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Brian's picture6 years ago
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Brian posted a new Topic in General Discussion:

 A Ukrainian friend of my housemate sent her an email about Russian press manipulation...pretty interesting.

I'll try and copy/paste it here-Love to all:


  • tscout's picture
    6 years ago

    I guess they didn't show up,,huh? I think a good reply to her might be,,,It ain't only in Russia honey! That's just the tip of the iceberg! After seeing the tech that can put words in the president's mouth here a few years ago,I don't know what to believe anymore! Sooo, I don't watch much anymore! And,,,so far,,,I haven't missed a thing!

fredburks's picture6 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in General Discussion:

Warning! The essay below contains the most disturbing, yet well researched information you are likely to ever come across.

Should you choose to read it, you will learn about secret societies literally hell-bent on controlling the destiny of humankind. You will find undeniable evidence of Satanic cults which teach that rape and murder are virtuous acts, and they practice what they preach.

  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    That's a very honest answer Brian. A case so dark as this really tries one of the key "beliefs" taught in the transformation course,,,,that everyone has a heart, and wants to love,and be loved. Is it possible that one can be so far out of alignment with their true nature that they can become creators of the extreme dark side of themselves? maybe!

  • Brian's picture
    6 years ago

    OK I read most of it and I didn't get depressed. Guess I needed to get that off my chest. The fact of it being widespread is so hard to believe

  • Noa's picture
    6 years ago

    I am in the process of confronting a deep, pervasive fear within myself. Since agreeing to confront it, doors have begun opening up for me. So, Brian, maybe you could try taking on a fear or two and see what happens.

  • Brian's picture
    6 years ago

    Thanks Noa. This is really interesting. I read "The Universe Has Your Back" by Gabby Bernstein and it was the first book that really got me to see the opposite of fear is love. (well maybe others have said that but i couldn't hear them?) and it altered my life. I started to confront things I haven't dared to confront before and have felt much more peaceful since. This has been such an important time for me because literally every day and nearly every minute of every day has been an assault of fears and anxiety that has haunted me for years. Not saying I don't still get triggered-I am- but it's made it so I can see each fear as just another thing to experience-that it won't break me-I will make it through-I will gain freedom from things that have plagued me for years, decades, my whole life. Wow. Yesterday I was cowering from this mysterious and deadly serious dread about something I can't even remember what and it dawned on me to just look at that fear. Even though it has scared me to my bones for years I could see it was just another thing in my mind and not some certainty but an errant thought-something that seemed worse the longer I avoided it. (boy do I have a lot of those). I've also found out I'm not alone in being plagued by constant fear because several writers shared publicly this was their reality too. It's made me stop thinking I am defective, broken, mentally ill cripple I have often feared myself to be-NOT! I would recommend the book but I think my experiences were not necessarily reproducible within another person by reading it-it may have just been the right book at the right time for me....

  • fredburks's picture
    6 years ago

    Wow, Brian! Thanks for sharing those important realizations and shifts. I love what you are doing. And thanks, too, Noa, for courage in confronting your fears. This is soooooooo important! It's amazing what happens when we choose to face our fears head on and shine a loving light there.

    I invite you to review two essays which can help to deal with this. Here they are:

    Take care, and have a rich day and week ahead.

    Sending much love and support,


  • Brian's picture
    6 years ago

    The links were really good reminders. I needed to hear the second one so much-about the choice to react to what happens to us-Victim or Creator? I esp liked:

    "It might be the terrible politicians, your boss or the evil cabal of the power elite that rules the world." Lately I've been worrying about a power elite and knowing somehow it's not what I want to do but I just couldn't remember WHY I didn't want to worry about it-real or not.

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fredburks's picture6 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Personal/Spiritual Growth:

Safety, comfort, and security. As I look around at the current state of this world, I see that most of my friends through their actions and choices continue to place their own safety, comfort, and security as a higher priority than being a stand for what’s best for all beings everywhere. Rather than building the courage to face to the potential chaos that might result from shining a loving light into the shadows and focusing on what’s best for all, most default to focusing their time and energy on what will give them and those around them a secure and comfortable life.

  • esrw02's picture
    6 years ago

    Wow , a true real live hero's words !

    You are an awesome human being Fred, thank you for doing what you do !

    I have changed my life in so many ways, it is unbelievable ! I am extremely grateful for you partner !

    Love ya man !

  • fredburks's picture
    6 years ago

    Thanks so much for your kind words, Eric. It is an incredible and please to serve you and many others. Much love to you!!!

  • Brian's picture
    6 years ago

    I second the motion Eric.... ;-)

esrw02's picture6 years ago
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esrw02 posted a new Topic in Healing/Health:

Fear is a heavy vibration and a low frequency. In contrast, peace, calmness, love and harmony are light vibrations with a high frequency.

Anger and rage are low vibration energies. Underlying them is always fear and a feeling of powerlessness or vulnerability. When we stay calm and centered, we sustain a high vibration. We are empowered. When we hold this energy we can speak our truths and live with integrity and be our authentic selves.

6 years ago
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fredburks's picture6 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Spiritual Activism:

Our consciousness is enveloped at the deepest level within an infinite field of vibration. The more we open to this sacred field of limitless possibility, the more we realize our infinite potential as conscious fragments of the Divine. This deepest or most expanded level of awareness inside each of us is fully engaged in an infinitely expanding exploration of all that is possible in the universe of existence in this forever unfolding moment of now.

sacred field

7 years ago
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Noa's picture7 years ago
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Noa posted a new Topic in Political Activism/Cover-ups:

Politics can be confusing -- at least to me.  This article cuts through the rhetoric to put things into perspective, so I'm passing it along.  I agree that Putin may be the only voice of reason against these endless, childish war games - Noa


Is North Korea a Diversion for a US-Jordan Invasion of Syria?


  • Brian's picture
    7 years ago

    I don't believe any of the stories above. I have little ability to judge these claims so I choose to not select what is believable. The Interweb's are a comedy show inserted into a previously understandable world that had only run of the mill disinformation to contend with. Screw asteroids and AI and nuclear war. We may just roll up into fetal balls of surrender from the sheer bombardment of internet horse hockey...or not lol.

  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    I find this much easier to believe than the story on mainstream tv,,,,,but,,,I agree Brian, I have no way to prove or disprove any of it. Having beliefs about any of it only weakens my alignment with my self, something I have found to be crucial to life.So,lately,,,if you ask me what I think about the dope problem,,,I would respond with George Carlin's answer,,,,Yes, i definitely believe there are too many dopes!

Noa's picture7 years ago
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Noa posted a new Video in General Discussion:




Kevin Richardson demonstrates what I've always felt is true -- that man is supposed to be the caretaker of animals.

One-love's picture7 years ago
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