I've been away for 2 weeks with limited internet access - what's everyone else's excuse for not posting?
I've been away for 2 weeks with limited internet access - what's everyone else's excuse for not posting?
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
Well... I've posted LOTS, but what's the point of MORE if it doesn't engender conversation or discussion? Then it's just ANOTHER failed social media.
Anyone can use the WWW or internet...
Hungry ghosts...
Yes, I quite agree - it's all pretty meaningless if there's no engagement or interaction. And yes, I quite agree, you have posted lots. You still seem to be reading and talking about a load of books I've never heard of. I need to go back and look at the post where you made a couple of recommendations - I couldn't get online to investigate when I originally saw that post. I do believe there are synchronicities and universal guidance all around us, if we're open to seeing it. I usually make a point of at least taking a look at stuff that's thrown up in front of me. I'm ploughing on with my re-reading of the DT and have come to the end of the Drawing of the Three - once you're hooked in, it's very easy reading. We can find messages and snippets of Truth in everything we read - fact or fiction - but I suspect we'll all take away something different depending on what we need. I've recently started reading the Games of Thrones saga and was struck by a concept presented there - power resides where we believe it to reside. No more and no less. Again, the idea that the reality we experience is inextricably bound up with what we believe to be true. No more and no less.
Yes, DT hard to put down. GoT was also a good read. Probably can't hold our breaths for him to finish after doing the show for so long...
Just had my 46th birthday right before the summer solstice. Good times.
We bought a raft and all the gear this year, so we're trying to get more in this summer. Need a light weight trailer still...
Wife at Telluride Yoga Festival this weekend. I'm home with our dog and friend's dog who also went to the TYF.
Got some photo albums of the 1893 Columbian Expo World's Fair in Chicago. MIND BLOWING. I have a sneaking suspicion some of those buildings were already there... The big T and all...
Got the Tao Te Ching interpreted by Ursula K LeGuin, Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach, Lolita by Vladimir Nebokov, Chariots of the Gods by Erich von Daniken, Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikovsky in my reading piles AND The World of Ice and Fire I wanted to check out before we watch the last season of GoT sometime...
Words, words...
Check out TARTARIA and events circa 1300-1800ish. ESPECIALLY before and after 1800. Comets, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, global upheaval and the beginning of the NWO. GOOD TIMES.
TYF looks amazing - just did a quick Google search as I hadn't heard of this - especially as I do have a definite yogic leaning - I presume this isn't so very far away from where you live?
Here is the UK it's the week of the legendary Glastonbury Festival - I love the idea of it, the diversity, the inclusivity, the music, and good vibes that appear to be an intrinsic part of the experience - but I feel I've left it too long to get involved in something like this now, far too big, far too many people and far too intense - sometimes there's a big gap between the idea and the reality. A friend of mine went to Glasto in the early years when it was just a few people camping out in front of a stage! Sounds like more my cup of tea.
About an hour's drive with no traffic to Tellurizzle. She went out to shake it to MC Yogi last night.
Glastonbury Festival looks HUGE. Waking the dead King, there.
Yep we live in Montrose. Used to live in Longmont and Boulder area. Escaped the crowds.
There are hills to the east of us toward Gunnison that remind me of the look of the Tor at Glastonbury. Almost like one has that same meandering labyrinth to the top...
Would like to eventually settle in some hills like that.
I'm away at a fun summer camp for adults until July 7th with very limited Internet time and connection. Much love to all!!!
Behave Fred! No wet hot American summer! Unless you can pull off Paul Rudd's extended gasbagging gag...
Rescued three kittens from tree across street. Six weeks old probably. Couple dead ones in there, so mom gone awhile. That was 7/4. They're recovering nicely! Our dog is VERY curious...
Well done you! It's a big responsibility saving lives. Will you be keeping them?
Perhaps. Maybe ONE. We're sponsoring them for adoption...
Just feeding them and expanding their world view for now!
Others are helping and lending support. We're putting their story out through Katmandu Paonia and their Facebook page.
If I could now figure out how to post pictures...