector began fluctuating between the 2.0's and 3.0's while receding occasionally back to the severe range and then again jumping up to 7.0 to 10.0 for a while and then back down again. We walked up to Huntington Park near Grace Cathedral and watched it fluctuate between 11.0 and 23.0. Wtf! That is way too high. This is a place where people come with their children and walk their dogs. We walked into Grace Cathedral to see if it was any better in there and saw the meter go off the charts again registering over 20.0 at the entrance to the church (inside had much safer levels). Across the street at the Masonic Temple or Auditorium, where we park our car down on the fifth level, it registered 0.0008, the safest place we encountered, I guess being underground and surrounded by concrete is the key. Oh, one more thing, when we turned on our cell phones the meter hit a high of 243.0000 and fluctuated around there for the first 20 seconds before settling down to the severe range. Hit the email or internet button and back over 200 it goes until you disconnect. The same thing happens when you turn it off, off the charts. It did settle in the severe range if not being used or on the internet. I haven't tested it during calls because I refuse to use it that way.

Thanks esrw02, Wendy and Noa for all your feedback. It does seem an uphill battle to take them to court since they only legally acknowledge the thermal factor when it comes to the dangers of these technologies, as if whatever we can't see or feel does not exist when it's already been proven that our eyes can only see a fraction of the visible spectrum. But after walking around town Wendy, a "clean EMF free space" appears to be a long lost dream when living in the big cities. It is simply out of control on the streets and our apartment is the refuge. Crazy.

Really appreciate all the feedback, great hearing from you guys again.

Noa's picture

Wow, really alarming, Francis. If you do make or buy orgone/orgonite, I'd be curious to know how they affect your EMF meter. I've watched a few youtube videos that supposedly prove the effectiveness of orgone, but none are very convincing IMO.

However, since so many people swear by orgone, I have made a few holy hand grenades. I've given some away and placed others near cell phone towers. I keep one by my bed and put my cell phone on another. I'm inclined to think they work, but I wish I had some proof.

Francis's picture

Was thinking of buying one to try it out. We have other supposed emf protection devices around the house and stickers and crystals on our phones but sad to say that none of them tip the scale for the better. I'm thinking maybe they help in a different range of the energy spectrum that's not detectable by our electronic devices yet, or at least I'm hoping so. Regardless, I will definitely let you know when I get one.

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