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One-love's picture7 years ago
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Wendy's picture7 years ago
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Hi All,

I've been enjoying these conversations about the influence of music at Gnostic Media. The 2 interviews are with Dr. Hans Utter. He actually ends up not only talking about the big influence music has on our minds and bodies but also pretty much launches into a whole class on music theory in the second interview.


Wendy's picture7 years ago
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This just blew me a way. I think Jay Weidner knows what he's talking about. It's like he's created a theory of everything for world history. This explains so much - in my opinion this is a must listen video.


ChrisBowers's picture7 years ago
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ChrisBowers posted a new Video in Political Activism/Cover-ups:

I went through 5 pages of recent forum posts to try and find a forum post primarily on the subject of global climate change and could not find one.  I find it intriguing that there isn't more discussion on the subject these days.  So now we have a recent forum post for all things global climate change related for anyone to post whatever they wish in relation to the subject just for the Halibut.

Here are a few excellent choices for the increasingly unavoidable subject at hand:

fredburks's picture7 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Inspirations/Transformational Stories:

Hey awesome friends,

I invite everyone to share one or more of their favorite inspiring quotes here. Here's my all time favorite to kick it off:

"Our deepest fears are the dragons that guard our greatest treasures."  ~~  Rainer Maria Rilke

inspiring quotes 

  • Eyejay's picture
    7 years ago

    Have worn a medallion of this for many, many years. Finally decided it was time to make it permanent..........."For all that was, is and ever will be"


    symbol is called

    the Galactic Butterfly

    which is said to represent all of

    the consciousness that has ever existed

    in this galaxy. This is all of our physical ancestors

    both human, animal, reptile, fish, shell fish, plants as well

    as the consciousness which organized all of the raw material from

    a whirling disk into stars then planets and solar systems. Big Meaning. So

    big that the original Maya had no symbol for this. In their civilization it was like

    having no name for God. Just knowing the concept was good enough. Later this pattern

    was devised by Toltec or Zapatec weavers as a pattern for blankets and this is where Jose Arguelles

    came across it. He called it Hunab Ku. The indigenous peoples call it "The Galactic Butterfly". Butterflies are seen

    as ancestors returning for a visit to physicality. Wearing one of these symbols is very powerful as it broadcasts your

    reaching to actively join the consciousness of our galaxy.

  • onesong's picture
    7 years ago

    from this mornings TTAC talk with Bob Bell quoting George Carlin (whom I greatly respected as well as enjoyed!),

    "I never believe anything the government tells me."

    and then there is this...

    "The owners of this country know the truth: It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it."

    makes me want to shout to the masses....WAKE UP....!!

    whose bad dream is Hillary and the Donald anyway?

    off now to drum and dream a much higher vibration!! Blessed be our dreaming today and everyday.

  • ChrisBowers's picture
    7 years ago


    Gary Snyder is a poet. He was born in 1930 so he's been around for most of the important things that happened in the last century and this one. And he has had quite a life. He's been a fire lookout, a logger, a Buddhist monk, a translator of Chinese poetry, a painter. He was there when Allen Ginsberg and the Beat poets of San Francisco read Ginsberg's poem "Howl." And Snyder is theoretically the man on which Jack Kerouac based a character in his novel "Dharma Bums." At the age of 84, he has published more than 20 books. His most recent is a slender volume of mostly short poems, and we hope he'll read some of them for us. He joins us from KVMR in Nevada City, Calif. Gary Snyder, welcome to our program.

    GARY SNYDER: Pleased to be here.

    WERTHEIMER: Now, what about getting right down to it and reading a poem? This one is called "From The Sky."

    SNYDER: "From The Sky." (Reading) The sand hill cranes are leaving, soundings from the sky. Songbirds from Central America begin to arrive. Flitting through the bushes, snow patches on the ground, truck still in four-wheel-drive.

    WERTHEIMER: It's interesting, though, that in some of your poems, there's - you know, there's just sort of the - you're purely dealing with nature, and then you'll stick something in like the truck that's in four-wheel-drive.

    SNYDER: Well, you know, that's the world we live in. Poetry isn't about just nature. It's about reality. And as a Buddhist, Buddhism does not just favor a nice side of the phenomenal universe. Buddhism says we are all students of reality, whatever it is.

    WERTHEIMER: The poem that's on the very next page is called "Here."

    SNYDER: You want me to read it?


    SNYDER: (Reading) Here in the dark, the new moon long set. A soft grumble in the breeze is the sound of a jet so high, it's already long gone by. Some planet rising from the East shines through the trees. It's been years since I thought why are we here?

    WERTHEIMER: Do you want to explain that last bit? What is that?

    SNYDER: Well, that is our existential question. And a lot of people think about it all of the time. Now, few people never think of it. I'm one of those people who thought about it for a long time and then quit thinking about it.

    WERTHEIMER: (Laughter) Why was that?

    SNYDER: Because I was working on it so hard that it was no longer an intellectual or rational exercise. It was more a something in my own nature that I was trying to get around, get close to. And maybe it's not a real question. We're here because we're here, as Mr. Natural says.

    WERTHEIMER: Do you still live up in the mountains in a house you built yourself and all of the things that I've read about you? Or - is that all still happening?

    SNYDER: Oh, yeah, I drove down here from that house just a few minutes ago. And it still is learning what it's supposed to become, I think. It's a great old house. I felt every tree that went into the framework.

    WERTHEIMER: You've outlived lots of your hard-living buddies from the bad-old days. How do you feel about writing now? How do you feel about being alive?

    SNYDER: It's wonderful. Every moment is really interesting, and I'm grateful to be alive. And I'm ready to die whenever it happens. So you try to bring some little bit of quality to your choices and, you know, stop and appreciate things maybe a little more than you did when you were trying to meet - match a big steady schedule.

    WERTHEIMER: Gary Snyder's new book of poetry is called "This Present Moment: New Poems." Thank you very much for doing this.

    SNYDER: Well, thank you for doing this.

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  • Noa's picture
    7 years ago

    In my experience, everyone will say they want to discover the Truth, right up until they realize that the Truth will rob them of their deepest held ideas, beliefs, hopes, and dreams. The freedom of enlightenment means much more than the experience of love and peace. It means discovering a Truth that will turn your view of self and life upside-down. For one who is truly ready, this will be unimaginably liberating. But for one who is still clinging in any way, this will be extremely challenging indeed. How does one know if they are ready? One is ready when they are willing to be absolutely consumed, when they are willing to be fuel for a fire without end. -- Adyashanti

  • ChrisBowers's picture
    7 years ago

    “We’re under some gross misconception that we’re a good species, going somewhere important, and that at the last minute we’ll correct our errors and God will smile on us. It’s delusion.”

    Farley Mowat

    “It is to this new-found resolution to reassert our indivisibility with life, to recognize the obligations incumbent upon us as the most powerful and deadly species ever to exist, and to begin making amends for the havoc we have wrought, that my own hopes for a revival and continuance of life on earth now turn. If we persevere in this new way we may succeed in making man humane … at last.”

    Farley Mowat

    and these excellent quotes from Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Society

  • fredburks's picture
    7 years ago

    "After we have mastered the wind, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we shall harness the energies of love. Then, for the second time, man will have discovered fire." ~ Teilhard de Chardin

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onesong's picture7 years ago
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fredburks's picture7 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Inspirations/Transformational Stories:

Awesome short essay by Clarissa Pinkole Estes. With lyrical poetic language, she paints a picture of these deeply troubling times, yet call us to remember that we were made just for these times. Read and be inspired!!!

Noa's picture7 years ago
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SayNoToCrap's picture7 years ago
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  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    Obama has signed stacks of executive orders in his 8 years, and none of them favor the citizens of this country. Some have taken away rights to the water beneath your land,others take away your right to a lawyer. The government is a runaway train, and all you can do is try to stay away from the end of the tracks. Do what you can to serve others and let them run their course...

  • Noa's picture
    7 years ago

    Hmmmmn, if the government really cared about our safety during "space weather events," wouldn't they reserve a place for each citizen in an underground bunker? I wonder how they plan to mitigate things like solar flares.

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