Polarities getting stronger.

This article I ran across today seems to corespond to my comment the other day about the boiling pot..


Polarities getting stronger. Illuminists set to Destroy their own Control Systems.

Posted By: X_Hermes  Date: Monday, 23-Aug-2010 04:34:02

The polarities are becoming more apparent now. The process is exposing much, and indeed, many. The process is also inducing panic; for it is becoming impossible to hide anything – we are now well into the ‘Era of Revelations’. Not a challenge for those of honest intent, but for those who play out the games of power and control, systematic exposure of just how they do this is a major problem.

The media is slowly shifting its attention, too. As it begins to sense the demise of its all-pervasive controllers, it is starting to become braver. A few issues are being surfaced that could not have been addressed even a few months ago - expect there to be more. A slow but significant return to its original function and purpose is under way.

Those of the dark have ‘painted themselves into a corner’. Their internal discipline and focus has long since started to be over-run by their rampant greed and much infighting. This makes dealing with external threats – perceived or real – that much more difficult. The result is that they are now ‘shooting from the hip’. Every whistleblower, truth teller, enlightened group or honest business is coming under pressure, has become a target. How long do they imagine they can keep this up? For certain, their resources are finite. They risk utter and final exhaustion as everything around them becomes a threat, their fear-based psychology responding to a huge undercurrent of their own institutional and personal guilt, long suppressed. What goes around is, indeed, coming around! Karma, write large!

Notice how every whistleblower and truth teller in sight is now being labelled as ‘a CIA shill’ or worse. Mud is being thrown in all directions, threats and wose are rampant. And the appearance is being created that the good guys are all denouncing each other. Let us apply a logical understanding here: “the more flack aimed at one of these brave individuals, the probability is that the more right and accurately reported is their public position”. Just hold this in mind when you see the next blast of accusations.

The on-going awakening of humanity also means heightened resistance to the old ways of control. Most of this is not huge street protest or headline accusations of wrong doing. The majority of what constitutes resistance is a slowly building, low level ‘who do they think they are’- based non-cooperation. It can only increase, and a level of tension is building that will, sooner or later, result in a level of resistance that is far more obvious. The old powers simply cannot stand the active disapproval of humanity at large, and that is what they will eventually face.

"When the Sh**t is flying you need a lot of fans to protect your position" And the Illuminists are loosing their fans...

The timing is unclear, for, in truth, it is up to humanity, and may well be triggered by the next outrage perpetrated by the old powers…or the next…or the one after that. Karma may well dictate that their own action will finally break the tenuous balance that, for now, is appearing to ‘keeping a lid on things’ – but only just.

Right now, the drive by many honest people, for a new and honest reality, is still opposed by many levels of intimidation, force, programming - and the habit we all suffer of tacit acceptance of the endemic negativity around us. It is likely to be the old powers who will, inevitably, take the one step that results in mass outrage. Then the old control matrix will all go – but the action, or reaction, is with the mass of humanity: slow to awaken, perhaps, but impossible to stop once it is aroused.

The old hegelian technique of causing problems so as to manipulate desired mass solutions is beginning to backfire, and sooner or later, one such will backfire completely. The law of unintended consequences invoked, the full blowback delivered ‘in spades’.

The illuminists should not be sleeping so well by now!

Xavier Hermes


All that is of the dark eventually is moved by the Light.  The universe is made of Light--- This posting seems to go well with a recent thread I started called The Light Moves in Mysterious Ways http://www.gatheringspot.net/topic/general-discussion/light-moves-mysterious-ways

Thank you for posting this Berry. 


JaiMe's picture

Was just reflecting with my sweetheart yesterday about this, thanks for the post :)

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