1 Giant Leap

I just came across two musicians who call themselves 1 Giant Leap.  But to call them "two" doesn't come close to defining them, as their work encompasses musical talent from across the globe.

The trailer explains the idea behind the music.  If you open the link in Youtube, you'll see their other videos.  I believe most or all of them are clips from the full movie, What About Me, included below. 

Trailer:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG8AvHCpnkg

What About Me may be my favorite film of the year (2008). ~ Noa


Synopsis: Through music and film, "1 Giant Leap" explores the universal complexities of human nature. Jamie Catto (Faithless co-founder) and Duncan Bridgeman set out on their journey recording musical jewels and words of wisdom with the cream of the world’s thinkers, writers and entertainers along the way. The duo traveled to the farthest corners of the planet, to ensure immense cultural diversity in this time capsule of humanity at its most inspirational.




fredburks's picture

Very cool, Noa! Thanks for sharing that inspiring video. Much love, Fred

Brian's picture

Moving and stirring. And in places people infuriated me too. Music made it wonderful and packed with emotional power. What a gift.

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