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fredburks's picture7 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Sacred Sexuality:

Wow!!! Awesome piece on the importance of checking in around sexuality. I've emailed the author to see if I can include this on my new website at Have a great one!

  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    Great story, and a great way to make men stop and think about how life looks to their ,,,,,opposites

  • Wendy's picture
    7 years ago

    Great post. It's not just about sex but it's about everywhere and everything. The job / office environment - it's the reason women get paid less for doing the same job from my perspective, It's about time we've had the return of the "gentle" man!

Bodhi's picture7 years ago
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Bodhi posted a new Video in Healing/Health:
The brilliance of the late Leonard Cohen and the harmonic vocal precision of Pentatonix...  music for my soul...  I give you, "Hallelujah" heart bliss 




  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    Whatever force brought those kids together definitely had this in mind, they are just so tight. And there's only a few real bass vocalists out there,,Avi is one of them. I was downloading their videos and playing them for the kids in China,,,they were in awe, and begged for them every day. Of course they are the same kids that begged for Minecraft parodies too!

    If you didn't follow Kristyne's link on the other post, Cohen explained that the song was written as a sort of recognition, or acceptance, of a "less than perfect" world,, which I guess is like saying,,,"All is as it should be",,or,,"All is well",,,, kind of fitting for the Gspot. Thanks for the Official version B, the video's a little better than the lyrics version on the other post

  • Bob07's picture
    7 years ago

    This is one of the best renditions of "Halleluja" that I've heard. A great song, a great group. Thanks, Bodhi.

    In keeping with the season, here's their performance of "Mary, Did You Know?":

  • fredburks's picture
    7 years ago

    Yes!!! These guys are just awesome! So much heart and soul in their music. I've watched and listened to many of their pieces, something I haven't done with any other group. Thanks, Bodhi!

  • Noa's picture
    7 years ago

    Love their music and also their look.

Noa's picture7 years ago
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Noa posted a new Video in Transformation Tools:

This looks like one way to get out of the mess we´re in...

  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    thanks Noa,,I love his stuff! (except for the computer voices,ha! They are starting to get to me). To me, it is the same thing as saying, "if we start to serve others, our vibrational level rises, and the timeline changes, individually,or collectively. I guess that, visualizing it this way will help many who don't understand it, or, find it hard to act on, when put in other words.Cool

ChrisBowers's picture7 years ago
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ChrisBowers posted a new Video in General Discussion:

Mathematical Discovery of Planet 9 complete and they are now searching the patch of sky where they expect it to be.  Also revealed that the data used to predict planet X is incorrect data (explained in video).  And note that the video is 40 minutes long, even though it shows 1:11:35.  At 40 minutes it begins to repeat...

Planet 9 Explained and Explored with Astronomer Konstantin Batygin - YouTube

  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    That planet sounds pretty cool,,,,like,,,really cool,,ice,rock,and gas! Of course, no one has seen it yet, and it has nothing to do with planet x, it is only affecting some asteroids in the Keiper belt. And that leaves 3 more to be found according to the Sumerians , and the South American astronomers of old. That glitch in the mass of Uranus,,or Neptune would explain why no one found something there. Then again, the probe they sent out in the 80's reportedly found and photographed that red monster everyone talks about, and that's when it became "illegal" to talk about Planet X. It was an open conversation up to that point. I also found it odd that they never even mentioned using Hubble to search,as Hubble has seen way farther than they are talking about looking here, it seems the obvious thing to do. They have invited all astronomers to search that big patch of sky. Hey everybody,,,look over here!

Bob07's picture7 years ago
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Bob07 posted a new Topic in General Discussion:

It only just came home to me -- and to internet news people like Alex Jones -- that this has probably happened.  I'm surprised how deeply it has affected me -- because of the respect I have for Assange and people like him (Snowden, Manning, Ellsberg, Edmonds, to name a few...)  We owe them a lot.  Let's hope he's hiding out somewhere.  As you will see, the facts are anything but clear.

Here are some links:


  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    Hi Bob,,,I saw this yesterday morning as well,,the mention of the guys storming the embassy was pretty unnerving, but no one seemed sure if it happened! Don't those places have a secret way out? Or a secret wall that opens or something? Ha! I hope he is just hiding out too! There is another story out about him being granted amnesty,,,I hope that one's true!

garydgreer's picture7 years ago
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garydgreer posted a new Video in General Discussion:
  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    those were really funny Gary! I was just thinking how Hollywood really supported Clinton, and how both Wash. DC and Hollywood are the two places waist deep in pizzagate right now! Of course, pizzagate is quickly proving to be an international affair, but here in the US, that's where all the power and longtime history of pedophilia thrives. It's like this underlying link between a lot of powerful people that had them so sure that they would prevail. Is it possible that Trump actually won when he wasn't supposed to? I'm still up in the air about it! And,,,I'm burned out on all the post election small talk and speculation about what and if he will do anything effective,,,it's all just talk now! But it was really fun to watch all the experts stick their foot in their mouths,,,thanks

fredburks's picture7 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Political Activism/Cover-ups:

If you think things have never been worse, watch this short, eye-opening video...

One-love's picture7 years ago
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Wendy's picture7 years ago
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Wendy posted a new Topic in General Discussion:

Hi All,

I've been enjoying these conversations about the influence of music at Gnostic Media. The 2 interviews are with Dr. Hans Utter. He actually ends up not only talking about the big influence music has on our minds and bodies but also pretty much launches into a whole class on music theory in the second interview.


Wendy's picture7 years ago
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Wendy posted a new Video in General Discussion:

This just blew me a way. I think Jay Weidner knows what he's talking about. It's like he's created a theory of everything for world history. This explains so much - in my opinion this is a must listen video.


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