SaLuSa 16-July-2010

SaLuSa  16-July-2010


You hear from many sources that your reality is an illusion, yet for you it is quite real as you experience the physicality of the 3rd. dimension. Yet it is an illusion inasmuch that it is not your true reality. For that reason it has been correctly referred to as an experiment, which you willingly offered to take part in. The consciousness of All That Is which you refer to as the Creator, desired to know how its godsparks would deal with separation as experienced in duality. You part in it is drawing to a close as the cycle ends, and unless you wish to continue experiencing in the lower dimensions you will be lifted up again. Subconsciously you have memories of your time in the higher dimensions, and that is why for most of you that idea of Ascension is welcomed. Some souls have become so used to your present dimension, that they cannot imagine anything better and are fearful of change. Problems arise about what will happen to your family and friends, and naturally you have concern for their wellbeing. Be assured that each soul has its own path to follow, and whilst you may come together in families that is not a permanent arrangement. You attract each other because you have certain experiences you desire, and all of you benefit from the family set up. Of course there are some beautiful loving relationships, and it is most likely you will meet again in subsequent lives. Even in those that prove volatile, there are often souls that already know each other and because of the love they have, will sacrifice it for the purpose of helping each of them to evolve. Believe it or not, once you return to the “other side” your earthly experiences can be put aside, and love returns between those who were at loggerheads on Earth with each other.


What we are trying to do is get you to see how little your time on the Earth resembles your true abode. In duality it is of course a challenge most of the time because of the absence of Light, although that is quickly changing as you create a pathway of Light to Ascension. However, because of the contrast between the dark and Light, you do have some illuminating experiences that can be most ecstatic and uplifting. The Earth is certainly the place to test yourself, and indeed that is the very reason you took the challenge on. If you wish you can sit on a cloud and play your harp for all eternity, but there is so much you can do to bring knowledge and understanding to yourself. You are naturally always seeking and expanding your Light, as you make your way back to the higher dimensions. As ascended Beings we are also still searching, and we have the Galaxy within which to have new experiences. Join us and we shall travel far and wide, and home will be wherever we station ourselves as we take it with us. We refer of course to the gigantic Mother Ships that are like enormous cities, and provide for your every need.


We want you to be excited at the thought of becoming Galactic Beings, because that will be your future selves when you have become fully conscious Beings. The plan already exists for your growth into such a Being, and you will be overjoyed at the prospect once you know the details. We will participate in your advancement, and Ascension is the first real step towards it. In time your lives in duality will seem so distant, that the memories will soon be forgotten. After all you are ascending with the new Earth in all its beauty and fully restored to its pristine condition, so why indeed would you want to think of her in other way. There is of course beauty on Earth now, but it is a pale reflection of what she will soon be, so you have some idea of what splendors are in store for you.


There seems to be so much aggression on Earth, both of a physical nature and in words and gestures. Some of it arises from people being “disturbed” by the higher energies coming in, as they cannot handle them. They become disorientated and strike out in anger and confusion. In contrast those of the Light become more serene and joyful as they continue to be lifted up. The Light is sorting out the wheat from the chaff, but there is no shame or guilt attached to the slow developers. The sorting out is unavoidable, but it is necessary so that souls finds themselves where they are best served for their evolution. It happens all of the time, as evolution is a progression of steps that take you onto levels that are right for your experience and development.


Now you are seeing out the cycle of duality, and at times there will be mayhem, but it is the end of an era that has taken you to the depths of darkness and you have survived. At last the Light has broken through and there is only one way forward and that is upwards. Leave duality behind and try not to let it influence you, as your sights should be on whatever you need to tread firmly on the path to Ascension. The door to your future is opening wide, and it will accommodate every soul that has ambitions to be part of it.


We of the Galactic Federation are totally ready for action and we have the advantage of knowing exactly what your needs are, through our extensive coverage of you and your planet. We respect your privacy, but if needs required it we could see right into your buildings and focus on whomsoever we wished. We can hear your conversations, or even read your minds, which is useful when dealing with the dark Ones. It is why their plans will never succeed, as we know too much about them. We take preventative action and our allies are very active in these roles. We do not like confrontation or threats, and our approach is diplomatic but firm.


Each day that passes brings you nearer to completion, and nearer to our open contact with you. But first the preliminaries, and although the announcement we seek has not yet been made, there are now many individuals making their voices heard. It is putting pressure on the authorities that cannot hold back for very much longer. We would like to get started before next spring, so we will do all we can to assist our allies to this end. We do still of course have a deadline date by which we should have started, and clearly it is not that far into the future.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and there is a great feeling on our side because we have traveled far with you, and are pleased that you have reached the end times. It was sometimes in doubt but you have rode out the storm, and peaceful times are coming where Love and Light shall reign.


Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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ChrisBowers's picture

Michael Quinsey's offerings, thank you John....

Francis's picture

"Every time you give thought to something that is presented to you in any way, you give it more lasting power."

Thank you John for the beautiful message from SaLuSa (Quinsey).  I explored the site a little further and found another inspiring message that has some profound implications on what is happening in the Gulf right now and how we can be of help.  The above quotation says volumes about what the media is up to by bombarding us with gloom and doom on an hourly basis (whether it be the Gulf, though highly censored, or any other negative news story) - it keeps it constantly in our thoughts, and our thoughts are the creators.   I really appreciate what this Hatonn has to say.  It reminds me of Little Grandmother telling us to "change the channel."  


Hatonn  14-July-2010

Good day dear ones of the Light. I am Hatonn, and I come to you this day to share something with you. It is a time for all of you to see what it is that is shining from within and what it takes to spread that glow around the globe in one simple thought. All you need do is to have a thought that shines through and through with the inner glow and you have healed mountains, cleaned rivers, and cured all kinds of disease.

There is nothing in this world that you cannot have an effect on. There is nothing in this world that you cannot return to the perfection from which it has evolved in the energy of duality. It is the time to take stock of what you have accomplished already as a whole in the course of the times that you have been on earth. As you see what has been accomplished in the energy in which it has been created, you see the power you have to create the kind of world that you desire and intend.

As you see what is taking place and you realize the potential for what is as you desire, then you see how you can do just that. You can take the thoughts that you have had up to now and you can earmark any new ones that you have for the beauty and the healing of this mother earth and all of the life within and on her surface. It is that simple dear ones. Rather than see what some others have done, created in their thoughts and the actions that have sprung from those thoughts, you can turn it all around, all that is not to your liking, and produce through your thoughts and desires the kind of world that is in harmony with All.

There is no deep secret to it. There is no select group that can do this. It is each of you, each of you taking charge of your world and how it is for you. It is a matter of seeing it as you want it to be and living it in that image. Remember that all is created in the image of God, yes even that which may not be appealing to many; it has been created in the image of God, for all is God, all is Spirit and it can be what is given the most attention and thought in the energy of the Creator, which is you.

Yes, you are the Creator and in that image that you convey through your thoughts, you will find your world changing with every moment as you go about living your day in the image of what your thoughts create. There is no big secret to it, for you have been living that secret. You have been giving substance to everything that is in this world, whether you have knowingly done that or not.

I am saying that every time you give thought to something that is presented to you in any way, you give it more lasting power. You are sure to experience that to which you give energy, so as you go through your day and choose to heal the water and wildlife on the planet do so with the thoughts that represent what you desire, rather than what you see before you in the backward glance at what has stirred you to the thought of healing in the first place.

What this represents is rather than saying that you are healing the waters of the world that have been stricken with the pollution of certain parties, instead give all of your energy to the image of the purity of the waters and the wonder of the wildlife that make their homes within the waters, in the sky, and on the earth. This is what creates, dear ones; your thoughts are magnificent creators and the energy that you put into them is the movement that sets them free and allows them to create in the way that you intend. Such is the power you have.

So, what the bottom line is here is that you do not have to join a group of beautiful people who are giving their focus to the healing of the earth, though that is a wonderfully powerful thing. If that does not work for you , or fit into your life right now you can just as well give your focus on a constant basis to the wonder and beauty that is before you in your inner eyes. You can see from within that which is your intent for this beautiful Mother Earth, Gaia, the goddess of the planet, the soul of the earth.

Yes, my dear ones, you are all infinitely powerful, and no matter what way you choose to interact with the people and all of life you are choosing the ultimate creativity you have to free yourselves from the bondage that has been seen throughout the world. You have the innate ability now and forever to create this world in your image and to see that your image is God/Spirit/Creator all rolled into one.

Also remember that the majority, the largest influx of energy, determines what is, and as you join in with your thoughts no matter where you are or how many are around you, you are using your innate powers in a way that is equal to anything else. When there are hundreds, thousands, millions, or even one person, it creates in the energy of the beauty and freedom that is represented in the Love that is all of it.

I see you all in the beauty of the image that is portrayed through the collective consciousness and believe me, dear ones, it is truly a sight to behold.

Thank you dear Hatonn,

Love, Nancy Tate

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