Zombie Pandemic

Truth is stranger than fiction.  This is a PDF of an actual "comic book" style publication that the CDC (Center for Disease Control) publishes for "emergency preparedness".  http://books.google.com.pe/books?printsec=frontcover&id=UWbJa4JqX_oC&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false  Did someone tip them off?

Notice how similar CDC's description is to the first actual zombie face-eating attack in Miami.  Even the location (in the southeastern US) is the same.  http://abcnews.go.com/US/miami-face-eating-attack-lasted-18-agonizing-minutes/story?id=16458696

So why are "bath salts" legally sold over-the-counter in drugstores?  And why are medicinal herbs like Marijuana criminilized?   I could make a list of reasons.




SayNoToCrap's picture

Yeah, that's some freaky stuff (CDC zombie preparedness comic and the Miami incident).

I heard an interview on NPR about bath salts. According to the DEA agent, they are not referring to the bath salts that are sold at drug stores, that's just their nick-name. They are synthetic drugs that are being modified one molecule at a time. The manufacturers alter the structure slightly each time the substance is declared illegal. This allows the makers to stay one step ahead of law enforcement. By doing so, they can sell them with no legal repercussion.

When I came across the CDC zombie comic (some time after the Miami zombie attack), it was like the moment I realized 9/11 was a false flag created for alterior motives. Shock, horror, disgust, and deeply saddened.

I am sad to say, but I personally believe it is highly likely that the manufacturers are not street criminals but insiders with alterior motives. 


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