What's shaking the skies of the North West?

This was being discussed in another forum I visit.  I know some of you guys are up in this area and I am curious if any of you know anything about this. Hope all is well.

What's shaking the skies of the North West?

Underground virbations have been "annoying" residents in the North West. The accounts are from Vancouver, Canada, Calgary, Canada, and Newport, Washington all within the last month.

First, from Vancouver: What's that mysterious rumbling noise we've been hearing?

South Vancouver Island residents are puzzled by a recurrent loud rumbling noise that some liken to the sound of a jet, and others to an earthquake

Then Calgary: Calgary neighbourhood's 'hum' puzzles noise experts

noise expert has confirmed the mysterious sound disturbing some residents of a northwest neighbourhood, but finding the source of the hum is proving difficult.

And today: In Newport, subterranean vibration blues

a phenomenon that nobody can explain troubles residents..
"It feels like there's a helicopter going over your house and I open the door and there's nothing."

It is also possible that whatever is causing these "mysterious" vibrations and noises caused this landslide. Massive landslide baffles state officials

The landslide that smothered a stretch of Highway 410 Sunday could be among the largest ever to hit a state roadway, but its cause remains a mystery


So whats going on underground? Does anyone live in the area that can confirm these rumbelings, or knows of other areas this is occuring?

fredburks's picture

Fascinating information! Thanks so much for sharing that and for all the excellent links. I may use this for an examiner.com story. I suspect something major is going on, though I don't know what. You take care.

With sacred love flowing,

JoshERTW's picture

Some colleauges are in Calgary on business this week, I asked them to let me know if they felt anything like whats described in the original post. Going to call up my uncle in Vancouver when I get a chance too


It seems like there are reports like this in other places from time to time, mostly out west.

I have always wondered in these cases if this is not the drilling of those underground tunnels 2-3 miles down. They have that nuclear drilling tool that they use - pure speculation.

I also note that this is sort of in the general area of where the Olympics are to be soon. Maybe the tunnels are being made to reach under the Olympics. - ok that's probably a stretch.

JoshERTW's picture

Heres some wild speculation and conjecture - They are using HAARP to destabilize the fault lines in the area prior to the Olympics, then during them there will be a huge earthquake, and all nations will "unite in grief" giving bring public support for a world currency, possibly backed by gold/silver/bronze in honor of the olympians?

Sadly, this was one of my first thoughts when I saw this article originally. I'm really turning into a conspiracy theorist haha. Please no one take that too seriously, I must say though it is a bit strange, still waiting to hear back from the folks who were out there from work.

ChrisBowers's picture

While watching the Bush/Cheney Administration bumble through like such arrogant and delusional novices I was perplexed as to how in the world a group of presumably saavy government professionals could manage to look like such smirking blithering idiots (it seemed a bit over the top at the time, as if one of them were going to come out and say, "gotcha"), and then I learned about Chaos Theory.

In Chaos theory there is a period of destabilization, followed by a period of reorganization that becomes more stable than the previous one.  The most simple form of this theory can be seen with the sand in an hourglass.  As it pours down through and piles up, it finally loses its ability to pile any higher (much like the stock market in 2000).  It goes into a short period of destabilization, followed by an even more structurally stable pile of sand.

I bring this up because this type of thing seems to be continuing, and I would not be surprised if we see more bumbled attempts at false flag events and manipulation, further exposing a fading paradigm desperate to retain its crumbling power structure...  Keep an eye out for this type of thing...

LLP, Chris

Berry's picture

My friends,

It seems popular to look at natural earth changes, and immediately start creating conspiracy theories.  Perhaps what is being experienced in the northwest US/southwest Canada is indeed manmade.  However I want to suggest that the more you dwell on the possibilities that these occurances are designed to create a cataclysmic catastrophy, you are creating the reality in your mind and adding to the global mind set that these things will occur. The Law of Attraction in action!

Rather I would like to ask all to think of the positive possibilities resulting from the ominous rumblings under the area and imagine Mother Earth, Gaia, in the process of giving birth to a new Earth. Or perhaps that she is simply releasing obnoxious flatulence from all of the abuses she has for so long endured.

I agree that TPTB do have those tools to create such things as MarkB  or Josh mentioned above, but we are co-creators and we can prevent catastrophes by invisioning positive and enabling results. 

Just my two cents,

Love and light to all



onesong's picture

on this one, I have to agree that our thoughts need to be placed on positive projections rather than conjecture of what might come to be. First there was the word, we must all learn to use it wisely. More may ride on it than we have ever imagined.

Everything that ever was in the physical realm, was first a thought in the mind of man.

(If I bought into fear that would be more frightening to me than conspiracy theories!!! Ever hear 'careful what you wish for - you just might get it'...lol)          

JoshERTW's picture
lefty-dave's picture


  .....and thank you for that 2 minute piece from April...just what I needed right about now...have been having a tough year...think my chemistry (thyroid ) is off, or some other entity has entered my human instrument, cause I ain't been me for quite some time....

As for the rumblings....we have them here in Florida, but it's usually some craft re entering atmosphere...had one at 6pm today...made all the curtains move , but its just a boom, not continual rumbling...




When faced with something that does not feel right simply Hail it

I Hail you in the Name of the One True Infinite Creator!  (say this with authority and with all the Love you can muster in your HEART it helps to think of something that you Love--- for me it is roses and lilies... for you I dunno but you do!--- Say this 3 times with a 20 second wait... if the being has not filled you with a feeling of LOVE and/or has not spoken back to you (either telepathically or aurically or in some case you will smell Roses or sulphur depending on what you are dealing with)  Then you simply set up an energetic boundary.

The Boundary is LOVE/Heart energy.  And here once again think and feel something that fills your HEART with LOVE--- And say:

I BATHE you in LOVE and LIGHT and Bless you with LOVE (say this with LOVE and Authority...) Say this 3 times in a row with 20 seconds between each stated LOVE-OFF (a celestial middle finger if you will with the greatest LOVE of course).   This statement above alerts the Intergalactic Calvary if you will... and the ArchAngels and Benevolent Beings of LOVE and Light will show up and assist you and remove the intruder. 

This works for me... we are all burning bright and when you shine a light the bugs show up--- So call in the calvary and all will be well.

I recommend after doing this to go out into nature and hug a tree or a large boulder.  Tell Mother Earth your troubles and Praise the LOVE of the Universe.  Done with an attitude of Gratitude this will bring you more of that which you seek:  LOVE and Being yourSelf.

Also, I have used Psalm 91 and 93 of the Christian Bible (King James Version) this too works like a Intergalactic Hail but only in Christian speak... but it is still an active link to those who will assist you.

I am glad you found the message from Veronica/April helpful!  I found it of value as well.

I embrace you with a Quantum Hug!



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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"