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Trish's picture7 years ago
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Trish posted a new Topic in Personal/Spiritual Growth:
I recently read "When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress," a book by Gabor Maté, M.D., about how chronic stress, especially that of childhood trauma and emotional repression, is linked to the development of diseases and other conditions.
fredburks's picture7 years ago
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fredburks's picture7 years ago
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fredburks's picture7 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Spiritual Activism:
Creating a New Paradigm "All the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of a single candle." The Old Paradigm
New Paradigm.
  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    Hi Fred,,,great post......I just heard a great comment, thought it fit here...

    The man had been talking about the "Mandela effect", and Saturn,,,then ended with,,, Don't let it get to you folks!. There's a lot of crazy people who think their in control, but don't forget, They're just playing their parts, The end game will be played out through all of our hearts! Then he added,,, "So go love someone,do something nice for someone!"

Noa's picture7 years ago
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Noa posted a new Video in Political Activism/Cover-ups:
Noa's picture7 years ago
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Noa posted a new Topic in Political Activism/Cover-ups:
7 years ago
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fairyfarmgirl posted a new Topic in General Discussion:
Good Greetings to All: I am reading an interesting book called "The Coming Global Superstorm" By Art Bell and Whitley Strieber. I have been studying Climate Change and many of its components. I have read many of the books written by Marshall V. Summers who writes about the "New Message." I am in the process of comparing this book with the New Message "Great Waves of Change" books. I am finding this book to be very interesting. Perhaps you will too I bless all with Love Fairy
  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    Wow,,,it's freaky just listening to you describe the shaded"south side",,ha! Your way down under brother! I'm just finishing up my first year in California,so it's all new to me here. Everything was green all winter here,even through the few snowstorms we had. It started raining in November last year after two years of bad drought, so everything took the chance to come back to life. But now it hasn't even considered raining since May, and most everything is dried up again,ha!

    The rising frequency issue is so true! Even though it is measurable with tech now,and is monitored constantly, it is never mentioned as being part of the equation in the computer models that are predicting all this mayhem. I think that, watching all the changes, being in tune with them, is a good way to keep up with it, just like you're doing. I am usually surrounded by squirrels here every morning when I exercise,,,but today, I noticed there wasn't a squirrel in sight! It worried me for a minute, like,I thought they might of known something was about to happen, but nothing did! A couple of hours later,when I went to work,there they were. I sit outside a lot at night before sleeping. Last month, I saw a ufo, pretty close up, that I mentioned here. Since then , I have seen another, but it just cruised by silently overhead. I also saw a huge fireball last week which seemed to burn up right in front of me,,,,,that one showed upon you tube a couple of days ago.Oh, and the shooting stars have been visible every night! Night time is my favorite time here. If some of the theories out there come to pass, this area where I am, (by Yosemite Nat. Park) could be the new west coast,ha! No one really knows which way it's gonna go, so I'm just trying to observe as much as I can. Oh! Have you noticed the wobble down there at sunrise or sunset? There is a guy in New Zealand who has been monitoring it. I can see it regularly here, as some days the sun comes up a full 10 degrees off from normal. I stand on the same spot every day, and have markers, and it really seems to be happening,it is a big difference. After I saw it a few times, and was sure it was happening, I stumbled on a site where they keep daily records, and lo and behold, they are showing a full 10 degree wobble in the Earth's daily rotation. They can't blame that on global warming, but they could blame global warming on whatever is causing that wobble! As the Sonews guy says,,,"Keep your heads up,eyes open,,,nofear!"

  • ChrisBowers's picture
    7 years ago

    10 degree wobble? That huge! Especially if it is happening inside a 24 hour period. I don't get it - how can this be happening without something much more drastic happening with the oceans and tides?

    Could this be Trump's fault, Haaa Or maybe Hillary and Lucifer, Hahaaa

  • Noa's picture
    7 years ago

    I couldn't find anything on the internet verifying a 10 degree wobble, but I did find this interesting little video:

  • Noa's picture
    7 years ago

    How global warming stats are skewed:

  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    Haha! I love the video on the different graphs used to create more dramatic results. This came up in the past here and someone posted a similar video. It's pretty easy to see how they can manipulate statistics, real handy in election years!!

    I have also been looking for more info on the wobble. I am going to email the Aussie who posted the wobble graph(it wasn't like the graphs above, it was an overhead planetary view with the normal wobbling monitored,and the strays that are reportedly taking place). I couldn't find the link in his screenshots.

    What I did find was a lot of info on the wobbling that is going on all the time. Just the forward motion of the spin,(the procession), supposedly gives us a wobble. They claim there are 2 other effects that cause wobbling,,,,a total of 3 that are monitored regularly. It sounds like the 10 percent figure might have been measured from 0, as opposed to 10 percent beyond the normal wobbles. No mention as to whether the tides are caused by our common,ongoing wobbles, or the moon,as is so commonly believed.

    I wouldn't of even stopped to look at it, but I had noticed these oddities at sunrise several times. I stand in exactly the same spot every morning, for the better part of an hour. I have tracked where it rises since last October or so, when I moved to this part of the ranch. I stand on basically the only flat ground to be found,ha. At the solstice in June, I had a perfect marker, a dead, straight as an arrow, bull pine tree, exactly between me and the sunrise. The sun rises straight up behind the trunk of that tree. But,,,at least three times, it has risen a good 10 degrees to the right, or south of that tree for one morning.Then,,,the next morning,,,it's back where it was!! That was very noticeable,, no mistakes. So, does that fall in the range of what they say is going on all the time? I don't know. Haha! If the flat Earthers are right, it's all BS anyways. Is it just a glitch in the matrix? I don't know. When I set my compass up outside, I also see the sun rising in the northeast, so I am inclined to believe what the elders are saying. They engage the sun in their lives on a daily basis, and speak based on their daily observations, rather than data collected who knows where. They aren't claiming to know why,, just pointing out what their seeing. My compass says it's rising in the northeast,and we are well past the solstice. It seems odd after watching that video where they say it normally never rises north of the Tropic of Cancer! That is the South China sea,,,almost on line with the Gulf of Mexico in latitude. But I guess that's because we are in the northern hemisphere. It is also funny to hear Eyejay speak of the cold spots on the south sides of the trees, because of our geographical opposition.

    If it's true that all these changes are connected to the rise in frequency on Earth,and in the solar system, then maybe the best way to rise with it is just to observe,and embrace it. The video on graphs Noa posted is a great reminder that all statistics are presented to put forth an idea,which can just as easily be an agenda... Personally ,I am in awe when watching the videos of all the extreme weather and earth changes. I am not indifferent to the suffering that accompanies it, but often wonder how in tune people are with where they live, and with what's going on around them. We can no longer say,,"oh no,,,we don't get that here!"

  • Eyejay's picture
    7 years ago

    "I am not indifferent to the suffering that accompanies it, but often wonder how in tune people are with where they live, and with what's going on around them"


    Todd, I recall very succinctly the day the Tsunami hit Thailand.....

    The Thai government reported 4,812[1] confirmed deaths, 8,457[1] injuries, and 4,499[1] missing after the country was hit by a tsunami caused by the Indian Ocean earthquake on the 26 of December 2004. The Thai authorities estimate that at least 8,150 are likely to have died.

    So many souls leaving at one time, I felt a huge lift in awareness, and a real feeling of peace came over me. In comparison to the Twin Towers where we all watched the event in horror.


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Noa's picture7 years ago
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Noa posted a new Video in Political Activism/Cover-ups:

Since we've debated Trump's potential presidency for several weeks, maybe we should give equal time to examining Hillary's character.

  • ChrisBowers's picture
    7 years ago

    The People's Summit in Chicago over the weekend featured on Democracy Now this morning. Inspiring to see the Bernie Movement continuing as The People's Movement. Much more than becoming POTUS, it is what Bernie wanted all along.

  • 7 years ago

    I will not vote for either Clinton or Trump Both have done a great job pulling out from under the rocks those who are completely and utterly bat shat cray cray.

    Both are cut from the same cloth. Both are very representative of the majority of people on Earth right now--- they are all in a state of confused 3D.

    I bless all, cause we are all going to need it in the USA.


  • tscout's picture
    7 years ago

    The whole primary "story" has been so "bat shit cray cray" that I have a funny feeling there won't be an election. May I suggest,,,,,,,Guano cray cray!! No,,,Bat shat is a classic,,,guano just doesn't have the same feel to it! Carry on!

  • 7 years ago

    It will be a 700 year shift. We are just barely at the 70 year mark of the 700 yrs.

    There will be much that we and those of future generations will be faced with. In the end will be all have an Expansion of Awareness or will it be a few that do? It hard to say as the probabilities keep shifting. The Future is made in the Now by the individual and Collective Consciousness.

    The game of Election Politics is a game of percentages. So if you wish to play to win, bet on a winning horse eeehr president.

    Do we go with the Devil we know or the Devil we don't know?

    Both Devils will deploy the military. The Devil we do know will deploy it in the usual way. The Devil we don't know will deploy the Military in ways we have not thought of.

    I await the end of the DNC convention to see if there might be an Angel that could win the war of percentages.. but that is well a long shot.

    The best advice is to vote with your conscience while understanding how this game is played. ****Big SIGH***

    The New Game must be to change the Rules.

    I bless all with Love


  • Noa's picture
    7 years ago

    I agree, Fairy, my intention with this post was to expose the "devil we don't know." Too many people are trying to decide between either Trump or Hillary without knowing all the facts -- as if those two candidates are the only choices we have.

    You said it beautifully, "The New Game must be to change the Rules."

  • Noa's picture
    7 years ago

    I think this vid is worth consideration:

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fredburks's picture7 years ago
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fredburks posted a new Topic in Spiritual Activism:

Hey awesome Gathering Spot friends, I'm off to Europe to visit the awesome intentional communities of Findhorn in Scotland and Damanhur in Italy with my beautiful lover Angela. Exciting!!! For those who don't know about Damanhur, which has been called the "eight wonder of the world," check out the great article below. Amazing underground temples! This is my first extended vacation in may years, though I'll still be doing some work while I'm away. Much love to all!!!

  • 7 years ago

    The Fairy Realm is afoot in those spaces. I look forward to hearing about your experiences at Findhorn.

    In my garden, I have evergreen kale. It has wintered over here in NH for 3 years. Every March through the snow grows my friend, Kale. I also have radishes that planted themselves all over my garden. I had radishes in March as well.

    In NH, where March is winter. Spring is usually jokingly called April 21.

    Nature is our friend. If we work with her, abundance is assured at the most unexpected times, like winter!



  • fredburks's picture
    7 years ago

    Damanhur blew me away! I'm very excited about what I saw, learned, and experienced there. No time to share more now. I hope to tell you more laters.

  • Bob07's picture
    7 years ago


    We're still waiting to hear about your visit... :-)

  • Bob07's picture
    7 years ago

    .... I mean, with a teaser like THAT....

  • fredburks's picture
    7 years ago

    I so wish I had time to write more now, Bob. In short, I'm deeply impressed with Damanhur's founder Falco, who died three years ago. He apparently was born remembering his past lives in another planetary system. He knew he came here to help re-create the more loving, harmonious way of living from his previous lives. He had incredible spiritual wisdom, yet did his very best not to become a guru.

    I talked with number long-time members in the community and was impressed not only with their vibrance and commitment, but also with how they are deeply committed to personal and global transformation.

    I hope that gives enough of a taste for now. If you remind me in a couple weeks, I can share more. Take care and enjoy!

    Much love,


  • Bob07's picture
    7 years ago

    Thanks, Fred. That's a pretty good appetizer. I didn't mean to pressure you.


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