Blah, Blah, Blah and Hogwash

Last night I was overcome with fear concerning all of the negative scenarios that are all competing for attention. Then I went to bed and  I had a dream where I met with an Luminous Being who said:  All those scenarios are simply Hogwash.  Blah, Blah, Blah Hogwash!  and then the Luminous Being made a raspberry face Tongue out until in the Dream I laughed.  At that point I awoke laughing as well. 

So this AM when I opened my email there was a channeling that said something similar--- the word Hogwash was actually used!  LOL 





Message From Matthew
August 13, 2010

Effects of ascension's late stages; suggestions to relieve symptoms; weather technology; ascension data, who will go along with Earth; animals; 2012; Gulf oil spill; Obama, law of attraction; media, discernment; delayed announcement of ET presence, landings; economy.

This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. I begin with a personal note about the lapse in these messages. My mother’s energy and time were dedicated to caring for Bob during the last stages of his illness, and after his transition she needed restorative time. Both of these souls who are so dear to me are doing well.
Now then, many Earth residents perceive your world as tumultuous as ever. Wars continue and so do poverty, corruption, oppression and other ills, so it is understandable that people who have long lived in such conditions often feel hopeless. You know that changes of unprecedented magnitude are afoot, yet you may be encountering unsettling feelings too, perhaps depression, discontentment, undue impatience, fatigue or physical discomfort. You may feel restless, “rudderless,” floating without clear purpose or direction, or feel that nothing of significance is happening in your life or even anywhere on Earth.
It may be because world transformation is so far underway that many are having one or another of those sensations — as microcosms of Earth, you naturally are affected by the magnitude of changes she is undergoing. Everything in your world is in acceleration mode and there are frequent rises in the vibratory level along Earth’s pathway — you still may be adjusting to the most recent level while she is moving into the next. Vibrations in the energy planes your planet has reached make maintaining balance in body, mind and spirit a greater effort than previously. When you are in a state of imbalance, your energy flow is jolted or blocked, causing your electromagnetic system to malfunction and produce a variety of unsettling physical, mental and emotional sensations.
Another effect of the higher vibrations is inner stirrings of dissatisfaction with personal situations. Individuals who are following intuitive feelings to change locations or work or relationships are faring better than those who are resisting soul-level guidance to get on track with karmic experiencing chosen to complete third density lifetimes.
The vibrations also are magnifying human characteristics and behaviors, making “good” better and “bad” worse. Generous persons share until the cupboard is bare and those with warm hearts serve wherever help is needed. Greedy ones acquire more and more and give nothing, and heartless individuals cause problems for others. Played out on the world stage, light-filled people are thriving spiritually and activities of light nature are ever expanding in scope and positive results. People whose attributes and deeds are of darkness are regressing spiritually and their intentions and efforts are stumbling along into eventual futility. Interaction with individuals in the latter group can indeed be stressful because your light body’s energy is resisting theirs.
A possible source of anomalous sensations and behaviors is Earth’s ascension route that puts her in new alignments with the other planets and Sol. Although the juxtaposition of solar bodies always has affected Earth’s residents, the difference now is her rapid, steady course out of third density. Not only your feelings, but others’ attitudes and reactions that seem to be erratic, irresponsible or shocking may be due in part to unusual celestial influences.
The increase in geophysical activity is another potential source of stressful feelings because your bodies are affected by Earth’s shockwaves. Another consideration here is that earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, violent storms and floods are relieving the negativity that caused the planet to spiral downward and, until about seventy or so years ago, had confined it for millennia to third density. The lessening of negativity also has an effect on bodies.
Let us digress a moment to answer a pertinent question: How much drastic weather and earthquakes and other ‘natural’ disasters are manmade? It would not be much of an exaggeration to say “all.” Just as in Nature, a technologically created earthquake, for example, cannot have isolated effects — the energy release initiates activity in similarly vulnerable areas around the globe and those trigger still more upheavals. It is the same with clouds and winds. Mother Nature, however, knows when to take a time-out so her lands and seas and skies can settle and she can regain balance, and she spares areas meant to be safe. The ones who are manipulating your weather and generating geophysical disasters don’t care about healing respites for Earth or any exclusion from destruction, death toll and suffering.
Returning to possible causes for unpleasant symptoms you may be experiencing, we offer practical suggestions to lessen their effects and duration. Fatigue never is your ally — get sufficient relaxation and sleep. Drinking a lot of pure water will help energy flow more smoothly throughout your body and let your electromagnetic system better perform. Physical and mental exercise, meditation, solitude, being in Nature, positive thinking, creative projects, melodious music — all are aides in balancing your energy.
Your bodies need light-filled foods for a strong immune system; eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and less meat and sugar. Illegal synthetic drugs, chemicals in prescription medications and alcohol not only are barriers to light-absorption, they exacerbate the conditions you want to remedy and can create new types of dis-ease. Make every effort to avoid or defuse abrasive encounters — the energy those generate is a formidable deterrent to achieving balance and well being. If, despite employing those suggestions and any other practices that usually have served you well, your symptoms become severe and persistent, please consult a trusted health care provider.
Now then, with the combination of that wide variety of energetic influences, the obvious turmoil in your world and unawareness of profound changes taking shape, it is little wonder that some believe the “end times” are coming and others interpret December 2012, when the Mayan calendar ends, much the same way. Both perceptions are wrong, but indeed an end time is coming — along Earth’s ascension pathway into the era of the Golden Age, all forms of darkness on the planet will end.
There are many questions and misconceptions about ascension, who will accompany Earth, what will become of the people who don’t, and what to expect in the higher densities. First, ascension has nothing whatsoever to do with the “raptures” of religion, so please do not try to fit that concept into the universal truth. Ascension is the process of Earth leaving third density and traveling through fourth on to fifth. Although this movement is into planes of successively lighter energy, not into progressively higher elevations such as climbing a stepladder or a mountain, souls’ growth in conscious awareness and spiritual clarity can be thought of as upward, thus ascension is the most descriptive term for this advancement.
In the timeless continuum, the beginning and completion of Earth’s ascension cannot be dated — you could say that both “times” have been known for untold ages. In linear time, the ascension process began in the last years of the 1930s, when atrocities long committed by humankind against each other reached unconscionable measure and nearly depleted Earth’s light that is the life force of her planetary body and the bodies of all her residents.
Her cry for help went out into the universe and instantly God authorized myriad spiritually advanced civilizations to respond by beaming their own vast light into Earth’s body. The massive infusion of light from those distant sources stabilized her orbit and enabled her to jar loose from negativity’s stranglehold, start to ascend out of deep third density and continue toward her ultimate destination in fifth density. Her soul originated in that high plane and there it remained throughout the millennia that her body spiraled ever downward as more and more human and animal blood was shed and the environment ravaged.
Ascension is possible for all who have absorbed the light, and the souls who accompany Earth will do so in their physical bodies. If bodies lack organs or limbs or have physical, emotional or mental disorders, farther along the ascension pathway there will be healing of all disease and replacement of missing parts until the bodies are perfected and mental and emotional health is sound. In fourth density the bodies of aged persons will become youthful and live healthfully much longer than your current life expectancy, and life spans in fifth density can be tenfold or more than yours are now.
There is no seat of judgment or arbitrary selection of which humans can ascend and which cannot — it is strictly a matter of science and souls’ own choices. Light changes third density’s carbon-based cellular structure to the crystalline form that lets bodies survive in the higher frequencies, or vibrations, of fourth density and beyond. That is why persons who choose to live in the light can ascend with Earth and those who choose to cling to their dark ways cannot. After a time in spirit, souls in the latter group will incarnate in a world that corresponds to their Earth lifetime energy registration and have more opportunities to “see the light.”
Not all light-filled people will go all the way to the Golden Age — it depends on the longevity clause in soul contracts. Prior to birth many of today’s populace chose to enter spirit life before Earth reaches that era, and among them are highly evolved souls whose light is as bright as noonday sun. Those who came from higher civilizations to assist Earth in special ways during her ascension may quickly pass through Nirvana on their way to a higher density spirit world, most likely the one serving their original homeland, or they may manifest new bodies and incarnate in another civilization for different kinds of growth experiencing. Others will stay for a time in Nirvana, which will remain Earth’s spirit world and ascend in tandem with the planet. Souls who have completed third density karmic lessons may choose another Earth lifetime or join a civilization in a different fourth density world.
A large number of people who have lived in godly ways will choose not to ascend with Earth after the truth about the origin of religions emerges: They were designed in darkness to deceive and control the peoples, be the most divisive element of life on Earth, and reap wealth for the heads of churches. Although everyone on Earth knows that truth at soul level and it is a contract choice to consciously remember it, many of the devoutly religious will be unable or unwilling to accept that their deep-seated faith is founded on false teachings. By so doing, these individuals deny the light within truth, that they are god and goddess selves, eternally inseparable from God and all other souls in this universe. Their next pre-birth contract will again include the provision to become consciously aware of that truth during their next physical lifetime, which will be in a third density world.
Regardless of the reason a soul leaves this lifetime, physical death will come from any of the many causes that exist now. There will be no mass departure of darkly inclined persons when Earth reaches some specific vibratory level because the amount of light within bodies varies. And there is no way for you to distinguish between light-filled individuals who leave Earth lifetimes in accordance with soul contracts, those who choose to leave rather than accept the truth about religions, and persons whose bodies’ viability is snuffed out because they lack the light to survive in the vibratory level Earth entered.
In most cases there can be reunions of souls who live in physical or spirit worlds of differing densities. Those who have evolved into a higher density can astrally travel to a lower density that has sufficient light to assure the visitors’ departure. Reunions are not possible with the souls that are consigned by their lifetime energy to first or second density worlds, where intelligence is almost nonexistent and no memories or feelings exist. That is not punishment — it offers those souls a new beginning free of the negativity they created that automatically led them to those lowest levels of existence.
The innocence of animals, who act from instinct, never from malice, automatically qualifies all except a few species to ascend with Earth. Along the way those who now are wild will become tame, predators will become vegetarians, and all will live peaceably with each other and humankind. Already there is evidence of cross-species friendship, even mothers of one species nurturing infants of another, and instances of bonding between wild animals and humans.
Animal numbers will shrink in the next few years as instinctively they will breed less often and produce fewer offspring. While most species will be able to adapt to environmental and climate changes as Earth is restored to her Eden self, when there were no temperature extremes and all lands were arable, species living in polar regions will not survive. Their souls will go to Nirvana and continue evolving, and in time they will incarnate in a world where conditions are suitable for their new bodies and life purposes.
Now then, despite the emphasis on the final day of year 2012, there is no absolutely fixed date for Earth to be within fourth density. There is a “celestial window” for smooth sailing, so to speak, but it offers a degree of flexibility in your calendar’s time. And please remember that ascension is a process that has been ongoing for about seven decades, so do not expect a dramatic occurrence to herald the first day of the Golden Age. January 1, 2013, often considered to be The Date, will be little different from the day preceding or following it. There is no validity to the notion that immediately prior to Earth’s entry into fourth density there will be three days of darkness or, as other reports have it, three days of burning sun.
It is not so that life after 2012 will be much the same throughout many centuries. Just as life on Earth has not been static, but has progressed through many phases of development, so too will life in the Golden Age. The difference is that everything will be taking place in the peace, harmony and boundless opportunities for learning and evolving in that glorious world! [The message dated December 31, 2007, “Essay on 2012” gives a comprehensive description of life in that era.]
The last phases of the transition from third density to fourth will present some challenges as the Illuminati keep trying to stir up trouble spots. Heeding your intuition will carry you through the bumpy episodes, which can’t last much longer anyway because the dark ones cannot fight in the light, and the light is growing stronger by the day.
You don’t consciously remember that you were eager to incarnate during this momentous time on Earth, and although many, many others also wanted to participate, they lacked the innate abilities, experience and courage that qualified you to be among the chosen. Few can be in prominent leadership roles, but all of you are leaders simply by BEing the shining god sparks you are! Do not for a moment doubt that you are powerful souls whose contributions to the light are helping assure its triumph over darkness — in the continuum, you already are victorious!
Now we shall address questions about situations of current interest. By Earth’s invitation, other civilizations lessened to the extent possible the damage to marine life and coastlines caused by the oil in the Gulf of Mexico; and by Earth’s desire, there will be no explosion of methane gas that could cause widespread sickness and loss of life. Your planet’s healing ability and other worlds’ technology can remedy or prevent these and other types of manmade destructiveness, whether intentional or by negligence or ignorance.
The oil spill was a major turning point in Earth’s favor. The oil companies’ dominance in energy production has been drastically reduced as demands for alternate sources have soared. Soon you will see long-suppressed technologies coming into use for many purposes, from curing diseases and eradicating pollution to providing light and heat and transportation fuel.
Are you still convinced that U.S. President Obama is a highly evolved lighted soul who came from an advanced civilization to lead us into the Golden Age? Yes! There is no reason for us or other messengers in high stations to doubt that, but we understand why some of you do. Assessments and conclusions can only be according to information available to you. You don’t have our vantage point in the universe or our information sources, and you have no way of knowing all the undercurrents that will be ushering in your new world.
Doubt about Obama’s light-filled intentions is arming his opposition — that is why we urge you to withhold judgment and to envision him and your world in golden light. Negative thoughts and feelings about Obama’s leadership are reducing his ability to persuade his own government and other leaders to act in harmonious cooperation to achieve a peaceful world with shared wealth and well being for all. This is not his failing, but rather the law of attraction in operation — negativity aimed in any direction brings back to Earth more negative situations. Along with vibrations intensifying the best and the worst of human traits, the law is producing divisiveness in politics, ideologies and philosophies that form all systems and organizations that regulate life in your world. Each side of any issue is blindly digging in its heels instead of giving an inch. But do not despair — that stubbornness to keep the status quo and to resist reform attempts is but one element in the picture whose full design soon will “come to light.”
It still benefits the tattered wisps of darkness that control mainstream media to exhaustively cover sporting events or one person’s heinous deed and ignore the ever-growing grassroots movement toward self-sufficiency, ingenuity, innovations, sharing resources and other signs that vast changes are occurring within hearts and minds. Like everything else in your world that is of dark design, mind control via the media soon will be history — all methods of mind control operate at the low frequencies that will disappear as the light continues to intensify. Your best source of honest information is the Internet, but be aware that it also is teeming with deliberate falsehoods, unintentional inaccuracies and misconceptions — be evermore discerning!
None of the dire situations that some analysts and some channeled messages purport to be likely, or even unavoidable, will come to pass. There will be no repeat of “9/11,” no third war world, no nuclear war in space, no worldwide riots because of food shortages, no inundation of coastlines until the seas reach the mountains, no pandemics or lack of drinking water that will imperil or eradicate billions of lives, no invasion by a dark civilization, no planetary destruction that will necessitate mass evacuations or underground living.
Hatonn asked us to give you his message: “My job as manager of communication between Earth and all other points in the universe is difficult enough. Please don’t compound it by passing on false information or predictions that are pure hogwash. Thank you.”
Some within the lightworker community are dismayed because the presence of other civilizations has not been officially acknowledged and no craft have landed. If we knew when the announcement will take place and when ships will land, we would happily tell you, but even our best sources for that information don’t know. Your space family members living among you are eager to introduce themselves and the thousands in crafts want to be on the ground helping you, but they must wait for the right time. The Illuminati’s diversionary tactics have kept Earth’s representatives preoccupied with major upheavals that have precluded final decisions about a televised announcement, and there can be no landings until your safety is fully assured — at this time, the Illuminati control weaponry that poses a risk of danger to large numbers, and no chances will be taken with your lives.
Although there are optimistic indications of economic recovery, any improvements are purely by manipulation. The longstanding corruption in banking, investments and commerce cannot much longer be hidden, nor can the usurious interest rates and unfair taxation continue — the Illuminati’s worldwide economic network is crumbling irremediably. Your monetary system will return to precious metals as its basis until such time that your heightened consciousness no longer requires the use of money in exchange for goods and services.
Concerns about current homelessness and unemployment are natural and so are ponderings about what will be the lot of homecoming troops if all military forces in the world are disbanded. Those concerns would vanish in the blink of an eye if you could see as we do the peace and joy, the harmony and cooperation, the abundance of life’s necessities and enjoyments of Earth’s Golden Age. Not only are lighted souls throughout the universe cheering you all along your pathway to that glorious world, we see you living there!
Suzanne Ward

[Note from Suzy: Heartfelt thanks to all who sent prayers for Bob’s recovery. I’m sure the energy of your caring helped in his transition and adjustment to spirit life. After receiving customized care in Nirvana’s “ICU” to strengthen his etheric body, Bob was reunited with souls with whom he has love bonds, including our dogs who are there, and he’s enjoying the active, diverse life in Earth’s spirit world.
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Matthew's Messages come out only once a month and I send them as soon as I get them. My Yahoo Group . . . The Light Circle Ezine *   *  * Subscribe: [email protected]   *

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If something you read here does not ring true to you then by all means disregard it and go on to what does. For one persons truth is not always anothers. What is given today can very well change tomorrow -- in fact in the next instant -- as ALL THINGS are in constant change. Every four-quadrillionth of a second the entire universe appears and disappears -- changing. Please use your discrimination in reading this and all material intended for spiritual growth, as truth is a personal thing, and each journey towards truth, unique. Please keep in mind when reading this newsletter that each writer is writing from his or her own point of view, experiences, and level of understanding.  If your Guidance tells you that an article is not of value to you, just ignore it.  It may be an eye-opener for someone else!

Brian's picture

 I love that you laughed in your dream. You gave yourself a gift in a sense, by relaxing and appreciated someone's humor and not just jamming up or being indignant or something-hah. Good for you.

When I try to share with someone else this kind of esoteric information (like in that newsletter), I always preface it with an explanation and disclaimer-trying to be honest about it's roots-that it's not reliable in the conventional sense. So I would have appreciated the disclaimer up front instead of in the last paragraph...Why do so many people write these "newsletters" or emails that try to sound all authoritative? Can someone explain this to me?


Bob07's picture

Sounding authoritative...  A lot of us want to sound as if we know.  I admit that there's that in me, too.  There's surely no reason not to say what we really know first hand, as long as we do it in a decent (not inflated) way; someone may actually benefit from hearing it.  But there's probably a lot more that we don't know than that we do.  I think we just want to be someone who knows, someone who really has a handle on what's real and true.  There's a kind of (imagined maybe) status in that.  Some of us want to be spiritual teachers, even before we know something.  We don't want to be amonst the legions of people who don't know, just one of the vast crowd.  Just got to stand out.  So we may speak as if we do, and even believing it ourselves. 

That reminds me of a Christian book of practical spiritual instruction from, I believe, the Middle Ages in Europe, titled "The Cloud of Unknowing."  It advises the seeker to disperse the cloud of knowing and surround oneself with the cloud of unknowing; that is, to forget what we think we know and proceed with an open mind and heart like a child, who knows nothing.  Of course, this is about essential spritual truth, not information  -- the "stuff" that can't be spoken about without getting into duality and confusion.

Well, the ego can appropriate anything.  There's a thing in Buddhism called the Zen sickness, which is where the ego even appropriates an experience of Truth.  Funny creatures we are...

Wendy's picture

Hi FFg-

I was full of fear too last night - it too was completely irrational, hogwash. Makes one wonder if there isn't some kind of electro-magnetic mind control program going on. Glad you got through it so well. I had to force myself to go upstairs, crossing my chest as the catholics do the whole way - this is what I do when I get irrational fears, I counter act it with irrational protection ritual. After I finally got upstairs and lay down I was still up for quite a while, feeling like there were evil spirits flying around the room, eventually I fell asleep. I feel like such an immature kid conveying this - it doesn't happen often but once in a while, I just get a feeling that something isn't right.

I thought your dream of the rasberry face was very funny.

Thanks for sharing-


It has stayed with me too:  The Being giving the Raspberry Face Tongue out-- And I simply can not help but laugh aloud when some doom and gloom comes across my desk.  It is remarkable in its simplicity. 

There is so much HOGWASH out there too! 

Brian-- I apologize for the snafu.  You know what they say about ass-u-me... I assumed that everyone knew Mathew was a channeled message.  Request noted to put disclaimer first.

Wendy-- What was very palatable last night for me was there was a vibe in the air.  The skinny on this is that the PTB are trying every last ditch and rather weak methods in which to conjure up some scaring of the herd.  It is not working to well for them because so much LIGHT is now occupying this reality-- and the herd is apathetic to any more scaring.  It is like "okay, okay you have scared me.  Wow, very boring scary tactic... Tongue out"

I appreciated my guides really coming through to me on this one and the teaching is so very clear.  If it scares the pants off you... chances are it is HOGWASH.   Today I was reminded of Elizabeth Clare-Prophet and all her prophecizing about CA going down into the depths of the Earth and that Montana was the only safe place.  Now --the new Doom and Gloom is Montana is no longer safe... Going up with the Big One that is about to blow Yellowstone and the whole state to Kingdom Come.  HOGWASH! 

Sure, give it all away to someone who claims salvation in their hands that they will meter out to you"MERE HUMAN."  Honestly, someone get me a kitkat bar.  LOL

 They want you to Keep running until you get to the Himaylayas... oh wait weren't those mountains in a movie?  Something about 2012--- Did the bigtime movie makers make any movies about YK2?  Hmmm... I seem to remember that event was ahh, anti-climatic.

The point is this, if it seems a little over the top, well, it is over the top.  The Dark specializes in over the top.  Blah, Blah, Blah  HOGWASH.

I have to say, I was fooled for a bit... the fairy fool.  Yep, that is me.  I actually believed that the Gulf of Mexico was going to implode and explode and a the Southeast,USA was going to deliverence.  Totally, Totally, TOTALLY over the top!  Blah, Blah, Blah  HOGWASH.  Not to diminish the magnitude of the Gulf Oil Spill which in itself is one of the many evironmental disasters of this century.  May we finally embrace Free and Alternative Forms of Energy.

This is my new mantra like a child who says the word, Butt over and over and over and laughs uproariously until the beverage of choice comes out thier nose at lunch.  Butt-- Butt--- Butt--- HOGWASH... Laughing

So this is my new revelation that has delivered me from uncertain doom... If this fairy is going down like a rock to the depths of a watery death... I will know about it in time for if it is to be for me.. then it is to be... if not I know I will be traveling elsewhere singing "Blah, Blah, Blah... HOGWASH.Tongue out

By the way--- Everyone is CRAZY at this time... all the secrets and supressed emotions are bubbling forth like a bottle of champagne shaken all up... And POP goes the cork and out comes the booze.  It is time to deal with all that stuff, clean up the mess, hopefully duck when the cork goes POP and uncover new-old skills in dealing with what life throws up at you. 

Some things this fairy is working on is:  truthfully Fear Mangement.   I am having to deal with it in new ways... like Getting a Grip and realizing... well it is all Hogwash.  All the lies that built upon lies that we believed were TRUTH--- such is the nature of an illusional perception of a percieved reality (a long way of saying: Lies).  So the truth is out:  We are Cosmic Beings made in the image of LOVE.  Our True nature is truly Good.  We are an inventive species... and smart too.  We are headed to a shift into greater being determined by our own timetable specific to each individual.  We are all cells with in the body of Humanity. Humanity is a Body within the Creation... all is contained within itself, thus all is ONE. 

Since reality is truly in the eye of the beholder living the reality it is up to me to uncover the TRUTH in my reality.  This is a process of discernment, forgiveness and mirth and loving the Self free.  Mirth is sacred laughter.  Such as my Being friend that appeared in my dream--- I will never be able to give a raspberry without dissolving into laughter.  I have got a grip and I am embracing Truth.  The Truth is always simple.  The more complex something is--- chances are it is not truth. 

This is my most recent revelation. This of course is my perception of the truth and subject to change as new revelations surface and I get a better grip...

Blah, Blah, Blah... Hogwash!


Brian's picture

I'm not sure what I want to say-you all have such interesting things to say and it's extremely stimulating to mind and body to read this thread!
"The point is this, if it seems a little over the top, well, it is over the top.  The Dark specializes in over the top.  Blah, Blah, Blah  HOGWASH."  (but 9/11 really happened because of the Dark)

I don't know what you know FFG but I have been feeling very afraid of a serious threat to our country in the way of a military takeover by our own ever since watching Alex Jones Terror Storm stuff. (It would come as a response to an "outside threat" like a plague from an Asteroid attack by Aliens working with Rogue Nations;-) I'm sorry to voice this because I don't want to make it come true by dwelling on it! The reason I'm afraid is because of what I know happened to America's indigenous people at the hands of palefaces like me and I see what we did killing many thousands of innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan... So I can see the potential for the worst in some people to come out and terrorize here at 'home'. The unthinkable has already been tried and run through it's paces.

I also interpret the financial "crisis" as a kind of land-grab to steal our wealth and hard work from us in an artificial crisis as per Naomi Kline's book "The Shock Doctrine" where she shows how the dark & powerful create disasters and other crisis because you can get away with so much crime at that time you can't under normal circumstances...Like Katrina, but most esp the Iraq Invasion. (wow-was that one sentence?)

Brian's picture

 I also wanted to say:
That bit I wrote about my fear is a little ranty...

FFGirl-no worries-I meant the author might put their disclaimer up front-I'm being picky tho

BobB-what you're saying sounds so true and I liked the down-to-Earth way you said it-mea culpa fashion. I catch myself conflating and over-emphasizing all the damn time in conversations when I want to win an argument or if I think one of my kids doesn't believe my stories.

Wendy-I hear there's lot's of electro-magnetic stuff coming from the Sun lately-Sun Spot Cycle stuff. I think it comes in pulses now and then, and when there's lot's of that, the stock market tends to drop (if only for a day or two)and people can feel out of sorts or depressed. Make me wonder...I've had some vivid dreams this past week...

Good Greetings, Brian-- I always feel as if I have passed an elephant after a good rant.  Now that all of that elephant is out in the open... There is space within--- an emptiness to fill with Love and Light. 

Good Greetings, All:  I prefer to follow the suggestions of Alex Collier:  Create a New Domain of Knowing.  Simple.  Love yourSelf free by creating a New Domain of Knowing.  This is also very co-current with the suggestions of the Gentle Way stuff.  A New Domain of Knowing is also a New Timeline.  It is simply creating a new reality.

We unconsciously create our reality everyday by the choices we made yesterday and in the eternal now.  (I realize this is an oxymoron-- but go with me).  The choice then becomes to Consciously  create.  This is by really focusing on what we would like to show up as our reality daily and loving it into being.  You successfully did this, Brian, when you successfully landed your new job!  This is a frame of reference.

By calling Bull-Crap as Bull-Crap or Hogwash if you will... it defuses the fear charge and gives a little breathing space to truly assess what is happening around you.  Fear covers up.  Love uncovers.  The Uncovering of our Hearts and linking in unity with our minds is the work of this time.

A military take over.  hmmm that is an old ruse used since the 1940's with McCarthyism.  Fear can not stand in the face of Truth and Love.  I am always reminded of the power of truth when I think of Senator Margaret Chase Smith .  I in order for the military to take over all the many good men and women in our armed forces would have to be in agreement toi do this.  I see this as not happening.  Even the attempts to demonize all hispanic and/or immigrants is starting to backfire as people are coming to realize-- oh Crap, if I support this-- I could be next.  It is a phase that is in the process of being phased out.  I truly see this as happening.  This is my domain of knowing.  The New Earth is being birthed-- this New Earth is simply a new domain of knowing.  I believe we are not going anywhere---instead shifting to a different frequency.  Change the channel on your radio or tv.  There you have changed frequency and entered into a new domain of knowing... it is simple in its design. 

This is where we are all at in our creating of a New Domain of Knowing... what is it that we wish to create.  It is important that we all Stand Tall as We are Angels After All... or someone will be standing in for you and creating for you. 

The Alex Jones stuff I find extremely disempowering.  It simply does not pass my Hogwash test.  Thus, I am excluding it from my Domain of Knowing.

9-11 was not one group or person.  It was perpetrated with the collusion of many people including all of us.  We are all complicit in the creating of anything that is created.  This is part of taking responsiblity for our part in the creating.  Never again will many people take the word of the government at its face value.  In many ways, 9-11 is a catalyst for the death of the pyramid power structure that is the holograph form that is our current domain of knowing... and is shifting rapidly out of such a holographic construct. I found the Moses Code to be very healing in this regard.  I am that I am.

I bless your HEARTS with LOVE--




Isis' Message of the Day -
Sovereignty is the cornerstone of knowing that there is no power outside of your Self that has dominion over you.  Therefore, each and every experience is an event based on the fact of power within, or a belief in the power without.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

ChrisBowers's picture

A consciously and purposefully exercised new domain of knowing. Some will confuse this with willful heads in the sands of avoidance, but that world viewpoint comes from unconscious and conscious attachment to the old and tired current domain.

unless we develop better focus by discussing and defining these natural reality makers, we remain fish floating down stream parroting opinions concerning the more comfortable status quo, for the most part, not even knowing we are doing it, but doing it all the same.

and there is the conscious exercise of our inherent power directed against ourselves.  done enough times by enough of us, the collective dominant "we" end up believing in forces outside ourselves stealing our power, something that will never be possible.  it is and always will be an exercise of willful surrender of our inherent divine sovereignty.

and we wonder why the ruling class elite, who have been busy carefully exercising their divine sovereignty for so many generations now, do not have much respect for the undisciplined gullible delusional common folk content with such petty trivial nonsense?  Not too hard to understand why they would view us as sheeple and goyim, cattle to be corralled at will by the simplest of means.

Belief in a power outside of us is a delusional exercise of the true inherent power within us.  Done enough times by enough of us we end up with the results of that common belief, what we literally and collectively asked for via fear and un-response-ability.  Until we see that we have no one to blame but ourselves for the condition the world is in, we will not find the will to change it.  Blaming anything on another is pure folly and hideously dismissive.  The current despotic feudal power structure is the manifest and natural answer to the simple equation of our collective enduring surrender of and unbelief in our true inherent divine infinite eternal Power of Now....

Thanks for the Inspiring boost dear sister...

Francis's picture

When I read this post on Saturday morning I read with a sense of almost relief because I thought I was going crazy Friday night.  I finally got around to watching the George Kavassilas material from the Blue Beam post and while watching it I began having serious feelings of foreboding.  And I mean my heart was palpitating and breathing became labored and irregular as if I had to really focus on it to smoothe it out.  Which is strange because I really enjoyed the material and resonated with it and found his take on the situation to be genuine and authentic, at least from his perspective. 

After watching his latest offering, Our Journey and the Grand Deception (, I found myself unable to relax, pouring over other material I've collected, trying to verify info, etc.  First off, I don't think my discomfort came from the Kavassilas material alone.  Like you FFG and Wendy, I felt as if something outside myself was having an effect on my physical functioning.  And reading your posts really took a load off my mind, as if I wasn't alone in this strange sensation.  It was like my physical body felt fear instead of my mind - and my rational and logical thinking processes were doing their best to calm it down.  Bizarre and frightening.  

Now the Kavassilas material that really struck a nerve and hightened all this was his take on the deception behind a lot of what we think are good intentions coming from behind the veil from our so-called benign and helpful friends.  First, he said the Galactic Federation of Light is a dark force posing as the real force of Light which he calls the Galactic Council of Light.  He goes on to say that many of the so-called Ascended Masters and others (I can't remember, but did he say even Archangel Michael is being imitated or part of the dark forces?!) are also being imitated by higher beings that are trying to trick us and keep us away from the true path to ascension because they need as many of us to stay in the fabricated reality, and that our lifeforce will continue to give strength to that reality.  To this effect, in essence, he said, well, think about it, if you were coming from their point of view and needed to keep as many of us as possible, and had every means available to you to do so, wouldn't you use your vast knowledge and access to our history to manipulate every little detail and then, when we begin to understand some of this manipulation, put on a front of love and brotherhood as if now you were our saviors?  Makes a lot of sense unfortunately and says a lot about how deep all of this may actually go...

Anyway, I don't mean to rant, but I notice that no one seemed to go over Kavasillas material in the Blue Beam post.  He comes off as very knowledgeable and, if we take him at his word, has traveled far and wide and has had access to much that the rest of us remember little of at present.  The Project Avalon Forum has a long post about all this (fifteen pages) and they didn't appear to come to any clear consensus on this conflicting info either.  My main concern is uncovering the truth about our friends and helpers.  Which ones are true and which aren't and how do we tell the difference if higher beings are not who they say they are even though they're clearly coming from a sto and love thy neighbor stance. 

Once again, Chris, I think you nailed it when you said, "If someone comes along saying they have the proof you seek, that may actually be the time to be a bit wary because deception may be just around the corner," and, "a request for proof can sometimes look like clever method for avoiding and/or dismissing something that makes the seeker uncomfortable at the present time."  It's all about our own evolution.  I definitely felt uncomfortable, and, man, I sure would love some proof of truth concerning all of this.  And all my talk about listening to the heart, I sure wish it would send me some clear messages.  Or were the palpitations my version of messages?  If that's my - bullshit - monitor what's it going to do when the real *#%@ starts happening!   

By the way, he takes a firm stance on avoiding the ships at all costs; that when they land it is a ruse.  He seems to take the stance that we have three roads: 1) The technological route, where evolution will rely on technology and all it's advances (which we see happening all around us now), 2) The dark deception route, where our evolution will continue much in the same vein as here, pain, suffering, violence, separation, and 3) The true ascension route where we will evolve in the true light of God which is completely organic and doesn't need technology for manifestation.

Man, I don't know, but it sure is an exhilerating ride though isn't it!!!  Think of how involved we all are.  If you were ever worried about being bored or less than enthusiastic about your life path, hold on to your seats, it's going to get bumpy! 

Alright, I need to wrap this up, I think I had too much coffee this morning. 

Love, light, and discernment!





Wendy's picture

Woo, Woo - I just realized it was Friday the 13th!

ChrisBowers's picture

I have enjoyed his contribution ever since I first saw him talk about the golden light balance that comes of the two polarized sides of light and dark finding the calm serene center eye of the storm, so to speak.

While listening to all the similar psyche and physical perturbation being experienced recently, my mind went to the Tom Kenyon website (  he has spoken on this as being a normal part to the continuing ratcheting up process that we and mother Gaia are going through simultaneously.  Many others lately have said the same.  Earth changes means changes for all of us too, for we are inextricably, organically and spiritually part of Her.

Mine has been coming in the form of tiredness and loss of short term memory, as if I just plain didn't care to try to remember, or just plain couldn't, blurry vision, etc.  One thing we need to keep in mind is that it is not a bad thing we are feeling/experiencing, just par for the course, albeit a course that human history has either not seen in a very long time, or has never experienced before.

I have said it in several posts and I will say it again, as the very inspiring Unity-minded Bill Hicks would say toward the end of each of his standup comedy sets, "Its just a ride"...  Also, to inspire hope for having an intimate intuitive nature you can trust, Dr. Hal Puthoff gave a great talk in two parts on google video that spoke of all the amazing successes in the CIA-funded Remote Viewing research at Stanford Research Institute...

As for the possibilities of STS entities masquerading as ascended masters, consider this.  We have no need of ascended masters in Reality, so any adherence to some spirit claiming to be an ascended master here to guide and protect you has to be running a very high risk of being false and deceptive, for we will never evolve spiritually as long as we are stuck in a saviorship mentality awaiting our redemption from something "outside" of "us", for there is no actual "outside of" anything, for all is One.  It would appear we are prime candidates for being the extremely gullible duped while being so attached to this 3d physical matrix...

As Elizabeth has said numerous times, "we are the one's we have been waiting for"

seeking for saviors and ascended masters is a serial search for sensationalism.  we are the calm truth we seek if we would just allow ourselves to Be, so be it...


Francis's picture

I love Friday the 13th - it's the day I met my wife (Oct. of 2000) and we celebrate each and every one!

13 is my favorite number.  It takes 12 + 1 to create a form from nothing-- such as an organic ship.  Christ had 12 Disciples which = 13.  13 is the number of the mid point in a 27.5 day lunar calender as well. 

13 Got a Bad Rap for no reason except for the convienence of a bunch of Oligarchies interested in maintaining their patriarchal poo poo power. 

I vote for a world wide campaigne to redeem 13 and restore it to its place as a sacred and beautiful Goddess Number. Laughing


Brian's picture

"Create a New Domain of Knowing"

That parallels something happening in my life-where I use distance healing/aiding through fervent prayer. One practice I have is intending for young people reported as abducted or missing to be found safe and unhurt. I've found I must CREATE this circumstance inside me by shear will and it isn't easy. It takes sometimes enormous force of will to overcome my complacency and uncaring mind. I have a 100% success rate thus far. But it takes a commitment of my life force and I'm not always willing to expend it.

What I'm driving at is that in order for there to be a good outcome I MUST create a visualization of at least one rescue scenario plus a complete dedication to the outcome-no matter how it comes about. It doesn't matter if rescue doesn't fit my pictures or if someone is hiding rather than being kidnapped-total dedication to the outcome is essential. Also I intend for the outcome to be of a highly useful and long-lived duration-rather than a temporary success followed by another tragedy in short order. I've been told it's risky playing with this stuff because such direct intention work can backfire with unintended consequences. Another thing I ask for is for this rescue to help bring about the end of such problems. That the world is becoming more healthy mentally and is doing away with such potential tragedies. I give my complete attention and intention to this process for from 60 seconds to 3 minutes and then completely let go and forget about it-it's exhausting, emotional experience. I usually remember to check back on the story the following day, sometimes 2 days later.

It's possible that I'm actually picking winners by precognition and just have convinced myself the prayer works...I am not totally sure it isn't just chance because I've only done this about 5 times over the last few months and I may be deluding myself but I can say that without a doubt I am 100% committed and that is satisfying.

It's this willfully created new reality that my inner voice tells me is essential.

LOL  As far as nefarious Beings posing as Archangels.. if the request is kooky... then it is kooky.  Discernment is key! 

I used to consider myself a Global Edenist until the last Global Eden was held at a casino in Reno, NV and the sacred geometry was held inside (where there is plenty of EMF interference, electromagnetic pollution etc... because "archangel Micheal said to go there."  Riiiight.  Imposters.  Tongue out

We did participate in the sacred geometry remotely in our backyard without any electricity in the middle of the night... and it was wonderful.  It was also closure as the Beings that came to assist gave us the head's up that Ego was afoot and speaking for their Kind.  So I took that to mean... well, the imposter was full of hogwash.

So, if a Being says give all your possessions to the possum that lives in the tree in the middle of the woods in Aspen and you have to be there by tommorrow or else... I would say, Get Lost, Imposter!  And Bathe them in Light and Love with all the Love in my HEART... and tell them to go back to their ship effectively kicking them to the curb.  It is really simple.  If the message is complicated--- it is HOGWASH!  I believe Alex Collier said that the STS Beings go to great lengths to avoid detection... and when you are aware of them and resist.. they leave you alone.  Resistence is contrary to Hive Mind. 

Universal Truths are simple.  Love is all there is.  All is One.  etc.  It is not complex.  Simple in its design so that most children can follow Universal Law.  LOL  Simple.

As Chris pointed out I do say this a lot because it is TRUE.  We are the Ones We have Been Waiting for!  If not YOU than Who will be creating your reality for you?

Genuine communication with Benevolent Beings always begins with you asking for assistance.  It always is gentle.  It always comes in the form of a suggestion or a new way of looking at things or a vision that shows a Universal Truth.  What comes to mind for myself is the Emissaries of the Light that visit from time to time to illustrate to me a universal truth. Such as the Flower of Life which they showed to me as a rose and bee.  When I researched this formation I found that Charles GilChrist had such a form.  The Rose petals in full bloom follow a spiral pattern which the bee traced.  That was the complete transmission. Simple! 

The next transmission had the same form of the rose and the bee with the addition of a hummingbird that was suspended in front of my eyes and it was suggested that I focus on the center of the hummingbirds beak and remember what I was seeing.  What I saw was the individual feathers of the hummingbird following a similar pattern. 

The next , the Emissary of the Light showed me a dandelion flower and head that is in seed.  The fluff is an exact representation of the Flower of Life.  This I discovered when I went looking for visual representations of this form. Along the way I also discovered that Metatron's cube is central to the Flower of Life and the Flower of Life is the very building blocks for all creation. 

No need for complex equations to truly understand the interconnectedness of all Life.  Life to me is defined as Love-Light or Vibration/Frequency.

The most recent visit from the Emissary of the Light was to show me Angular Momentum in action within creation.  What I learned from the visuals sent to me was Angular Momentum is integral to Unity Consciousness.  Fore the more that rest within the center the faster the velocity of spin-- leading to a higher vibration and thus shifting to a higher frequency--- thus a new Domain of Knowing/Timeline. 

Hugs do indeed make the world go 'round and 'round.

I am still fascinated by Angular Momentum.  I am still studying it and seeing it show up in the most unlikely of places... such in the swaying of a tree.  Angular Momentum.  hmmmm.  I am still learning about this rather simply designed Quantum physical fact.  Simple in design.  Simple in demonstration... hard to prove through current methods of physics (which I am in no position to claim any shred of success with)... So I learn about these mathematical Vibrational/Frequency truths through the art of visual story telling... That is what an STO communication looks like.  In no way was I "told" to do something.  Nothing was "revealed" to me.  No complex and ridiculous practices to do... no long winded guided meditations to try to say or follow along.  Just the simplicity of universal laws in action.

That is why I adhere to the Hogwash factor.  Complex just does not pass the Blah, Blah, Blah Hogwash test for me anymore.  Tongue out

I used to be a fan of Patricia Cota Robles.  I now just find it to be all noise.  There is no one that is coming to save us.  There will be consultants to assist us by mentoring but we must first ask for this assistance...  There are  no saviors except the Savior that resides within each of us.  We are-- it... each one of us... all of humanity across the Earth. 

The rub for many of us is we have been imprinted and conditioned for thousands of years to seek the saviorship model... outside of ourselves.  With the awareness of an ism we can then work to go around that imprinting and conditioning.  It can not be extinguished but the programming can be circumvented and ignored.  This is what I am doing.  That which is not paid any heed simply ceases to exist.  Not by attention or rehashing the scenarios endured in the past... but by letting it go.. forgiving it and the self for the folly and then simply giving it no mind at all.  Peace Pilgrim called this Giving the worry habit to God.  Which really is simply forgiving something and then paying it no heed.  Simple is Good.

So this is where I stand on this.  The Negative Ego/Demons/Nefarious STS Beings/NWO etc are all manifestations of our paying heed to that which we do not want in our reality.  Pay it no mind... it has no energy. Where our attention goes so flows our creation.  

I, personally, feel the age of the Guru is ending... I know of a several Gurus some of which have said the same thing.  The Guru/Master is the very same thing as Saviorship Model and really fits in nicely with the whole outdated pyramid holographic structure that we are slowly letting go of here on Earth. 

Proof is in the mind of the seeker.  Anything can be proven to be true or false based on the level of understanding and perception of the seeker.  At one time (well there are still some that believe) it was "scientifically" proven the Earth was flat.  People died trying to disprove this proven fact that the Earth was flat.  Anything can be proven to be true if that is what you are looking for: proof. 

A way to overcome this is to look at trends and to actually chart them.  This shows where energy is flowing and what the trend is... thus one can predict the trends and prepare for what may happen based upon the probabilty of frequency.  All future is, is based on probality.  No thing is set.  It simply is not possible for the future to be static and have free will. 

The ships--- I used to dream of flying in a space ship!  Lately I have come to be annoyed with all this channeled material that says "they are coming.  Mass landing soon.  Wait for us--- but don't count on it because we might not be able to land due to human interference."  I have come to see this as Blah, Blah, Blah Hogwash.

Why would Benevolent Telepathic and Wise beings ever land here, on Earth.  They can simply communicate with telepathically and beam any visuals necessary to the mentoring into an area where you can view them holographically.  For instance, The Emissaries beam their visuals outside my meditation space's window.  It is totally over the top for them to take on the karma involved in landing here on Earth.  To land here would mean that they were taking responsiblity for us.  This is simply not acceptable.

The most that that they would do is send one carefully selected delegation to Earth once us Earthers have made the choice to be STO and to Ascend en-mass.  So many ramifications would come from physical contact at this juncture in our awakening process that it would do more harm than good.  The risks exceed the benefit of such contact at this time.  Further, why would they land here when each of us has the ability to construct our own personal Merkabah-- vehicle of light and frequency?  Would it not be better to assist us in being Sovreign?

I personally would not willing get on a ship that landed in my backyard without being under duress.  There is a reason for caution. 

The Argarians made contact with a few people in the mid 20th century.  They did so knowing the ramifications of their actions and proceeded in a very delicate way.  The Agarian material I found to be highly STO and an example of what a Peaceful egalitarian Self-Actualized civilization would look like.  The contact was to encourage new ways of looking at our society and social ordering.  That was their mission.  They however did not do a mass landing.  They Were trying to avoid contact and not call attention to themselves overtly. 

George K has some good ideas.  However choice is truly unlimited.  The three scenarios he presented are probable--- but we are dealing with infinite choices of creation.  Who is to say that it has to play out like he lined it up?  This is just too rigid for me.  It feels wrong. This is of course my opinion--- and thus my reality.

So much to discuss... 



Body symptoms.  Chris, Ditto on short term memory loss.  Also I have a challenging time spelling these days.   I feel like I am feverish one minute followed by tiredness coupled with insomnia.  The body feels a little afraid... but the mind and heart are all okay.  So I am seeing this as just a release-- as Mother Earth-Gaia is releasing.  We are One with our Mother.  Have you hugged your Planet today?


UKFan1968's picture

I would like to say thank you to all of you on the Gathering Spot..You have added a new dimension to my life...When I started the Transformation Course I realized that I knew a great deal of the information I was relearning and since then I have really enjoyed and learned from and learned to love each and every one of the contributors on this site....I mean this from the bottom of my heart....THANK YOU...and please keep the posts coming....Cool

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